I guess Faerin must have changed the requirements between versions because while I was making my walkthrough I went back and forth on my saves until I found that the Tennis scene can happen after Sophia's handjob scene. To confirm I just went through my old save files (playing on v0.8.5b) that are before the handjob and want I got was that before the scene Debby has the hint to improve the relationship with Sophia and after the scene, it changes to tell that Sophia plays tennis on the weekend. Went to tennis on the weekend and the event triggered. And yes it takes two days, the first for the idea and a second to trigger the event.
I was a bit behind on my replay from the rework, but I finally managed to get almost all caught up after this one (still haven't done the neighbor, she doesn't interest me at all, so I am waiting on her to have more story, see where it leads first). For me, no matter how often Sophie showed up for my match, we were not able to talk to her about the blackmail until after we had sex, might have even needed the beach scene with her first. Can't remember. But I was on 8.5b by the time I got there.
Hey The Devian. Okay, I understand you that you are still standing at Emma, and what you said you think is also Pam is already in my own right now, I did not really take her under the layout and gesture of Pam. Well, I see that probably in two and others are trying to imagine, now from those 3 what we mean as Pam, Emma or Linda. Really with Pam, it's cool. I really did not think that she could also be that angel. But those eyes still wonder me. How would they shine from what we know earlier from the company we have. After all, none of these people can have such eyes, unless they are lenses of this color, or a robot adapting to each of these people. Well really shock. Greetings.
What my main point about Pam was that I think the poses are not really something we should use too much, since they are likely from a set of poses they sell for Daz Studio.
What we need to consider are Body type (though that could possibly change thanx to the nanobots, but we don't have proof of that, it's just speculation), while Linda is close, her bust isn't as big, and like I mentioned before, she would have jumped MC at the first opportunity, if it were her, and also she didn't know the MC when he first met Angel.
On top of many problems (like her needing sleep, and we supposedly knowing where she is when we meet Angel), we have the option to guess she is Claire, and she denied it. So she's out.
Emma and Pam are the two most likely based on body type, both have (maybe), jobs that allow them to sleep in (though technically if Pam is the opening manager, she would have to be at work at least as early as 9 am to do the morning prep work, but she could have others doing that if she is the owner), and they both knew him before he met Angel.
That said, IIRC, Angel is kind of new to the area, and Emma just got to town not long ago, and has to move around, from place to place, working random part-time jobs, as if she was hiding something, or not wanting to settle down for some reason (though that could be like me, she just has a wanderlust, and that is the cheapest way to see the world), which kind of fits the background for a vigilante, which is why she is still my #1 suspect, though Pam and Linda are close.
We also know that both of 'Angel's parents are dead, or in jail, and she was a kid at the time, so some one had to take care of her, meaning that I have to assume she was 'adopted' by someone (if it was Pam, then maybe she was taken in by her uncle, or Emma by our grandparents). We also know that Emma is Claire's younger 'sister', how much younger is debatable... Do we even know OUR last name?
Just to muddy the waters a little more when Emma leaned over Mike when he was fixing her router he commented on how good she smelt so if she smelt that good then he would have recognised the same smell when Urban Angel kissed him and after seeing Emma turn over on the beach those WMDs would have trouble fitting into that suit.
I cant see it being Linda as she seems to be more of a predator and wouldnt have been so coy when MC asked her out, I honestly think if it was Linda she would have jumped his bones there and then in the park. She also works at Cydroid yeah she could be there to gather info but she seems to be on Claires level and probably has the same access as Claire and would have all the info she needs by now as Claire doesnt exactly secure her computer everytime she leaves the office.
Russo is an Italian surname Italians are synonymous with Ice cream parlours or pizzerias Pam works at a pizzeria she also works for her Uncle I think her Uncle took her in and cared for her as her father was locked away she also has the same physique as Urban Angel so I am actually going for Pam and before anyone says look at the hours she works at the pizzeria things evolve up until a few months ago we didnt know there was a Tennis Court and we also didnt know Sophia played Tennis but we do now.
No I dont have any insider information on this either as Faerin is playing his cards very close to his chest on this one this is just my opinion
Larry, that Pizza and doc's last name is a good point, I did not catch that myself... The perfume one could be easily explained by a shower, or the nanobots generating some kind of scent. There was something else though, about him recognizing her voice, or something in that part of the scene that stood out to me, but I can't remember exactly what it was... That said, if it is Pam, maybe she 'smelled good', because she smelled like pizza...?
The only reason I can see Linda not jumping him, is if she is really only after him to piss off Claire, and then 'Angel' doing it would not have that same effect, unless Claire knows Linda is Angel... But Angel seems too ...kind to be Linda, their personalities really clash, Linda is a straight up cougar, so unless that is a cover (and that WOULD fit, like Bruce Wane the Playboy), I find it hard to believe. The more I think about her, the less I think it is, unless she is really good at hiding her identity. But, that is enough of an 'if' to keep her in the running a bit.
Just based on body type alone, Emma and Pam are the most likely in my eye, and then you add in these other factors, and it just gets stranger and stranger... Angel follows the anime trope,
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, and those two certainly qualify.
Oh well, either way, I hope we get to 'date' her (and more) before we figure it out... It's more exciting that way.