5.00 star(s) 3 Votes


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
I mean, I posted a link directly to the post that has all that information. It's a public post, not just to Patrons.
You say that, but here we go again.
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 2
+ Allowed monster girls to perform the give action on unconscious characters (this will reveal them, however)
+ Fixed missing code to handle door relocking while following orders
+ Fixed succubi following marked characters doing nothing when they should use their powers in some circumstances
+ Fixed succubi being able to stack dreams
+ Added door relocking behaviour to Katanashi
+ Visitors should no longer get bored waiting for a meal when a maid is preparing them a meal
+ Characters who can hide who are ordered to perform an action elsewhere that is either stealthy or does not target a character (except movement) will hide when they can
-> Fiddly cases will be refined in the next alpha
+ Fixed maids and bees entering stasis counting towards the maid cap
+ Fixed maids not properly entering stasis when forced to do so due to a power shortage and maid cap overflow
+ Fixed maids and alraunes in stasis providing power
+ Separated order clearing for 'direct magic action on target' and 'order to player controlled character'
- in particular, this will prevent longer orders (those that create goals) from cancelling direct actions like change appearance
+ Fixed arrival chance increasing being available when doing so will result in negative power (it was checking the decrease cost)
+ Alraunes in stasis now gradually lose pollen and do not charge their seed ability
+ Fixed max power increases from master suite and ritual room not being applied
+ Hid some actions that were unintentionally available on characters in stasis
+ Changed first aid action requirements slightly; should help with certain edge cases
+ Possibly fixed some potential strangeness with weird action and books that aren't currently in a character's inventory being read
+ Maids now heal monster girls in place instead of dragging them through the manor to the infirmary
+ Fixed librarians being summoned by the summon idle maids command
+ Fixed make deal action not showing a chance when the chance is (calculation wise) negative
+ Fixed controlled bees not showing the hide action when not already hidden
+ Added rope to the contribution shop
+ Added some code to avoid duplicate names for generated characters
+ Fixed characters with the confiscate items goal getting stuck under certain conditions
+ Succubuses now put off hiding until they move elsewhere or detect they need to
+ Succubuses and controlled beegirls should now properly hide from incoming characters

And the links.
Windows 64-bit -
Mac -
Linux -


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
And again. ...I'm told the dev will be slowing down for a bit to focus on their other game.

Manor Alpha 15 Patch 3
+ Fixed a possible cause of a crash relating to characters forgetting someone they heard about someone from
+ Fixed crash occurring when a succubus's ai makes her start following a marked target
+ Succubi haunting targets should now hide themselves when able to
+ Hopefully fixed some weirdness that can occur when items a character intends to carry end up being carried by others
+ Limited the heal speed increase in the infirmary for non player controlled characters
+ Made succubuses a little more patient in hiding themselves; should avoid e.g. hiding before removing barricades
+ Fixed the praise maid direct command
+ Fixed it being possible to barricade doors in a room a character is not in from a character's current room (which caused noticeable strangeness)
+ Fixed buttons being focusable, which caused some annoyances (including the occasional lockout of all UI elements)

Windows 64-bit -
Mac -
Linux -


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Update time.

