What saddens me is that we have to have this discussion in almost every trans themed game.Today people have a lot of freedom by distinguishing between Sex and Gender. (see Gender Studies 101 in BaDIK)
Using Gender, today every guy with a dick can call himself a girl/woman while every female can now call herself a boy/man if they want to. If gender is used to determine if sex between 2 persons is straight, lesbian or gay, this can be very confusing and actually would make the terms obsolete because they would no longer differentiate different sexual encounters but instead different mind states of sexual partners.
Gender-Focus :
If a male (sex, dick) and a female (sex, vagina) have sex, it is straight sex if one of them has the male and one has the female gender, e.g. the dick fucking the vagina or the vagina pegging the dick with a strapon. If two dicks have sex, it is gay if both refer to themselves as males (sex, gender) and lesbian if both refer to themselves as female (gender). I noticed this kind of confusion on some pornsites where e.g. women on TS or TS on TS porn can be categorised as lesbian while female pegging males is called bisexual.
Sex-Focus :
Imho to not confuse people from the pre-gender-age, it probably would be easiest to stick to older categorizations using dick/vagina instead of gender :
dick + dick = gay
dick + vagina = straight
vagina + vagina = lesbian
TS with a dick would count as dick.
Futa with both dick and vagina have their own categorie.
So if a crossdressing guy with a dick (trap) sucks the dick of another guy, it would be gay, even if the trap refers to herself as girl.
Please note that this is not a discussion about sex and gender but instead about how to categorize porn so that people know what they get if they select a game with certain tags.
In terms of the game, I love the art and I look forward to see how it develops. I played it for a bit and by the looks of the screenshots, I didn't even see half the content, because I couldn't figure out what to do other than advance time, sleep, masturbate in front of the TV, and explore the paperdoll variants via the Renpy option of the computer.