VN Marilyn's Mansion | a Vertex Bunny Game | Development Discussion Thread


Active Member
Jun 13, 2019
As usual with those games, huuuge titties everywhere. Mostly it looks caricaturally and not sexy.
I do not agree with you, but this is your opinion and I respect it.
Everyone's tastes are different.
It's like in the movies. The characters should look good and be remembered for something, such as appearance, acting and/or voice.
VN is limited in this (although games with character voices are already appearing), you have to compensate with a more pleasing-to-the-eye picture.

Vertex Bunny

Dec 16, 2023
As usual with those games, huuuge titties everywhere. Mostly it looks caricaturally and not sexy.
Some people like huge tits... Some people like small. Some like redheads or blondes. Some even like old woman over young girls. We simply choose to appeal to the ones that favour the style of girls we create. We are really sad that you find our girls to your liking but such is life. No single thing can please everyone. (Apart from pizza I guess)

Thanks for your input. There is one thing I would like to add however. There will be a lot of side characters in the game from various tastes. Those upcoming girls might catch your eye if you decide to give it a chance in a future date.

I do not agree with you, but this is your opinion and I respect it.
Everyone's tastes are different.
It's like in the movies. The characters should look good and be remembered for something, such as appearance, acting and/or voice.
VN is limited in this (although games with character voices are already appearing), you have to compensate with a more pleasing-to-the-eye picture.
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Coral's Dream

Aug 30, 2022
As usual with those games, huuuge titties everywhere. Mostly it looks caricaturally and not sexy.
Aaah, pweaase, it hurt my feelings heheh, since I'm the one who's creating the characters <3

As wifey bunny, I love my girls with their yummy yummy, bouncy bouncy, softy softy, juicy juicy (nyaa I can do this all day) assets! Nihihihihihi...

Actually in our game there is a spectrum where the player would see many types of female characters having different physical features. We are not planning to stick to a certain body shape, because you know... As a married woman even I am in love with the female body, how aesthetic and alluring it is in every way. The only thing I can add is, "the balance". We're trying not to over or underdo anything. In every character of ours, I am personally chasing for that.

No need to emphasize on the "tastes and colors" thingy, where obviously this is our taste of portraying our world.
Thanks for your comment! As my hubby stated, I also hope you'd find someone in our universe that meets your taste if you decide to come back again in the future!
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Active Member
Jun 13, 2019
As a married woman even I am in love with the female body, how aesthetic and alluring it is in every way.
My wife is also a lover of female bodies (especially juicy ones). It doesn't matter what orientation you are, it's just a body, you may like it or not.
For this reason, she is my main critic. :D

p.s. sorry for offtopic
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Vertex Bunny

Dec 16, 2023
My wife is also a lover of female bodies (especially juicy ones). For this reason, she is my main critic. :D

p.s. sorry for offtopic
Absolutely no problem about the off-topic messages. In fact, we really love these kind of interactions. To be honest, we were planning to open a DC channel for the game but it looks like we should focus on making that a reality sooner ;)

Coral's Dream

Aug 30, 2022
Oh wow, I'm definitely keeping an eye on this. What 3D software are you using? Because those renders look amazing.
Hey there!
Wifey bunny speaking :3
We use mainly DAZ, Blender, Marvelous Designer, Substance Painter to create our characters, specific assets and environments, sometimes create them from scratch and sometimes add a sprinkle of touch-ups to the present DAZ assets from various stores.
Definitely not using them in a click - load - render pipeline.

They are all DAZ Iray renders with NO POSTWORK, just raw renders straight our of DAZ (ehm ehm and so proud of it sorry for the caps couldn't help myself, nihihihi). Glad you like them!
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Coral's Dream

Aug 30, 2022
Hello hello minna!
It's been a while, isn't it?
Wifey bunny & the spoilt ginger's mama missed you guys all, so much.

We're having tough days lately, hubby bunny is off to his military service duty and won't be back for a while. One of my childhood friends passed away in a horrible car accident, on the day my husband's gone. Two huge scars in the same couple of hours. Well, days past but here I am still staring at the ceiling with a vast emptiness inside. There's a lot more happened throughout our absence here but you know, once again, life happens.