Manor Alpha 15 Patch 4
Windows 64-bit -
Mac -
Linux -
+ The identity mirror no longer targets unconscious targets
+ Fixed various player controlled characters not bashing/clearing doors when they need to to flee
+ Traitors should no longer start rumours about other traitors (unless ordered to)
+ Adjusted some shop prices
+ Cute choker now increases the social stat of obedient trainees
+ Concerns that are accidentally raised by characters when visitors inquire about them are no longer suppressd
+ Fixed confiscate request action being available on unconscious targets (upon whom the direct order is used instead)
+ Hopefully fixed some cases where succubi or beegirls would try to hide when unable to
+ Hopefully fixed some issues with the cute choker buff/debuff not updating after a transformation
+ Fixed orders to take an item to the current room of a character causing them to get stuck dropping nothing
+ Traitors should generally no longer ask maids working on player orders for sex or pampering, and maids following player orders shouldn't drop what they're doing to see to traitors
+ Alraunes should now heal incapacitated/wounded allies
+ Prevented plant zombie transformation activating when a beegirl transformation is in progress
+ Hopefully fixed up odds being wrong for redirect action
+ Fixed third page of autosaves not saving (and possibly some issues with the second page as well)
+ Fixed beegirls and others not being able to be ordered to drag incapacitated characters around
+ Part of the increased growth effect on alraune seeds from bathing/swimming is now applied when in the room (i.e. when not swimming/bathing)
+ Alraunes should no longer poke alraunes in stasis when overcrowded
+ Fixed wrong calculation display of odds for giving items, and moved display to be shown for each individual item to show correct odds per item
+ Fixed giving of non-cursed items to characters who need to be convinced to take the item never succeeding
+ Fixed other issues with giving items that would potentially caused guaranteed successes
+ Pampering and sex actions now raise the satisfaction level of traitors if it is currently negative
+ Visitors should no longer ask unconscious characters about suspicious actions
+ Leave in/move to action should not inconsistently appear depending on the locked status of doors in the room the character is in any more
+ Fixed some cases where events that a character had witnessed themself and had not forgotten could be shared with the character in question
+ Fixed a crash that can occur after a character is teleported, but there are likely other cases
+ Upgrade items for yards now work for a specific level of yard, and one of the needed level to upgrade can exist for each yard
+ Fixed sale values using buffed/debuffed stats instead of base stats
+ Items carried by characters exchanged for contribution are now moved to the reliquary when they leave
+ Made several changes to cut down on save file size, particularly for long games. Please let me know about any save/load crashes or other weirdness
+ Fixed an issue that would duplicate some data on every save+load
+ Characters jumped ahead in their intended paths should now behave a bit better; beegirls will move yard to yard if in a yard (but won't head to yards as a shortcut yet)
+ Fixed beegirls still following their idle orders when they should be following other goals
+ Fixed a crash occurring when loading older saves that are updated to have the new rooms
+ Fixed a crash occurring when trackers/timers from older saves were removed


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
Been giving extended mode a go. Seems kinda cool. Really like the stasis idea, I thought of that a few weeks back, what if there was a basement that cam store Maids. So good to see a similar idea was on the table. Tho its a little weird the maids get "picked up" at the front yard.. If the maids were being permanently removed from the game.. Would it be more cooler, if they were just to be devoured in the ritual room for the special currency/magic ? Maybe like some black MIasma comes out of Katanshi and devours them into it. She is kinda the one possessed by whatever creature is running the manor.

Tho my game just broke for the first time, after I got a traitor to betray and be cursed into a maid. Basicly had Mao and was taunting her with her xboyfriend mark whos now a maid. Im just sadistic like that :3 .But hey, they even had lesbian sex twice ? since its a new function. Not like she wasnt still having a love life with her bf. On the turn her curse kicked in, it just froze and greyed out the turn button. Bricked the game.

It happened in front of a visitor, but I had another maid with Katanashi there,, and then with Mao turning into a maid, would of had it handled unless I got really really bad RNG. Ah but the save bricked, so Ill never know.
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New Member
Apr 14, 2019
This game is hard to control and easy to master. It's not a porn game and it wastes it's potential.

If only magic will recharge with lewd thing instead of a static value... I will follow the development and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
It's that time again.
Manor Alpha 15 Patch 5
Windows 64-bit -
Mac -
Linux -
+ Added in some text about the concern mechanic that makes subsequent tries to answer questions harder
+ Beegirls can now drag characters between yards
+ Fixed a lot of target checks including characters who won't fight due to disorientation/similar
+ Hopefully fixed succubi in some states trying to sneak through locked doors instead of unlocking them
+ Visitors should no longer repeatedly ask about concerns (they'll still consider them important if the answers they got were bad, but they'll hold off on asking for a while and do other investigative actions instead)
+ Moved showing of reduce concern odds into the submenus
+ Fixed crash occurring when traitor cursed deals are activated in some circumstances
+ Succubi haunting targets should no longer get distracted by characters they want to make drowsy (from the seeking sleepers idle mode)
+ Fixed issues occurring when characters held items other than their clothing when being exchanged for contribution
+ Upgrading a door should no longer sometimes cause multiple door upgrades to be performed when a character is carrying multiple door upgrade items
+ Healing slowdown should now occur only when hostile characters are present (had several issues including unaware visitors slowing maid healing and infighting visitors not slowing each other's healing)
+ Fixed succubi set to follow marked characters prioritising using powers on sleeping characters over starting to follow a marked character
+ Unaware (but suspicious) characters may now escape if they (without becoming aware) discover they can't exit, discover magic and discover how to get through the barrier


New Member
Mar 21, 2020
Just want to say that I'm really surprised how fun this game is after I learned how to play it. I know it's not really a porn game but it's really really good. The only problem for me is my save file always gets corrupt when I change the game setting like the alternate character pose option. Also, I hope the master can use something like the Sex option to buff the maid or to corrupt others, like sleeping sex or temporary mind control to make the visitor do something with the master for a short time. I feel like only Traitor gets all the action. As a master of the mansion, I want to have fun down there too :(

Anyway, keep up the good work! Can't wait for the next update!


