Finished playing and I REALLY enjoyed the game, however, I am confused to who are going to be actual LI's, and who are just going to be side pieces.
Devon, Jessica, and Aimee are the only three girls I can say with 100% confidence are actual love interest that you will be able to start an emotional relationship with. Colleen, weirdly enough, is probably the only one on the most likely to be a love interest category for me. Even though she was a literal prostitute and had a train ran on her, she said it was the last time, and HAS shown at least a little interest in the MC, even if she can be cold at times. Which might be some sort of shield she puts up.
Other than those four though, everyone else is already in "stable" relationships and/or have shown no interest in any sort of relationship with the MC outside of having sex.
Surely there won't only be three/four love interests though, especially with this many characters. I'm not sure about characters like Charlie, Kyuw, Nikki, Jenn, Teresa, or the Dean's daughter. (her name slipped my mind) I could see all of those as POTENTIAL LI's, but their place currently in the story doesn't really suggest anything more than a sexual relationship for now, and a few of them are Iffy considering certain things we know about them.
Would Kyuw dump "Jammy"? I don't know, she seems to care about him, so it seems unlikely, but she also seems REAAAALLY into the MC.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to finding out these things. Currently as stands, my favorites girls are Devon and Aimee (easily the hottest in my opinion). Others on my radar, who I'm interested in are, Jessica, Nikki, Jenn, and maybe the Dean's daughter. We don't really know enough about them yet though for me to make a final judgement concerning if I would even want more than a sexual relationship with them. Colleen is a tough one, because she hides way too much shit, I don't care that she was a prostitute and had lots of sex, but she has to stop being so cold and cagey all the time for me to have any interest in her beyond sex. Kyuw could be an interesting LI, but again, not sure if she will even be an option for more than a sexual relationship.
Looking forward to the next update~