I'm planning to continue creating promo renders with our beauties, once I organize everything at home, still need a bit of rest, but hey, I can already hear Coral's, Jennie's, Annie's and the others' voices trying to reach me, maybe they want to ease my pain as well.

About our game's development process, I'm gonna be honest and transparent with you guys, I don't want to take any tiny steps further until the bunny team is reunited. Because you know, what's the meaning of a couple's work if it is being pushed by a single individual? Whatever I do without him, it will always feel incomplete, will always have a missing piece. I'm pretty sure we are gonna be back to developing at full speed and motivation after he returns home, back to his wifey bunny :3

Thank you for your understanding, support, being with us!
Love you all :3
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Aug 28, 2022
Hey there!
Wifey bunny speaking :3
We use mainly DAZ, Blender, Marvelous Designer, Substance Painter to create our characters, specific assets and environments, sometimes create them from scratch and sometimes add a sprinkle of touch-ups to the present DAZ assets from various stores.
Definitely not using them in a click - load - render pipeline.

They are all DAZ Iray renders with NO POSTWORK, just raw renders straight our of DAZ (ehm ehm and so proud of it sorry for the caps couldn't help myself, nihihihi). Glad you like them!
First of all, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, that can be painful for sure. Please take your time to work through your feelings. Making art and stressful situations don't ever go hand in hand, and they never will.

No postwork, that's actually pretty amazing. I thought for sure these went through photoshop(not that I'm an expert).

I read on your website you're planning on starting a discord channel. When/if you do, I'd love to pick your brain some time, since I'm in the (early) stages of developing an AVN myself. There's a few artists out there that really catch my eye, so it's always nice if they could share certain aspects of their workflow.

Anyway, good job so far, I'm looking forward to what you do next.

Coral's Dream

Aug 30, 2022
First of all, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, that can be painful for sure. Please take your time to work through your feelings. Making art and stressful situations don't ever go hand in hand, and they never will.

No postwork, that's actually pretty amazing. I thought for sure these went through photoshop(not that I'm an expert).

I read on your website you're planning on starting a discord channel. When/if you do, I'd love to pick your brain some time, since I'm in the (early) stages of developing an AVN myself. There's a few artists out there that really catch my eye, so it's always nice if they could share certain aspects of their workflow.

Anyway, good job so far, I'm looking forward to what you do next.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
We would love to share our experiences and do brainstorming sessions :3
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Active Member
Jun 13, 2019
Hello hello minna!
It's been a while, isn't it?
Wifey bunny & the spoilt ginger's mama missed you guys all, so much.

We're having tough days lately, hubby bunny is off to his military service duty and won't be back for a while. One of my childhood friends passed away in a horrible car accident, on the day my husband's gone. Two huge scars in the same couple of hours. Well, days past but here I am still staring at the ceiling with a vast emptiness inside. There's a lot more happened throughout our absence here but you know, once again, life happens.

I'm planning to continue creating promo renders with our beauties, once I organize everything at home, still need a bit of rest, but hey, I can already hear Coral's, Jennie's, Annie's and the others' voices trying to reach me, maybe they want to ease my pain as well.

About our game's development process, I'm gonna be honest and transparent with you guys, I don't want to take any tiny steps further until the bunny team is reunited. Because you know, what's the meaning of a couple's work if it is being pushed by a single individual? Whatever I do without him, it will always feel incomplete, will always have a missing piece. I'm pretty sure we are gonna be back to developing at full speed and motivation after he returns home, back to his wifey bunny :3

Thank you for your understanding, support, being with us!
Love you all :3
Oh hell. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.
I'm ready to wait as long as you guys want. Take your time.

Vertex Bunny

Dec 16, 2023
Hey everyone! Hubby Bunny here. We know it’s been a long time since we’ve posted a DevLog and apart from an occasional image post at , it pretty much was radio silence. As some of you might know, I was away for military service during August and came back with a nasty flu. As if it wasn’t enough, I’ve managed to get Wifey Bunny sick too. We’ve been trying to get back on our feet with regular hospital visits, tons of medication and sleeping. Still not %100 there but we believe we’ve recovered enough to get back into action and pick up the development where we left.

