On the patreon (when there is money) the developer puts out surveys from time to time that are about the level at which most of us have manila at lv18-20 and based on this he makes the fights, as well as adding skills and accessories such as the belt that Allows you to heal and recover energy instantly.
This is already endgame (of the main story) and no it is not made for win-win if manila loses at the gas station she will be taken by soldiers and taken directly to the endgame unless you are a bitch and shoot her to the eye to the mercenary who chases Grace and then for revenge he will kill Manila. Again fault of your choices.
The game is not focused on superpowers, however, that direction was seen coming since I added the Kami and given the end is approaching, the result is obvious.
It is obvious that the sex scenes in the update are disappointing since they don't even make narrative sense since what all the enemies want at this point is to kill her, not to fuck.
So in my opinion he shouldn't have included any and instead worked on Ghellar and Mason's repeatables.
The best thing that those who are frustrated by combat and lose because they are not strong (and they find it boring) can do is wait for the final version of the game to come out where he will create routes and edings for each path justice, corruption, victories or defeats and above all the most important thing for many sex scenes.
In conclusion relax and wait for the finished product.