Can someone help me please? I has some problem from a while and it looks with every new update this didn't change! When i am playing the "last Sunday" (the last for now,before 2 updates i think) just before i press Manilla to go to sleep and start the new day (on late night in Saturday before Sunday) i already complete all quests till then and when i start the Sunday it shows some phone message where it's say the phone is Spamming,then it's say i has a new quests,but when i open the phone there are no new quests and two of the quests i already complete(Roullete and Clayton) it's shows me that they are failed instead complete! I manage to find some quests after all,when i skip the day and go to that alley where Manilla is working like a prostitute with the three clients there,but looks like i can find that quest even if i go there in Saturday after midnight before i decide to go sleep and start the new day! If i skip that whole day and start the next one Monday,then everything else (except this two quests i just mentioned are failed instead already completed) it's good and normal like before - i can see the new missions and play them,there are no others quests which from completed are failed and everything is good! This problem with this two quests which from completed are showing them like failed after i start the last Sunday happens only if i play the path where Manilla killed J.Blue - If i play the path where Manilla take the bribe from J.Blue,this two quests are ok and they are not changed to failed,but the problem with the "Spamming" message and not allowing me to see the new missions on that las Sunday happens in everyone of the three paths,not only in one of them and the problem is only on Sunday after that everything is ok! Is there someone who know how to help me fix it?
PS: The new update it's really good - Finally Mr.Ghellar fucked Manilla if you play the path where she killed J.Blue

Hope soon that Mr.Ghellar will fuck Manilla again

and of course in the path where she took the bribe from J.Blue soon will has a new sex situation with Mr.Burk