5.00 star(s) 3 Votes


Oct 1, 2017
"Sexual content" isn't the point of the game, and as far as I know isn't even on the roadmap. It's a fetish game, not a sex game. The target audience is people who are turned on simply by the act of turning someone into a maid.
Hmmm... I see... Still I think it needs some minor animation/screenshots, while doing humiliation actions for example, no need to be fully focused on sex. BTW if there's 0 sex content planned maybe we need the "no sex content" tag.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Hmmm... I see... Still I think it needs some minor animation/screenshots, while doing humiliation actions for example, no need to be fully focused on sex. BTW if there's 0 sex content planned maybe we need the "no sex content" tag.
There's some stuff already present like masturbation that technically voids the "no sexual content" tag, it's just not a game about people having sex.
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Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
What's the mind control? Does it mean we can control them or something else?
When we turn them into trainee maids, their under a mind control, between to 0-49% conversion, they're implied to be aware, they will go out of their way to plead to other visitors for help. There will be status of daze or disobeying orders , shown as a yellow highlight. 50 - 99% implies they're started to loose their sense of self, forgetting their name and receiving a new name. At 100% thy transform into a full maid, becoming a loyal minion of the manor. Thats what its implied for mind control. I have a suspicion their magic stat determines how well they resist/rebel, but I cant be sure. Its another unexplained part of the game.

I appreciate games with original mechanics like this but I think the focus should be on the sexual content right now. There's no point of playing it on its current state, for me at least, but I'm sure it'll be a cool game in the future.
I hope they do add some sexual content

But for now theres two ways. Visitors will masturbate when marked by a succubus and their lust has reached high levels. After having their mind blowing orgasim, they turn into a succubus. . Its also implied the succubus stalking them gos into action "sex" when the person is mastrubating in the same room. So maybe they can do something with this. Maids can reward traitors with whats implied servicing them. If they could add some animations for these. It would be nice.

In house of Pandomium. People were turned into monstergirls by being raped by them in a sequence. I think its one of the games that inspired this game. I see some of their characters in the settings menu when you select random characters.
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Aug 5, 2018
Some ideas I've had for how to improve the game;
  • Items should have a unique % chance for confiscation. Weapons should be harder to confiscate when people are suspicious, but the toolbox should basically be a 100% chance regardless of situation. Books someone is reading should also be harder to confiscate. There should probably also be a way to forcibly take an item, but doing so should have appropriate consequences.
  • There should be an point in between "suspicious of the manor" and "fight every maid on sight". Combat is rather uninteresting, and forcing aware visitors into combat reduces the possible interactions between players and visitors. Visitors don't get the chance to do anything really interesting, because once they become aware the player is basically forced to confront them violently. Maybe a "planing" phase? Where the visitor takes what they've learned so far, and comes up with a plan of action? Maybe if they know magic is real, they start researching in the library? If they've seen one of the control crystals before, maybe they start seeking them out and destroying them? If none of the above applies, then they start searching for a weapon? And only once they figure out their plan of attack, do they go on the offensive. Which would give the player more time to react, and find a non-combat way to deal with the issue.
  • There should be a variety of "environmental" transformations. To add to the above, there should be some way to subtly influence visitors once they've become aware. Because, again, combat is uninteresting. So there naturally needs to be ways to convert those less... receptive to following the will of the manor.
  • Wearing a maid uniform should probably tie in more with embarrassment than it does. If you steal everyone's clothes, a lot more people should probably be willing to just stay nude instead of wearing the uniform.
  • Concerns should be able to combined into higher tier concerns. If someone's concerned about multiple peoples locations, then that concern should probably be consolidated into a "missing people" concern. Doing this would simplify the concern list, while also adding a way to ramp up difficulty as the game progresses. I've had scenarios where everyone is converted into a maid except one person, and they were still unaware. If higher tier concerns were harder to deal with than the basic concerns, then that'd naturally make it harder to convert visitors the more people that have been converted.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
What's the mind control? Does it mean we can control them or something else?
Yes, you play as the dark force behind the manor whose goal is to convert visitors into its servants.

