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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Personally I wish we had more time to deal with aware guests. If there was a stage between unaware and aware, call it "alert", where the visitor, after seeing something that would trigger awareness (unless he gets outright attacked, then its straight to aware), starts investigating the manor, reading books, and builds up suspicion which eventually leads to awareness, we wouldn't have as much need for guards in the first place. Then it would be more reasonable to have more guests and stuff like guards are less needed, and more time could be devoted to recruiting monster girls.
Have you just never had a Visitor remain Blue long enough to go yellow before they stumble across a Beegirl or something?
There is a Suspicious state. Depending on what caused it, they'll investigate their concern and start acting out, while still remaining non-hostile. They can still be calmed down back to blue, by Maids Reducing Concern, Reduce Concern food/medicine, or Succubus Dreams.
Manor concern causes them to start Observing adjacent rooms. Maids concern causes them to follow a Maid around the manor. Mysteries concern causes them to go to the Library and start researching. Leaving Concern causes them to try and leave through one of the yards, then go to Katanashi and ask why they can't leave, followed by them going to the Library and trying to research the Barrier.


New Member
Mar 21, 2020
I downloaded the Manor Alpha 17 and when I used the master to join in the sex with someone who has succubus's mark that currently has sex with the succubus. The game freezes and won't progress to the next turn. Also, the master turned into a male card (but I forgot to screenshot that).


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
I downloaded the Manor Alpha 17 and when I used the master to join in the sex with someone who has succubus's mark that currently has sex with the succubus. The game freezes and won't progress to the next turn. Also, the master turned into a male card (but I forgot to screenshot that).
Known bug, Maids and Guards crash the game when trying to Join someone having sex in progress. Update soon, hopefully.
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May 27, 2017
Have you just never had a Visitor remain Blue long enough to go yellow before they stumble across a Beegirl or something?
There is a Suspicious state. Depending on what caused it, they'll investigate their concern and start acting out, while still remaining non-hostile. They can still be calmed down back to blue, by Maids Reducing Concern, Reduce Concern food/medicine, or Succubus Dreams.
Manor concern causes them to start Observing adjacent rooms. Maids concern causes them to follow a Maid around the manor. Mysteries concern causes them to go to the Library and start researching. Leaving Concern causes them to try and leave through one of the yards, then go to Katanashi and ask why they can't leave, followed by them going to the Library and trying to research the Barrier.
Not quite the same thing, I'd like to see all those tasks relegated to an actual state with its own mechanics, like an evidence concern needing to be filled before they become aware, just how the awareness state follows its own rules. More importantly, outside of you attacking them, visitors even when they see something dramatic like a transformation or someone they know well being a maid should have to pass through the "alert" stage before they go straight to aware.

Basically what I hate right now is a visitor sees someone they know well be a maid, or gets a really bad answer when questioning, and its *boop* awareness time. Now you have a pain in the ass and you deal with them immediately or every other visitor will eventually be just like them, along with potentially your staff getting knocked out.

I just want more of a transition, because awareness is a irreversible state that nullifies a lot of things you can do and feels more like a failure state. Its fine that it exists, but one bad result should not nullify any work you've put into pacifying them, especially given the RNG nature of visitor actions.


May 27, 2017
Did some playtesting of Alpha 17. I want to cover some more suggestions and a bug report.


Game soft crashed (turn never resolved) when a horny visitor shooed out a idle nurse in the infirmary, barricaded the door and started masturbating, then the nurse broke the door down and walked in.


Visitor maid concerns were going up by about three points each turn from either one of two things. Max dirtiness, or the entertain idle from bunny girls. Dirtiness makes sense (didn't notice it before though), but if its the entertain idle that shouldn't be a negative.


- Right now Alraunes are basically good for only two things, attracting bees (which is also a negative) and being harvested for power. I would like to see a passive gas effect that slowly causes visitors to forget bonds. The gas effects the yards the Alraunes are in, and some of the gas seeps into the dining room from the rear yard, and into the entrance and west and east halls from the front. More Alraunes have a stronger effect. The gas is invisible to guests but if they have knowledge of Alraunes they can resist the effects.

- Entertain from bunny girls should corrupt the visitors slowly.

- To encourage the new transformation types, the first upgrade into a guard or bunny girl should be free.

- Empowerment should be twice as fast. As the game goes on it can take a LONG time to fully empower your team.