While I was away, Wifey Bunny did some experiments on posing, texturing, shaping and such. Ultimately, we’ve ended up deciding on a rework for our characters. This will allow us the portray more balanced visuals with characters that reflect our vision better all the while looking a lot more appealing. Wifey Bunny will go into details about the rework in a minute.

Apart from that, we are working on finalizing the little touch-ups on the environments. According to our calculations, we are %70 done with the environment creation for the majority of the game while %95 there for the initial release we are planning since we won’t be using some of the environments early in the scenario.

Speaking of, as you might remember, we are trying to create a Sandbox|Harem experience with a deep story as well as feed it with enjoyable side stories as much as we can. Again, we are mostly done with the writing for the initial release while the whole skeleton is already done for a couple of years worth of content.

Long story short, apart from a minor fix here and there, all we need to do is combine everything and render out. Reworks are coming along faster than we’ve imagined. Wifey working on the characters considering their first appearance time in the story so we most probably will be rendering at the same time. This pretty much covers what I want to say so I’m leaving the mic to the Wifey Bunny:

Heyhey minna!
Been a while since we've met in the DevLogs, right? Some of you may recall what's happened to me when hubby bunny's gone. Fortunately, that month of sadness and sorrow finally passed and here we are, as a united bunny team!

As hubby bunny stated, I was playing around with our characters; had enough time to think about and assess the satisfaction rate of our end products to our vision. As a result, we crazy bunnies have decided for a rework on our characters.

The first reworked character you're about to meet is our beloved naughty blonde and main character, Jennifer Green (Jennie). Yes, I admit that it is a drastic change, however the result has finally satisfied the bunny team. I would love to give you a brief(!) list of changes, heheh:
  • Head and face: Well, at first I wasn't planning on making such a huge change on her face because we kinda liked the vibes she was giving off. Childish, mischievous, shameless yet could be an innocent cutie if she wants. However, the more I look at it, the more it became toonish style to my eye. So I thought maybe I should create everything about her from the start, all over again. Now her face is more lifelike, I mean has more realism into it, yet not that much dialed in terms of detailing and shape. To me, she still keeps that childish and soft look, but you can feel that she's not "that" innocent.
  • Hairstyle: Although I'm in love with OOT's hair meshes, using their assets significantly slows our workflow down. Not only for that reason, but also her new face now lets her wear a messier bun, hereby leading to have a more modern and sporty finish.

  • Body: Now less voluptuous but the juicy parts didn't dry out. From neck to toe, she now has more details; e.g. collarbones, shoulders, chest area, arms, veins, hands, abdomen, pelvis, legs, knee bones, feet... Everything now is designed with more meticulous effort. One of the main issues that gave rise to those changes is, not being able to pose the character without weird collisions and awfully stretched UVs (even with bend controllers, shape enhancers, etc). That "thicc" anatomy was restricting us to pose her in many complex ways. Toning that thickness down has finally given us the freedom, hopefully.

  • Skin: After a long research, we finally found the best one suits our blondie. She now has freckles, yaaay! (Coral will be surprised hehehe) Again, our pursuit was to create a better look under every lighting rig. Bump maps, normal maps, SSS settings and every other aspects on the skin are all optimized now.
Yes, these are the major changes related to the rework. Most probably this is the final version, yet there could be tiny minor fixes since we couldn't have the chance to try it in all of the possible occasions. I don't think there would be anything can affect the overall look from now on.

All in all, thank you for your attention on this looong post! Hope you like our new Jen! The next one I'm currently working on is Anastasiya Volkova, our mini-redhead Annie! I'm super-duper excited about the new look of Marilyn's Mansion's cast! We'll be posting our WIPs and devlogs frequently to keep you updated! Love you guys :3 Thank you for your support and being with us!

Hubby Bunny back once again. Don't think we've forgotten you guys. Here is a comparison gif and a couple of test renders fresh out of oven. Enjoy! Also feel free to let us know what you think about these new changes.


