In the choir of celebrations, while I like the game and think it is good, I have to say it has three big and one minor defects, adding a dissonant note:
1) Since RPGM allows to save only between scenes and combats (basically, only when you can move around), there should more of those when you get to the fight at the hotel and in the metro (e.g. add up one after you defeated Stan for the second time), or one has to go back through a long sequence of fights and clicks again (even because there is no real skip ir RPGM, one has to go through all the screens, even the ones added up as kind of narrative after the fight);
2) If you beat a character, and they are at zero (dead), they should stay dead, not they come back again at full strenght while your character has been weakened by the combat;
3) Most often, even when the attacks you use are supposed to have an impact, e.g. confuse the enemy for 1-3 turns, appear the message the enemy is confused, but then they immediately go back to normal, so, their "confusion" element is useless;
4) Minor but annoying, the sex scenes are basically two images, maybe there could be less, but with more screens, otherwise the "continue" button is basically useless, one ends up having to use always the "stop" button to go forward.
Point 2) is especially annoying, because it does not mean it is impossible to win, but becomes almost mandatory to cheat getting yourself lot of stuff to reinforce yourself, and even so, it will take a long time to go through all the fights, because you spend more time healing yourself than actually doing fight moves.