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
That time again. NOTE: We are switching into Preview builds for Alpha 16, so don't get confused again.

Manor Alpha 16 Preview 1
Windows 64-bit -
+ Visitors focused on their leave concern will now ask someone at least once about leaving before trying to research the barrier
+ Fixed hostility check for slowing down incapacitation recovery not checking the right character for hostility
+ Hopefully fixed some weird edge cases with character recovery
- characters should be able to help anyone recover as long as there are no characters who are hostile to the healing character
+ Fixed visitors following other visitors only fighting maids and Katanashi
+ Possibly fixed a case where an unaware visitor doing research would wait around for an aware visitor to tell them things, even when the aware visitor is unconscious/etc.
+ Fixed an issue preventing characters from fleeing through locked doors they are able to open
+ Fixed a bunch of cases where fleeing from combat for player controlled characters due to ai modes would be cancelled
+ Maids idly confiscating items should no longer confiscate cursed items
+ Characters that can hide who need to clear doors to continue pathing should now bash/clear them before hiding
+ The entrance yard now has a lower max upgrade level than the rear yard (4/6 entrance/rear)
+ Some visitor goals (asking about behaviour, spying on characters/rooms, asking about concerns) are now considered complete if the related concern becomes unimportant
+ Succubuses can now sate the sexual desires of sleeping traitors through their dreams, added an idle mode to have them do so
+ Controlled characters can now call groups of their friends to the manor. The success rate is a lot higher for traitors than for other controlled character types
+ Added a self determination concern to traitors
- ordering them around raises it, allowing them to act freely lowers it. High values cause a traitor to do as they please instead of following orders
+ Traitors can now barricade doors
+ Possible fix for a soft lock in some circumstances
+ Alraunes should now use pheromones when unhidden if they cannot hide and there are valid targets
+ Maids who go undercover should now have their visitor clothes change to match their undercover forms
+ Added a new combat mode for alraunes, Never Engage, in which they will stay passive when revealed. The current Do Not Fight has been renamed Fight If Cornered (in that mode, alraunes fight when they are revealed and cannot hide)
+ Beegirls now take a few more turns to arrive when approaching the manor and have a timer
+ In extended mode, beegirl attacks now occur every few days (according to a setting in gameplay settings), with more attacking if there is more unharvested pollen
+ Maid fight orders should now cancel if their target becomes friendly instead of being followed through on
+ Unaware and aware visitors now have some interactions with characters in stasis. Unaware visitors will pose maids (which they find fun, but weird) and aware visitors will break bees free of your control if they do not know how to cure them, and drag maids in stasis to the library to research a cure if they do not know one
+ Unaware and aware visitors who do not know about succubuses now have a chance to read succubus contracts. This will activate the contract as usual, but at a reduced power cost depending on the reader's magic and will also imbue the reader with knowledge of succubuses (and unaware visitors will become aware due to seeing a succubus after)
+ It's now possible to set a favoured trap book in the library
+ Added boxing up characters for pickup. Unaware visitors might peek into or rip open unattended boxes
+ Fixed succubuses bound to contracts losing their gear
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Reactions: Nobles


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
I've have 3 games now break around 4 or 5 days... Basically a maid becomes unresponsive. Meaning none of her clickable buttons work.. I cant even click the exchange button to remove her from the game. Nor can I change her idle mode. Shes stuck on whatever she currenly set.

While I like the improvements, the extended mode is breaking.

"edit" oh a new version. Maybe it fixes this ?

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
NOTE: We are switching into Preview builds for Alpha 16, so don't get confused again.
The preview builds also shouldn't be uploaded to the OP because they're unfinished test builds that get updated every few days. Whoever reported this as a new update, don't do that for previews. The majority of people will just download whatever's in the first post and assume it's the most stable and up-to-date version of the game without reading the thread to know the details. What's more, there's a two week cooldown on when a game can appear on the "Latest Updates" page, so when the actual finished update comes out, it could go mostly unannounced.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
The preview builds also shouldn't be uploaded to the OP because they're unfinished test builds that get updated every few days. Whoever reported this as a new update, don't do that for previews. The majority of people will just download whatever's in the first post and assume it's the most stable and up-to-date version of the game without reading the thread to know the details. What's more, there's a two week cooldown on when a game can appear on the "Latest Updates" page, so when the actual finished update comes out, it could go mostly unannounced.
I hear you, but critical bugfixes are in that preview build. It IS the most stable and up-to-date version of the game, no question.
Also, most builds have had at least one major bug up until this point. Do you want me to just not upload the game until it's completely finished?