- Some sort of "difficult" guest. My idea was a magician who can't be directly casted on, has high magic stats, and starts off aware, but has a low combat stat. The other is a warrior that can't be transformed directly and has high combat stats, but has a low magic stat and is vulnerable to the disorient spell. These would occasionally come when you have at least eight maids, or you have more than four monster girls.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Did some playtesting of Alpha 17. I want to cover some more suggestions and a bug report.
I don't think the dev actually frequents this thread, so you might want to head to the discord if you want to make suggestions.
I can provide some feedback though.
Game soft crashed (turn never resolved) when a horny visitor shooed out a idle nurse in the infirmary, barricaded the door and started masturbating, then the nurse broke the door down and walked in.
Could be the current bug plaguing A17, which is that maids can't join sex, and trying crashes the game. Dunno why she'd join without being ordered to, but could happen.
Visitor maid concerns were going up by about three points each turn from either one of two things. Max dirtiness, or the entertain idle from bunny girls. Dirtiness makes sense (didn't notice it before though)...
Visitors do gain maid concern from seeing dirty rooms. You can check their Concern value changelog for things that are annoying them, and click on the concern to narrow it down to what's affecting that specific concern.
- Right now Alraunes are basically good for only two things, attracting bees (which is also a negative) and being harvested for power. I would like to see a passive gas effect that slowly causes visitors to forget bonds. The gas effects the yards the Alraunes are in, and some of the gas seeps into the dining room from the rear yard, and into the entrance and west and east halls from the front. More Alraunes have a stronger effect. The gas is invisible to guests but if they have knowledge of Alraunes they can resist the effects.
Alarunes also passively generate power similar to maids, and Seed people who wander into the yards, which can be incredibly powerful if you specialize in it (Seed in Entryway, vitamin food, vitamin medicine, no-one survives).
The gas idea... it really feels like what Succubi already do with their powers/dreams, and what Diffusers literally do. Not my call, though.
- Entertain from bunny girls should corrupt the visitors slowly.
It kinda does? It arouses visitors, and if they Proposition a Maid when that concern peaks, they'll get slammed with a big chunk of Corruption when they finish.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
- Right now Alraunes are basically good for only two things, attracting bees (which is also a negative) and being harvested for power. I would like to see a passive gas effect that slowly causes visitors to forget bonds. The gas effects the yards the Alraunes are in, and some of the gas seeps into the dining room from the rear yard, and into the entrance and west and east halls from the front. More Alraunes have a stronger effect. The gas is invisible to guests but if they have knowledge of Alraunes they can resist the effects.

- Entertain from bunny girls should corrupt the visitors slowly.

- To encourage the new transformation types, the first upgrade into a guard or bunny girl should be free.

- Empowerment should be twice as fast. As the game goes on it can take a LONG time to fully empower your team.

- Some sort of "difficult" guest. My idea was a magician who can't be directly casted on, has high magic stats, and starts off aware, but has a low combat stat. The other is a warrior that can't be transformed directly and has high combat stats, but has a low magic stat and is vulnerable to the disorient spell. These would occasionally come when you have at least eight maids, or you have more than four monster girls.
- Arlunes serve a purpose as a monster girl. Thats infecting Vistors (turning vistors) and making some power. They can practically do it for free. They really a type of weak stealthy monster girl whos restricted to grass and plant areas. I dont like that idea at all. Arlunes are not known for making gas. If they could do anything, it be using their vines. Maybe give them an ability to entwine visitors. Similar to tieing them up. The have some maintenance with them, that being they need to be milked and left alone, attracts Beegirls. Maybe they could do something sexual in the future (tentacle sex!!!) but for now its not implemented
*edit* just wanted to add, they are purely optional too. You dont really need them to play the game. Same as succubus.

- Bunny girls dont corrupt off the bat. They arouse, which if led to sex, then can corrupt. I think its fine. Tempting is how you corrupt a guest using maids/bunny girl

- Fee? ehhh ?
- Empowerment ? Well thats the point, your increasing your maids skills by time and power. Its not a temp upgrade, its permanent. So you need to put in the time for it.

- I dont know about difficult guest.. But unique guests would be an interesting idea.
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May 27, 2017
I've read the feedback, and I've made some tweaks, along with an explanation why I made my suggestions, along with more I thought of. (I know its probably not going to be read, but who knows.)

- Each monster girl should contribute consistently in some way in pacifying the guests. Conversion is a separate matter. That's why Alraunes seem rather weak to me because they only contribute power, which only has an indirect effect and feels rather generic.