All of the transformations (maids, alraune, succubi, and beegirls) involve some sort of mind control in the sense that they cause the victim to fully identify and switch sides to their new form, with some other MC elements at play during the transitions. The most detailed of these is the maid transformation, as described by someone above. Alraune transformations are caused by infecting someone with a seed that eventually blooms and turns them into a "plant zombie", though the only purpose for this is to have them wander around until they find the yard and plant themselves there. Beegirls are converted by putting visitors into an egg, but have both a "wild" and "controlled" state, with wild beegirls occassionally becoming hypnotized when they try to harvest pollen, at which point one of your maids can brainwash them into loyal drones. (You can also do this after knocking them unconscious.) Succubi transformations are started by giving them a succubus mark while they sleep, which will cause them to become more aroused over time until they can't help masturbating, which turns them into a succubus. (Succubi can also use their dreams to morally corrupt them and make them more likely to strike a deal with the master maid.)

There are also various other elements that can mess with a character's mind, such as being able to cast a spell to make them forget certain memories (either knowledge they've gained or memories of another character), and a mirror that can mess with a person's identity and change their appearance (though I haven't used it enough to be able to describe whatever it does). And while it's not quite mind control, you can body swap characters, including swapping a visitor with one of your maids in order to plant a traitor in their ranks. The person swapped into the maid body will slowly begin to be brainwashed into a maid, as well. (This doesn't work properly with non-maid body swaps yet, so putting a succubus in a visitor's body will just make them act like normal visitors.)

In house of Pandomium. People were turned into monstergirls by being raped by them in a sequence. I think its one of the games that inspired this game.
The developer of this game is the same person who made House of Pandemonium: Unity Edition. They were known as "throwawaylady" for that game, but currently use "tirelesslurker" as their Patreon handle. (They're typically addressed as "tl", so they changed the name but kept the acronym.)
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May 27, 2017
Interesting, I like the game better then house of pandemonium, but mainly because its turn based and not the hectic first person style. Biggest flaw in my view is lack of sexual content. I have a few suggestions regarding that and one other issue.

One is a hostility system for visitors once they become aware. They will not attack the maids unless they have a memory of them doing something to them, the maids take an overtly hostile act towards them, or they are blocked from something critical by the actions of a maid.

Second, as an additional alternative to the maids we have currently, there could be "sex maids". They look like the maids we have now, but potentially have additional powers and may not be fully human (depending on settings). They will sexually interact with a single person in the room if they are alone, taking on the form of their preferred gender (by default opposite), using a variety of player chosable tiered interactions that cause increasing amounts of concern and likelihood of rejection. The genders could also be fixed (no powers, fully human), so that only opposite sex maids can interact sexually with a visitor. (Would give a reason to have "butlers")

Mild interactions might be suggestive comments, while hardcore actions are actual sex. Lust and willpower stats are used by the game, where lust is basically how likely they are to accept advances temporarily and grows on its own, resetting when it maxes out, and willpower controls how much they resist long term. Willpower goes down with each interaction, but gradually recovers, faster at lower levels. However every successful sex action permanently lowers willpower, once they reach 0 they become an in-between form I'm going to just call sex slaves. These could be used to sate the lust and lower the willpower of anyone (they gain the shapeshifting ability). If kept in this state they are viewed as visitors by other visitors, though by training them with a maid or the master they can be transformed into new sex maids.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
There should be an point in between "suspicious of the manor" and "fight every maid on sight".
This is the biggest iffy point of the game. People go hostile obviously seeing something, But there are times they could just wake up form a nap and go instant hostile because they dont want to be at the manor anymore (even when no concerns are even maxed0 and attack the first maid on sight. Then instantly call for help and turn others hostile, in the span of 3 turns. It needs some tweaking, but splitting "hostile" into lesser and greater might be one way to expand on this.. Lesser merly more for fleeing and researching, and greater being at war with the maids/manor (provoked actions). At the moment its very unpredictable if someone will go hostile. Because they could just snap on the spot and attack the maid in the same turn. I guess it does at to the difficulty, but its not very logical.