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
I hear you, but critical bugfixes are in that preview build. It IS the most stable and up-to-date version of the game, no question.
Also, most builds have had at least one major bug up until this point. Do you want me to just not upload the game until it's completely finished?
Look, it's the dev's official policy that preview builds aren't meant to be posted outside of places where people are specifically following the game. At least respect their decision to not make these builds "the face of the game", which is what happens when you post it as the newest update instead of just having a link to it in the thread.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Look, it's the dev's official policy that preview builds aren't meant to be posted outside of places where people are specifically following the game. At least respect their decision to not make these builds "the face of the game", which is what happens when you post it as the newest update instead of just having a link to it in the thread.
Fine. Main build, then when the first preview build drops, I'll upload the last patch. ...These changelogs are going to be insane, I hope you realize...

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Fine. Main build, then when the first preview build drops, I'll upload the last patch. ...These changelogs are going to be insane, I hope you realize...
I mean, releasing the non-preview patches is fine, and there's nothing stopping you (or me, or anyone else) from linking to the preview builds in the thread, as long as they're not reported to the top post. It's just that the previews are deliberately released in an incomplete state with half-made features, and I've seen some games get torn apart and never recover after having builds like that posted here.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
Just let him post the most recent up to date builds.. Hes is right that there is fixes to big bugs in the game..

Is very unfair for example to leave build 15 patch 1 when the game breaks half way through until build 16 that comes out months later. When it was fixed in 15 patch 2 days after its reports. If anything, a game breaking where it cant be continued is more frustrating over, over added content thats not quite finished and work in progress.. That destroys the game more. People wont play it because the cant progress or things keep gltiching out.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Let's test all this, then.

Manor Alpha 16 Preview 2
Windows 64-bit -
+ Moved controlled beegirl orders to the false hive
+ Fixed boxed characters counting towards caps
+ Added a rush power that activates a controlled characters action before all others (including observers)
+ Added an Ignore combat option for succubuses, in which they won't react to hostiles that are a danger to them (i.e. rather than fighting or fleeing they'll do what they were doing anyway)
+ Radios and diffusers are now bought from the contribution shop in extended mode instead of being created using power, extra and tool bags can no longer be created with power. The display sword, heavy statuette, glowing ring and faulty taser items have also been swapped over, and be purchased more than once. The gem of obsession and succubus pendant have been swapped over but are still one of a kind
+ Vacuums, maid dusters, mops, cute chokers and door upgrade materials can now be created with power in non-extended mode
+ Swapped the gameplay settings section to tabs
+ Added maid name changing, and temporary controlled beegirl name changing (beegirls will retain their name until they forget it by e.g. returning to human form)
+ Added a different action line icon for when visitors are observing neighbouring rooms
+ Added an option to set maids to idle clean a particular room and rooms neighbouring it
+ Action selection now appears when a character has multiple options for interacting with a door (generally repair and one other while carrying a tool bag)
+ Characters confiscating/taking items/following marked characters should now wait properly for the target when the target is moving into their current room
-> The fix for taking items might have complicated or buggy side effects
+ Fixed character goals that involve taking clothing breaking when an ai update is caused when the take action has been created but not yet activated
+ Added the bunnygirl upgrade/form for maids. They lack a few regular maid abilities (particularly specialised assignment idles, room/door upgrading), and have some that regular maids can't do (entertain, flirt, proposition)
+ Horny visitors will proposition each other and maids for sex; couples will try to find their partner unless very aroused
+ Capped bee attacks at five attackers
+ Revamped the following goal that visitors have to be possible to disrupt by changing a character's appearance when the following character is in a different room
+ Fixed broken action text scaling
+ Fixed locked door manor concern activating when in a non-multi-door room
+ Fixed a couple of traitor goals sometimes causing them to bash doors
+ Fixed succubus binding failure causing the bound succubuses to lose their inventories

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Just let him post the most recent up to date builds.. Hes is right that there is fixes to big bugs in the game..

Is very unfair for example to leave build 15 patch 1 when the game breaks half way through until build 16 that comes out months later. When it was fixed in 15 patch 2 days after its reports. If anything, a game breaking where it cant be continued is more frustrating over, over added content thats not quite finished and work in progress.. That destroys the game more. People wont play it because the cant progress or things keep gltiching out.
Like I said, the patches are fine. It's the previews that are the problem, because those ones are specifically built with the expectation that they *will* break halfway through. Patches and preview builds are two completely different things, which is why you'll see builds called "Alpha 16 Preview 5" followed by "Alpha 16" followed by "Alpha 16 Patch 1". (Incidentally, that's another reason to avoid posting the previews to the OP, because I've seen even the mods get confused with the naming system and not accept a new build they thought was older.)