- Succubi are awesome, but they have no effect on bonds, which is why Alraunes would be perfect for that role.

- Call the gas effect "perfume", which is more consistent with the lore, and have the alraunes choose between producing pollen or perfume. (Their bodies use what's in the pollen to produce the perfume)

- Docile bee girls, when they harvest enough pollen, take it to the false hive to produce honey. This honey is then taken by idle cooks to add to meals. Many meals enhanced by honey have stronger effects (roughly double) and are far less likely to be rejected or resisted.

- Give the false hive a "sun roof", where docile bee girls can fly in from the yards for making honey easier.

- Regarding the special visitors, each of them have certain quirks. They come equipped with items (magic helmet for warriors, magic wand for wizards/magicians) that are bonded to them. These items are the source of both the bonuses and minuses. When one of them is transformed, these items are dropped and can be sacrificed for contribution. Neither visitors nor the manor side can equip these, (though guests might think they are a bit weird.)

- Furthermore, the special visitors have a chance of engaging in odd behavior.

- The magician has a 50% chance upon entering the manor of heading straight for the library. They will fight any maid inside, shoo out visitors, and will barricade the door once empty. They will then obsessively research everything, starting with any trap books, then all the knowledge BUT about the master, then finally the master. Once complete they'll go and attack the master.

- The warrior has a 50% of being paranoid and sick (mentally). They will suspect everyone they meet, reject anything a maid offers, and will search for the infirmary. They will then fight any maid inside, shoo out visitors, and barricade the door. They will take any fake medicine items (like the maid making fake syringe) first, then try medicine at random until they are "cured". If they take real medicine, they will become a normal but aware warrior, but if they take a placebo, they will forget all concerns and bonds, drop the helmet, and become a normal visitor.

- Just thought of one. Secret maids will passively clean rooms by a small % as they pass through. This can be thought of as picking up a can on a table or a piece of trash on the floor, just small things that make the room a little cleaner, and doesn't cost time or attract attention. If however they travel into a 100% dirty room, they have a chance of snapping and cleaning the room obsessively until its at 0%. Needless to say this WILL attract visitor attention, but there's a chance a visitor will view it positively.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
I've read the feedback, and I've made some tweaks, along with an explanation why I made my suggestions, along with more I thought of. (I know its probably not going to be read, but who knows.)
Oh, it's being read, just not by the developer, so you're not actually making suggestions here, you're wishing for what you'd like to see. Take it to the discord if you want to actually be read and considered.
- Each monster girl should contribute consistently in some way in pacifying the guests. Conversion is a separate matter. That's why Alraunes seem rather weak to me because they only contribute power, which only has an indirect effect and feels rather generic.
I've presided over Manors where this was tested. If you don't convert your guests, they just build up until someone snaps and you lose everything.
Every other form of conversion takes a resource. Mana and Time for Maids. Time, Mana, and Opportunity for Succubi (need them to sleep or read Succers to be allowed). Nectar for Beegirls, which itself comes from Pollen from Alarunes.
Alarunes infection? Time, and a 12-turn cooldown on infects per Alarune. I throw downed hostiles to them that I don't have other plans for, simply because it's the easiest way to get rid of them. It works especially well because Alarunes only care about their Magic stat, and even then only for Hypnoing hostile beegirls. A 5/all Alarune is very similar performance wise to a 14/all one.
- Succubi are awesome, but they have no effect on bonds, which is why Alraunes would be perfect for that role.
Paranoia Power says Hello.
- Call the gas effect "perfume", which is more consistent with the lore, and have the alraunes choose between producing pollen or perfume. (Their bodies use what's in the pollen to produce the perfume)
Again. Diffusers. Their Pheromone ability also only applies to their current tile.
- Regarding the special visitors...
I went and checked, and special visitors was on the roadmap for the Extended mode, so it has crossed the developer's mind. The idea is if people escape, they'll tell people about this freaky mansion in the woods, and you'd start getting more suspicious visitors with special abilities.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
So after having a look a the new guards. I just dont like them.. It seems like they dress like pirates too. If they were going to be a proper guard, couldnt they wear some uniform or something akin to a manor servant? The guard thing seems out of place for maids. I kinda wish the time was spent on introducing a new monster girl that could perform the role of a guard. That could also share with the succubus cap.