Anyway, I was hoping here be a hot fix patch by now. I guess nothing new has been uploaded.
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New Member
Mar 26, 2017
I don't think the game needs to devolve to a crazy orgy day 1 but I do think some more sexual content would be warranted to add a bigger reward loop for players.

For example, a little humiliation/dirty talk, spanking naughty disobedient maids, or self-defense actions that starts out with pushing enemies away and devolves into doing sexier things with them, like groping, making out, or submitting to enemy desires as the corruption/transformation stats escalate.
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May 27, 2017
Gameplay Guide [Alpha 14 Patch 1]

So been playing this a lot, and managed to beat the default mode. Going to give some tips on what I found to be the best ways to approach the game. This isn't a comprehensive guide, so at least look at the manual a bit, but it should help you win the EtM scenario.

Some Less Obvious Basics:

- Clicking on a card brings up stuff to do, while dragging it somewhere else does a lot of other stuff. If you drag the card to another card, including items, it will bring up an interaction menu. Not all cards will have interactions though.
- Dragging the item cards to another location allows for teleporting, but if you use a maid, you may be able to do additional things, like destroy or trap clothing.
- You can move visitors by dragging maids on them while they are incapacitated or deeply asleep.
- Doors can be dragged onto, but only if the person is nearby.

Converting Initial Visitors:

It may seem odd not to start by talking about all the other mechanics first, but the best way to deal with visitors, who are your enemies in this game, is to quickly convert several of them at the start, as it keeps concerns much more manageable and gives you more power and options.

The easiest, safest, most consistent, and least expensive power wise way to do this is by trapping clothes, and doing so on the west side of the manor. One way to start is to take your initial two maids and have one of them move the disperser to the dining room then change it to sleep and turn it on, one of them turns the radio on, and have one of them idle as cook as the other idles as instructor.
- Set default for food to either sleep or forget concerns.

Guests may come in either bored, hungry, or sleepy. If they are hungry it won't take long before they are sleepy as well. If a guest is going to sleep, start moving a maid over to the room, ideally so she arrives a turn after they enter the bedroom. After they take off their clothes, have the maid take them and trap them.

Trapping takes ten power and five turns, plus travel time to and back again. If the guest is on the east side, drop the trapped clothes as soon as the maid finishes in the laundry room. They will come directly to the laundry room and transform, and unless someone needs clothes or is wandering visitors rarely if ever enter the laundry.
- Avoid have someone transform while another guest is present. This is pretty easy to avoid.

Once a trainee, the simplest way to handle things is to have them move into the master suite. As long as they are green they'll move there, and its only two move commands from the west side, but if they turn yellow, especially in the west hallway, things get more complicated. Safest way is to have an instructor be with them. As long as no one knows the person yet and interrupts them, the instructor will usually get the trainee moving again. Once in the master suite, as long as the master is present, the trainees tend to stay put until converted as the master will constantly instruct them. Locking the door helps make sure the trainee doesn't leave, but usually isn't necessary unless you have two or more.
- You can also train them directly in the bedroom or laundry room with instructor(s), but if another guest decides to sleep/move there you'll probably need to lock the door.

Keep them away from guests who knew them while training. Once converted, its still a good idea to have the new maids avoid everyone they used to know until you can do a quick forget that successfully applies to everyone who knew her (quick forget is even better done at training stage). Aim for two or three converts to begin with.

Managing Concern:

Concern is pretty complicated, but the methods for dealing with it aren't. You either prevent it, or treat it. There are essentially three decent ways to treat concern. Lower concern food, medicine, and calming dreams. Food is inconsistent and weak, but guests are constantly eating, so it helps out over time. Medicine is one of the best ways, but requires ten power for the medicine itself and a diffuser for best results to get them sick (back hallway, pool, or baths depending on gender are all good choices). Calming dreams require succubi, and can only apply to one guest at a time per succubus, though they can really help. In an emergency, you can use spells to lower concern, but those seem to be rather ineffective long term.