And here are some sample renders with the new Jen!

Night Bus.png VR Fun.png Way Down We Go.png Before the Game.png


Engaged Member
May 14, 2023
Hey everyone! Hubby Bunny here. We know it’s been a long time since we’ve posted a DevLog and apart from an occasional image post at , it pretty much was radio silence. As some of you might know, I was away for military service during August and came back with a nasty flu. As if it wasn’t enough, I’ve managed to get Wifey Bunny sick too. We’ve been trying to get back on our feet with regular hospital visits, tons of medication and sleeping. Still not %100 there but we believe we’ve recovered enough to get back into action and pick up the development where we left.

While I was away, Wifey Bunny did some experiments on posing, texturing, shaping and such. Ultimately, we’ve ended up deciding on a rework for our characters. This will allow us the portray more balanced visuals with characters that reflect our vision better all the while looking a lot more appealing. Wifey Bunny will go into details about the rework in a minute.

Apart from that, we are working on finalizing the little touch-ups on the environments. According to our calculations, we are %70 done with the environment creation for the majority of the game while %95 there for the initial release we are planning since we won’t be using some of the environments early in the scenario.

Speaking of, as you might remember, we are trying to create a Sandbox|Harem experience with a deep story as well as feed it with enjoyable side stories as much as we can. Again, we are mostly done with the writing for the initial release while the whole skeleton is already done for a couple of years worth of content.

Long story short, apart from a minor fix here and there, all we need to do is combine everything and render out. Reworks are coming along faster than we’ve imagined. Wifey working on the characters considering their first appearance time in the story so we most probably will be rendering at the same time. This pretty much covers what I want to say so I’m leaving the mic to the Wifey Bunny:

Heyhey minna!
Been a while since we've met in the DevLogs, right? Some of you may recall what's happened to me when hubby bunny's gone. Fortunately, that month of sadness and sorrow finally passed and here we are, as a united bunny team!

As hubby bunny stated, I was playing around with our characters; had enough time to think about and assess the satisfaction rate of our end products to our vision. As a result, we crazy bunnies have decided for a rework on our characters.

The first reworked character you're about to meet is our beloved naughty blonde and main character, Jennifer Green (Jennie). Yes, I admit that it is a drastic change, however the result has finally satisfied the bunny team. I would love to give you a brief(!) list of changes, heheh:
  • Head and face: Well, at first I wasn't planning on making such a huge change on her face because we kinda liked the vibes she was giving off. Childish, mischievous, shameless yet could be an innocent cutie if she wants. However, the more I look at it, the more it became toonish style to my eye. So I thought maybe I should create everything about her from the start, all over again. Now her face is more lifelike, I mean has more realism into it, yet not that much dialed in terms of detailing and shape. To me, she still keeps that childish and soft look, but you can feel that she's not "that" innocent.
  • Hairstyle: Although I'm in love with OOT's hair meshes, using their assets significantly slows our workflow down. Not only for that reason, but also her new face now lets her wear a messier bun, hereby leading to have a more modern and sporty finish.

  • Body: Now less voluptuous but the juicy parts didn't dry out. From neck to toe, she now has more details; e.g. collarbones, shoulders, chest area, arms, veins, hands, abdomen, pelvis, legs, knee bones, feet... Everything now is designed with more meticulous effort. One of the main issues that gave rise to those changes is, not being able to pose the character without weird collisions and awfully stretched UVs (even with bend controllers, shape enhancers, etc). That "thicc" anatomy was restricting us to pose her in many complex ways. Toning that thickness down has finally given us the freedom, hopefully.

  • Skin: After a long research, we finally found the best one suits our blondie. She now has freckles, yaaay! (Coral will be surprised hehehe) Again, our pursuit was to create a better look under every lighting rig. Bump maps, normal maps, SSS settings and every other aspects on the skin are all optimized now.
Yes, these are the major changes related to the rework. Most probably this is the final version, yet there could be tiny minor fixes since we couldn't have the chance to try it in all of the possible occasions. I don't think there would be anything can affect the overall look from now on.