4 monster girls that came to mind after thinking about it, that would have some stealth element (so they're not seen in plain sight). Vampire, Gargle (act like statues) Nekomattas (cat girl), or Kitsunes (fox girl). Three of them have viable TF options too. Not too sure with the Nekomattas, but something could be worked out. I have some ideas what quirks and abilties they could bring too. but thats for another time for discussion.

Might post the idea on TFgamesite sometime, but It might be already too late.... or unwelcome /shrugs

For now I wont bother with the guards, and keep using beegirls to suit that role. I have them stalk aware vistors waiting for the right time to strike :3


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
So after having a look a the new guards. I just dont like them.. It seems like they dress like pirates too. If they were going to be a proper guard, couldnt they wear some uniform or something akin to a manor servant? The guard thing seems out of place for maids. I kinda wish the time was spent on introducing a new monster girl that could perform the role of a guard. That could also share with the succubus cap.

4 monster girls that came to mind after thinking about it, that would have some stealth element (so they're not seen in plain sight). Vampire, Gargle (act like statues) Nekomattas (cat girl), or Kitsunes (fox girl). Three of them have viable TF options too. Not too sure with the Nekomattas, but something could be worked out. I have some ideas what quirks and abilties they could bring too. but thats for another time for discussion.

Might post the idea on TFgamesite sometime, but It might be already too late.... or unwelcome /shrugs

For now I wont bother with the guards, and keep using beegirls to suit that role. I have them stalk aware vistors waiting for the right time to strike :3
Beegirls are already the Monster Girl equivalent of Guards. Making another Monster Girl Combatant would either be redundant or replace Beegirls entirely, depending on which turns out better. I've also seen Kitsune being shot down as a form due to them not being Manor servants in Pandemonium lore.
TBF, I think Beegirls should be equal or better at fighting then Guards, since the latter is more expensive but can operate in the open. As it stands, I think the guards extra HP and combat mode that makes them seek out hostiles makes them better fighters overall.
Though, if your main complaint is the uniform of the Guards, you can Change Appearance them with a Visitor appearance to make them visually appear as Trainees, if that's more your preference.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
Well I wouldnt say it would replace beegirls.. Beegirls also attend to the Arlunes more efficiently than the maids can. Which in turn you dont have to worry about send your maids out to garden. The new monster girl added to the game that could take on the role of guard would have another ability or function too. I suggest it sharing the succubus cap (ritural cap), to keep some balance. And unlike the guards, monstergirls have to stay hidden thus alert the guest after being spotted. Gives them some risk using them head on.

Kitsune already been shot down ? hmm I thought it could of been a good spirit type monster.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
All I can say is... Finally. Hopefully the Big bug is fixed, it says fixed some behavior where characters were considering leaving rooms with people having sex, but I was pretty sure it was Maids not being able to join sex (at all) that was causing the crashes...
Manor Alpha 17 Patch 1
Windows 64-bit -
Linux -
Mac -
+ Fixed memories of beegirls not showing beegirl images
+ Fixed traitors not wearing their clothing as part of waking up/finish bathing/etc.
+ Added WADS map movement
+ Maids attending visitors and traitors should now wait outside when characters are having sex/masturbating better/more proactively
+ Fixed a crash occurring when characters without goals are considering leaving a room characters are having sex in
+ Characters searching for other characters should now generally wait until the information they have about the location of the target is stale before asking about them
+ Hopefully fixed most cases where characters immediately give up on having sex with someone who propositioned them due to other concerns
+ Possibly fixed a case where a character would ignore their meal too long, then cook for themself, due to being distracted
+ Multi-turn actions should no longer be cancelled by mode changes
+ Fixed succubuses having two sex options
+ It should now be possible to order a character to do something other than sex, then swap them back to having sex, without the sex being lost track of
+ Fixed some issues with characters leaving sex that may have caused various problems
+ Concerns about doors being locked/barricaded should now only add once (unless seen unlocked/unbarricaded and then again locked/barricaded)
+ Hopefully fixed succubuses deciding to bash doors in various circumstances they shouldn't
+ Fixed confiscation goal continuing after a target becomes player controlled
+ Fixed maids assigned as nurses/librarians agreeing to be shooed out by characters intending to have sex
+ Added missing bee unaware avoidance room-wide order
+ Having sex with a succubus now corrupts a visitor
+ Fixed multi-drop action cancel button not cancelling properly
+ Hopefully fixed an issue causing characters to not properly remember that they were unable to shoo certain characters out of rooms
+ Hopefully fixed changing succubus idle modes causing them to forget about sex they intend to join
+ Visitors waking after being moved to the infirmary or their bedrooms now gain less concern
+ Shooed controlled bees and succubuses now hide instead of leaving
+ Fixed usable items being usable on characters that have left a room
+ Characters seeking to relieve their horniness should now propose sex to other such characters or join groups having sex in rooms they are in
+ Added clothing collection behaviour to guards
+ Modified various goals that involve taking clothing to not be lost when idle modes on a maid taking clothing are changed
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drunk off sake
Feb 23, 2023
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May 2, 2020
Interesting game, lacks H scenes but interesting nonetheless. Reminds me of that one game where you set up series of traps to capture girls to fuck/torture them (I forgot the title if anyone is kind enough to remind me).