Prevention is more difficult, but there are still some relatively simple things you can do to slow down or prevent certain concerns:

If you have a trainee or (to a lesser degree) maid who someone knew, use forget person or quick forget, alternatively if power is low have them do uncommon jobs like librarian or nurse (if no sick diffuser) or have them stay away completely in the shed or reliquary with the door locked and settings for idle maids to not open locked doors. Master suite, laundry room, and bedroom also works but is less consistent, but is usually needed for trainees since guests seeing them is so dangerous that even being spotted once on the way to the rear yard may end up causing awareness on a bad roll. Time everything to avoid them being seen (by people who know them) on the way to their jobs/hiding places.

If someone finds a concerning item, like maid outfit blueprints, confiscate it. The easiest way to do this is when they sleep, put them under a deep sleep by spell, then have your maid take it and send it to the reliquary. They can also do this with just about anything on the person, including buff items. Do this early or they will share the thing with everyone.

Avoid blatantly suspicious things. Any kind of transformation is likely to cause immediate awareness, so avoid those directly in front of others. Don't give a succubus mark if there is another person awake or a turn or two away from being so, as the succubus takes a turn to hide. Ironically dragging incapacitated or deeply asleep people in front of others isn't as bad as you would think, but its still something to avoid unless necessary.

Ultimately until you get your concern reducing engine fully running, which is not possible until you have at least two cooks (ideally with 10+ social), one librarian, one nurse (10+ social), and at least three or so succubi assuming a full seven guests, along with three or more dispensers in common areas with at least two making visitors sick, you will eventually have a guest become aware due to concern building up.

Aware Visitors:

Having a visitor become aware is like being spotted in a stealth game. Its bad news and unless you deal with it quickly its likely to lead to game over. They are one roll away from convincing anyone to become aware too, and meanwhile they will be destroying things, shouting for help, knocking out and tying up maids, researching forbidden knowledge which eventually leads to fights with the master and game over, and generally just being a pain in the ass.

There is unfortunately only one semi-consistent way to stop an aware guest; combat. Basically have your maids dogpile the guest as soon as possible. If you have some power to spare, you can use disorient to stun him. If you're lucky he'll have a faulty taser, but he'll only use that if he doesn't think he'll win easily, and he is far less likely to pick up cursed stuff once aware.

If you manage to incapacitate him (or he gets exhausted by sleep need and you put him into a deep sleep), there are quite a few options at that point. The simplest is to drag him to the master suite, then convert him to trainee directly by the master. Note powers are cheaper when done in the master suite, especially by the master themselves. You can also trying forcing a maid outfit on him. If you make him a trainee, he will be VERY disobedient.

You could also drag him to an isolated room (shed or reliquary works well) and give him a succubus mark if you have a succubus, though you will need to incapacitate him several times mostly likely until he reaches a point where the lust takes over. Other forms of transformation might be an option too. (Haven't experimented with forcing food/injections/flowers yet.)

Monsters, Traitors, and Secret Maids:

The succubus is helpful, everything else...meh.

Other monsters don't really do a whole lot, or take a lot of effort to recruit. Alraunes just chill in the garden, while bees are good fighters but take time and Alraunes to show up, are initially hostile, and are RNG dependent to recruit unless you beat them in a fight. They also sometimes just fight and kidnap your maids on their own, which is even more bad news.

Traitors take a while to get as corruption itself builds slowly, but even after you have one they are something of a detriment to unaware guests as the suspicion they spread doesn't seem to do much and guests can be suspicious of them themselves. Aware guests might be different, (I avoid having them around for long so I don't know), but generally the best option for that is to knock them out, so again of limited use.

Secret maids are similar to traitors but at least have the praise maid idle, which if they have high social, can make others like and trust maids more. Still too slow and limited to make enough of an impact though except in long, drawn out games.

Succubi on the other hand do several useful things. They can passively increase sleep need, use calming dreams to significantly reduce concern across the board, and give a succubus mark which, if the guest doesn't research it in time and assuming the succubus follows the guest around, will inevitably cause a transformation into another succubus, even to aware guests.