All in all, thank you for your attention on this looong post! Hope you like our new Jen! The next one I'm currently working on is Anastasiya Volkova, our mini-redhead Annie! I'm super-duper excited about the new look of Marilyn's Mansion's cast! We'll be posting our WIPs and devlogs frequently to keep you updated! Love you guys :3 Thank you for your support and being with us!

Hubby Bunny back once again. Don't think we've forgotten you guys. Here is a comparison gif and a couple of test renders fresh out of oven. Enjoy! Also feel free to let us know what you think about these new changes.

View attachment 4038489

And here are some sample renders with the new Jen!

View attachment 4038569 View attachment 4038570 View attachment 4038571 View attachment 4038573
I like the old version better, it looks younger!
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Active Member
Jun 13, 2019
Hey everyone! Hubby Bunny here. We know it’s been a long time since we’ve posted a DevLog and apart from an occasional image post at , it pretty much was radio silence. As some of you might know, I was away for military service during August and came back with a nasty flu. As if it wasn’t enough, I’ve managed to get Wifey Bunny sick too. We’ve been trying to get back on our feet with regular hospital visits, tons of medication and sleeping. Still not %100 there but we believe we’ve recovered enough to get back into action and pick up the development where we left.

While I was away, Wifey Bunny did some experiments on posing, texturing, shaping and such. Ultimately, we’ve ended up deciding on a rework for our characters. This will allow us the portray more balanced visuals with characters that reflect our vision better all the while looking a lot more appealing. Wifey Bunny will go into details about the rework in a minute.

Apart from that, we are working on finalizing the little touch-ups on the environments. According to our calculations, we are %70 done with the environment creation for the majority of the game while %95 there for the initial release we are planning since we won’t be using some of the environments early in the scenario.

Speaking of, as you might remember, we are trying to create a Sandbox|Harem experience with a deep story as well as feed it with enjoyable side stories as much as we can. Again, we are mostly done with the writing for the initial release while the whole skeleton is already done for a couple of years worth of content.

Long story short, apart from a minor fix here and there, all we need to do is combine everything and render out. Reworks are coming along faster than we’ve imagined. Wifey working on the characters considering their first appearance time in the story so we most probably will be rendering at the same time. This pretty much covers what I want to say so I’m leaving the mic to the Wifey Bunny:

Heyhey minna!
Been a while since we've met in the DevLogs, right? Some of you may recall what's happened to me when hubby bunny's gone. Fortunately, that month of sadness and sorrow finally passed and here we are, as a united bunny team!

As hubby bunny stated, I was playing around with our characters; had enough time to think about and assess the satisfaction rate of our end products to our vision. As a result, we crazy bunnies have decided for a rework on our characters.

The first reworked character you're about to meet is our beloved naughty blonde and main character, Jennifer Green (Jennie). Yes, I admit that it is a drastic change, however the result has finally satisfied the bunny team. I would love to give you a brief(!) list of changes, heheh:
  • Head and face: Well, at first I wasn't planning on making such a huge change on her face because we kinda liked the vibes she was giving off. Childish, mischievous, shameless yet could be an innocent cutie if she wants. However, the more I look at it, the more it became toonish style to my eye. So I thought maybe I should create everything about her from the start, all over again. Now her face is more lifelike, I mean has more realism into it, yet not that much dialed in terms of detailing and shape. To me, she still keeps that childish and soft look, but you can feel that she's not "that" innocent.
  • Hairstyle: Although I'm in love with OOT's hair meshes, using their assets significantly slows our workflow down. Not only for that reason, but also her new face now lets her wear a messier bun, hereby leading to have a more modern and sporty finish.

  • Body: Now less voluptuous but the juicy parts didn't dry out. From neck to toe, she now has more details; e.g. collarbones, shoulders, chest area, arms, veins, hands, abdomen, pelvis, legs, knee bones, feet... Everything now is designed with more meticulous effort. One of the main issues that gave rise to those changes is, not being able to pose the character without weird collisions and awfully stretched UVs (even with bend controllers, shape enhancers, etc). That "thicc" anatomy was restricting us to pose her in many complex ways. Toning that thickness down has finally given us the freedom, hopefully.