So far the challenge only exist at the start when you got many guests but only 2 maids. After dealing with them and getting some more maids/Succubus/Plant girls it became walk in the park, late game really need more contents/difficulty spike and if possible H scenes.

My main concern is that most transformations is a tad bit too easy too pull. Turning guests into maids, succubus, and bee girls is a no brainer as long you know what are you doing. I think it need more effort or stages to complete the transformation something closer to the plant girls transformation steps. Even then, plant girls are not that difficult either, the challenge lies mostly on the 1st one you transform (due to the lack of maids at the start) and the later ones are easy. Other than that, some features/mechanic feels really redundant. But since this game is still on development then i think it can get a pass.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
So far the challenge only exist at the start when you got many guests but only 2 maids. After dealing with them and getting some more maids/Succubus/Plant girls it became walk in the park, late game really need more contents/difficulty spike and if possible H scenes.
I mean, the dev clearly agrees with you.
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May 2, 2020
I mean, the dev clearly agrees with you.
View attachment 3991950
Damn... i continued playing for a few hours after capturing the 1st guests batch and never meet her. I met a girl with Nanako skin from VH if you can even call her special char but i reckon she is just an easter egg due to how mid her stats was. Is there any flags that you need to fulfill to spawn her? Or she just come randomly


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Damn... i continued playing for a few hours after capturing the 1st guests batch and never meet her. I met a girl with Nanako skin from VH if you can even call her special char but i reckon she is just an easter egg due to how mid her stats was. Is there any flags that you need to fulfill to spawn her? Or she just come randomly
She's a preview, not in the game yet.
The Dev plans for police to show up in response to missing persons reports, look around the manor to confirm they aren't there anymore, then (try to) leave.
Stopping them from leaving brings more Police at once.
After that, the plan is for 'Adventurers' to start showing up, including Centaur Paladins apparently.
...People are joking they want an IFV to smash down the gates at max threat.
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May 2, 2020
She's a preview, not in the game yet.
The Dev plans for police to show up in response to missing persons reports, look around the manor to confirm they aren't there anymore, then (try to) leave.
Stopping them from leaving brings more Police at once.
After that, the plan is for 'Adventurers' to start showing up, including Centaur Paladins apparently.
Ah i see, i'll check on the game once in a while for updates then. It clearly have potentials

...People are joking they want an IFV to smash down the gates at max threat.
I hope they make it happen. It would be very cool to see lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Preview time.
Manor Alpha 18 Preview 1
Windows 64-bit -
+ Action options are now sorted by name
+ Added a change appearance action to succubuses
+ Disoriented (either via sex or the direct action) characters can now be marked by succubuses
+ Added a Systems Overview section to the manual
+ When changing a maid's appearance, trainee (visitor) appearances and maid appearances are split into separate sub menus
+ Fixed shooing affecting librarian/nurse
+ Fixed upgrade room goal not cancelling when someone other than the upgrader takes the item targeted for use in upgrading
+ Visitors that have fled will now generally focus on grouping up or searching for items to power up for a little while
+ Traitors who find the room they wish to have sex in barricaded from the inside (or locked without a barricade) will pick another suitable room for sex (if there are any)
+ Guards can now intercept attacks on other characters when fighting (chance of success depends on combat values)
-> They will intercept enemy attacks directed towards friendly characters once per turn if they are fighting someone in the same room
-> Modes are all other than guards, all except guards/bees, master only and no intercepting, defaulting to all except guards/bees
+ Saves are now in a new format (same change as for Incarnasoul - will save a lot of time over time). Issues are likely
+ Added an orders UI that can be used to set character, room wide, manor wide and defaults for all orders (hides inapplicable orders at the room/individual level)
5.00 star(s) 3 Votes