There's quite a bit you can do with power, but you need to get it first. By default you get two power every turn from the two maids you have. Each maid = one more power for each turn (not sure if monsters/traitors/etc. count) Thus you have a strong incentive to convert guests into maids, in addition to the other useful stuff maids do. The main obstacle in the game is balancing the desire to convert more visitors into maids so you get more power and help, and avoiding those new maids exposing your manor through being recognized or being left alone and asking nearby guests for help with their involuntary servitude.


Its a pretty good game, though definitely has a learning curve and is something of a slow burn. Hope this helps.
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May 27, 2017
Just a balance suggestion, but one of the issues with the game is that it has a high initial learning curve and difficulty. I strongly recommend staggering out the initial seven visitors so that only one or two show up the first day, then the other five or six the next day. This gives the player time to get used to dealing with visitors, and reduces the huge initial difficulty into something more managable.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Alpha 15 is out. It has... a few changes.
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Here are the links, just in case...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Hey! You put that 'Patch 5' in the title away, mods. The Ps in the changelog stand for 'Preview,' not 'Patch,' except for the first one which is Alpha 14 Patch 2.
The current build is Alpha 15, full stop. It will likely be getting patches since the dev thanked me for reporting a bug in the discord, causing me to avalanche them with bug reports, so calling the current build 'Patch 5' will become a problem the second real patches come out.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
actually what is the so called gameplay of this?
is it like rimworld?
Looking at Rimworld quickly... no.

The game's closest match, and likely direct inspiration, is 'House of Pandemonium, no not that one, not that one either.' ...I'm talking Classic mode in House of Pandemonium: Remastered.

...Basically, you're a haunted manor that exists to trap people inside and transform them into servants. You manage your existing servants to keep your visitors unaware, and when they're vulnerable, transform them into more servants. You have to do this before they grow wise to the fact they can't leave and start freaking out, but you can't do things too fast because your powers are limited.
...I want to say it's like the sims, but I also think that's not a good comparison.
It's turn-based management with strategy elements.


New Member
Dec 1, 2020
actually what is the so called gameplay of this?
is it like rimworld?
The game plays out in a similar fashion to a board game - everything happens in turns, and most of the things you interact with (guests, maids, items, etc.) take the form of cards on the playing field. I guess you could say it's a bit like RimWorld in that you're managing a group of characters.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Hey! You put that 'Patch 5' in the title away, mods. The Ps in the changelog stand for 'Preview,' not 'Patch,' except for the first one which is Alpha 14 Patch 2.
The current build is Alpha 15, full stop. It will likely be getting patches since the dev thanked me for reporting a bug in the discord, causing me to avalanche them with bug reports, so calling the current build 'Patch 5' will become a problem the second real patches come out.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Am I taking over posting links and changelogs for another game? ...Fine.
+ Succubi ordered to exchange themselves for contribution will now hide themselves (when they can) while on the way to the ritual room
+ Visitors should no longer call for help with barricades they can remove themselves
+ Fixed bees becoming controlled not being marked as recently controlled (which meant they had no cap grace period)
+ Fixed the visitor group count slider
+ Fixed tooltips being wrong after cancelling out of an action submenu
+ Fixed maid change appearance action not listing any appearances
+ Fixed identity mirror tooltip showing the current stats (including bonuses etc.) of transformation targets, instead of the base stats that will be applied
+ Hopefully fixed a crash that can occur when a visitor accepts a deal
+ Succubi and bees should now unlock doors if they can safely do so to get where they intend to go
+ Succubi will now avoid revealing themselves to characters moving into the current room (affects several actions)
+ Added a combat mode modifier to controlled bees - whether they will avoid revealing themselves in front of unaware characters to attack characters. This defaults to on
+ Fixed the hide action not being available when a hidden character is in a room with hostile characters
+ The identity mirror should no longer show duplicate entries as clone targets (same identity and same stats)
+ Taking items from a room is now consistently non-stealthy, and dropping items is now stealthy
+ Succubi following a marked character should no longer end up doubling up on dreams and wasting an action
+ Unconscious maids can no longer go undercover
+ Fixed broken egg display when a maid is body swapped into a visitor undergoing a bee transformation

And the links...
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5.00 star(s) 3 Votes