  • Skin: After a long research, we finally found the best one suits our blondie. She now has freckles, yaaay! (Coral will be surprised hehehe) Again, our pursuit was to create a better look under every lighting rig. Bump maps, normal maps, SSS settings and every other aspects on the skin are all optimized now.
Yes, these are the major changes related to the rework. Most probably this is the final version, yet there could be tiny minor fixes since we couldn't have the chance to try it in all of the possible occasions. I don't think there would be anything can affect the overall look from now on.

All in all, thank you for your attention on this looong post! Hope you like our new Jen! The next one I'm currently working on is Anastasiya Volkova, our mini-redhead Annie! I'm super-duper excited about the new look of Marilyn's Mansion's cast! We'll be posting our WIPs and devlogs frequently to keep you updated! Love you guys :3 Thank you for your support and being with us!

Hubby Bunny back once again. Don't think we've forgotten you guys. Here is a comparison gif and a couple of test renders fresh out of oven. Enjoy! Also feel free to let us know what you think about these new changes.

View attachment 4038489

And here are some sample renders with the new Jen!

View attachment 4038569 View attachment 4038570 View attachment 4038571 View attachment 4038573
Black stripe in life always change on white. Good to know you are back safe Hubby Bunny! Welcome back!

Jennie as always looks stunning. Big breast it's good, but I like the realistic version. OMG those hands :love:
Wifey Bunny you did awesome job!
I can't wait to see the rest of the cast of characters in a rework version.

Don't tell me you are rework "Ginger Devil" too?! Mixed feelings. I want it and I don't

P.S. Pic's stunning!

Coral's Dream

Aug 30, 2022
Black stripe in life always change on white. Good to know you are back safe Hubby Bunny! Welcome back!
Nyaaa! Finally got my other half back ^^

Jennie as always looks stunning. Big breast it's good, but I like the realistic version. OMG those hands :love:
Wifey Bunny you did awesome job!
I can't wait to see the rest of the cast of characters in a rework version.
Thank you so much! Happy to see those positive comments about the rework so far.

Don't tell me you are rework "Ginger Devil" too?! Mixed feelings. I want it and I don't
Well, I hope the result will be the better and optimized version of her. Unlike Jennifer, I won't be designing her from the scratch, most probably do some fixes and detailing on her own model. Don't worry, I never let her lose that "Ginger Devil" title :3

P.S. Pic's stunning!
<3 Hubby bunny couldn't help himself and rendered tons of beautiful images with her new look! My personal fav is the one with VR set hihihi :3


Active Member
Jun 13, 2019
Well, I hope the result will be the better and optimized version of her. Unlike Jennifer, I won't be designing her from the scratch, most probably do some fixes and detailing on her own model. Don't worry, I never let her lose that "Ginger Devil" title :3
Oh hell! Now I totally want to see rework :love:

<3 Hubby bunny couldn't help himself and rendered tons of beautiful images with her new look! My personal fav is the one with VR set hihihi :3
Yea, this one is the best.
What a game she play? :)
With necklace render veeeery seductive :cool:
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Coral's Dream

Aug 30, 2022
What's the joke?
The fact remains that she began to look older, as if she a milf and someone’s mother and not a young girl!
Actually there wasn't any.
The sad faced attachment of her is actually the one I was trying to make her face look younger lol.
1726578206009.png 1726578023199.png
After you said that she looks older in the rework, I immediately reloaded her model and started the modifications. Now her eyes are a bit bigger and cheek-jaw-chin-jawline parts now feels a bit younger. I dialed down some of the "HD morphs" a bit, since sometimes they give more creases to make the face look a bit older than it's supposed to be. I guess you haven't noticed it :(

If I were to make a joke, I wouldn't write the part that "in the meantime wifey bunny's pumping youth into her face". I actually meant it and was doing it, heheh.

No need to create a meaningless ruckus here. Thank you for your comment tho! Thanks to you, she now looks even better!
Last edited:
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