And the next build doesn't take months from the start of the previews, it's usually only a week or two, with a new preview being released every few days. There's a month gap between the release of the previous build and the start of the next preview, but the dev typically releases patches to any major bugs before starting that.

And, again, posting the previews to the thread is fine, because people actively looking for it can easily find it.

Edit: The simplest rule of thumb to follow is to see which version is posted on , which is the community the game was originally made for. As you can see, they have Alpha 15 Patch 5 up there. And it was posted by the dev themselves on the very day it was finished, so it's not just posted late or anything like that.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
I suppose we'll just go with uploading everything but only flagging 'important' builds then.
Manor Alpha 16 Preview 3
Windows 64-bit -
+ Fixed radio and diffuser shop icons
+ Fixed bunnygirls cleaning when staying put
+ Maid appearance changes now properly replace the old appearance, instead of temporarily overriding it
+ Fixed crash due to a reference to a pose varied Angelica bunnygirl pose image
+ Visitors should no longer ask tied up monstergirls where the library is
+ Horny visitors should now be unaffected by their horniness concern for a few turns after finding sexual relief
+ Traitors aiming to have sex should now have sex before worrying about their idle duties
+ Adjusted sex related goals to hopefully generally avoid repeatedly trying to start sex if something interrupts one of the participants
+ Extremely horny aware characters will now masturbate
+ Restored chance of a regular level horny visitor potentially deciding to relieve their horniness under the influence of a succubus mark
+ Memories of bunnygirl maids should now show the bunnygirl image
+ Added default bunnygirl order; renamed shared defaults to make clear
+ Fixed crashes in a couple of goals when traitors are in rooms with all doors locked
+ Controlled beegirls and succubuses should now understand when incapacitation is about to end and hide accordingly to avoid visitors
+ Hopefully fixed crash when monstergirls call their friends to the manor
+ Characters following other characters for various reasons should now cancel their movement actions if the character they are following cancels their movement action
+ Added arousal increasing power and dream to succubuses
+ Visitors now need to have seen maids in the manor before they try to find and rescue maids while aware, and should also only search once (unless they see a maid again)
+ Traitors should now favour starting rumours about characters their target knows
+ Added a monitor training action, which can be used to have a maid or the master direct a trainee around between dirty rooms, instructing them as they work
+ Maids and the master can now guide trainees to specific rooms, instructing them on the way if they become dazed or disobedient


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
All right, let's rock. ...Now watch as the mods don't read the changelogs we didn't report, and there's a massive gap in the logs causing them to miss a bunch of features. Hopefully this reminds them, eh?
Manor Alpha 16
Windows 64-bit -
Linux -
Mac -
+ Succubuses seeking sleeping characters should no longer try to force their way through locked doors
+ Succubuses should no longer join in with masturbating characters who aren't marked, and will avoid masturbating characters who aren't marked when they are about to finish
+ Fixed succubuses haunting characters not using the arouse power when set to
+ Fixed the tempt command not showing for bunnygirls
+ Fixed traitors accidentally making themselves drugged meals
+ Made a pretty wide reaching change to help characters keep better tracks of rooms they have checked for goals
+ Visitors should no longer try to ask characters who can't speak about their weird or suspicious behaviour, nor try to follow those that are unconscious
+ Fixed succubuses not waiting correctly when their haunt target is heading into their current room; should also make succubuses head off their targets by heading into rooms they're heading into
-> Applied the same fixes to various other player side following states
+ Fixed succubuses directly ordered to haunt characters not correctly cancelling moves when their target's move is disrupted
+ Fixed sneak moves not being possible to reconsider
+ Bunnygirls and maids set to idly distract/entertain should no longer interrupt masturbation or sex
+ Player controlled characters should no longer prevent other characters from taking their possessions (e.g. transformed controlled beegirls preventing taking of their clothing while in the room)
+ Hopefully fixed visitors sometimes asking about weird or suspicious behaviour concerns that have no importance after being explained by other characters successfully
+ Bunnygirls and maids should no longer proposition characters who have already found a sex partner
+ Made some extensive changes to the various sex goals, which will hopefully fix up various bugs and strange behaviour
+ Fixed visitors often cancelling sex after accepting a bunnygirl's proposition due to the goal being viewed as unimportant
5.00 star(s) 3 Votes