My dudes, crafting's real treat is when its combined with hunting and ranged. Hire Ansel, Peasant, Loren and Savant. Savant's always last: because he's a sure shot. Another good start is to get doyle as 1st merc in around day 4-5.
Start training ranged 2 points everyday with trainer. Start doing bounties: but only 3 danger or less. When you don't get a bounty start crafting or hunting with the pack.
I've seen the hunting code: Having knife ads 1 to skin, rifle and shotgun don't add anything. Meat is great with crossbow and rifle, not so much with shotgun. Hunting in had weather imposes penalty, as does using crossbows.
Once you reached 80 ranged around 25 days, start training stamina 2 days at a time to reach 80. All with trainer. By this time you'll have around 20k if you did everything right and luck favours you. Or you could train stamina and ranged each 1 point daily, with trainer. Ranged 2 points cost is 190 and stamina 180.
Nobody's mentioned this but you can train your mercs. If you train Ansel and get his intelligence up to 60 he collects 16 merch everyday, which pays off his salary (16*4-10(food)) and some. I trained Bud Walton upto 80 ranged: put walton 2 or 3rd.
Don't train the peasant ( i hate his look, damm that hilly-billy beard), he'll ask for more money. Loren's ranged never wants to go up. Boink her by demanding, and then assign as whore for $40 daily - i never do this. This is mean considering her back story. I let her go after a while. 75 health is too damm low.
Damm GD: you nerfed gambling big time. It was netting $500 daily in the fury with anything over 100-120 gambling. This was my goto skill as it requires NO stamina to make money and as you're already there in the tavern, just a few additional clicks.
On Poker in dockgrave:
<<set $myhand to random(50, 750)>>
Dude.... you're setting my 1st draw of cards randomly without and gambling skill check !?
then for adpos 3
<if $gambling lte 29>><<set $myhand-=15>><</if>>
<<if $gambling gte 40>><<set $myhand+=15>><</if>>
<<if $gambling gte 60>><<set $myhand+=10>><</if>>
<<if $gambling gte 80>><<set $myhand+=either(5, 15, 15, 25, 25, 45)>><</if>>
<<if $gambling gte 100>><<set $myhand+=either(10, 15, 15, 25, 25, 55)>><</if>>
<<if $gambling gte 130>><<set $myhand+=20>><</if>> f
or for adpos 4
<<if $gambling gte 40>><<set $myhand+=15>><</if>>
<<if $gambling gte 60>><<set $myhand+=20>><</if>>
<<if $gambling gte 80>><<set $myhand+=15>><</if>>
<<if $gambling gte 100>><<set $myhand+=15>><</if>>
<<if $gambling gte 130>><<set $myhand+=15>><</if>>
+= means add this to orginal. Read the above and tell me if it makes sense. I'm penalized for having gambling over 130 and randomized for 80-130, but rewarded for 40-60. I guess the codes trying to make life easier for the weak player, but as he gets stronger ......
Not taking gambling again. Nowhere else was gambling mentioned in the pooker game. Also darts use your ranged skill and intelligence, and not gambling.
Of course, I might be reading it totally wrong, in which case my apologies. But I came accross a lot of code like this, where its overly complicated and skillups are given in a convoluted manner. Its prolonging the grind, not to mention its counter-intuitive to the player.
To the guy who said crafting is a lot of clicks:
Have you counted the number of clicks for a bounty? Or the fights? Or even the Assembly plant. (Why couldn't it have been like those ren'py games that you click once? Hours pass with the outcome in the end.)
khumak said:
After trying a Magnate start
I can only play the public version so no flashy fancy elite starting backgrounds for me
Trust me, makes the game super boring.
The only reason I wanted to play the paid version (as i said my prior post, if someone was kind enought to oblige) was the sugary tongue...I can't cheat on that, it feels like real cheating, all slimy.
To any new players: max out intelligence(used everywhere) and charm(say hello to papa bear) - everything else is secondary. Before slave traits and other changes (around 0.8.2. or even before) manipulate was a great way to break the will - now you must charm them first of face consequence. I'm scared to use manip - gets to abhorred and then venom real fast. Scary.
A gripe I have is shotguns are useless: gets a penalty in everything. Hunting, fighting you name it. Even with 80 ranged I miss. This should change to >> High ranged + close distance = 35/40 damage. Be an amazing game style, ranged + melee. Hit with power katana or shotgun. As it stands now everyone get the rifle and then the big guns. Same for melee, straight up power katana, and nobody's bothering with melee.
I'd also change shotgun to pistol for hunting and a range skill up if kill with pistol.
This game is now showing its age: the legacy code and framework (little things like bathing, fishing - I LOVED fishing a year back, was a real rush to get 20 food when there was no hunting) have no place is this greatly expanded version. It's getting more and more complicated and GD promises to make it moreso as the year progresses - I commend him and those who play, personally its getting a big exhausting IRL. I'm a min-maxer, if that wan'st evident. I've had a LOT of fun playing this the whole of last year. And the music in this game is the real MVP, sets the mood. Good stuff guys.