
I'll keep this in mind when I eventually get back to doing combat again, especially that medicine part. For future reference, what training does Cait need to be able to fix duraplate ?
Here's how I generally start:- hire ancel,Loren,bud and slave Rebecca - 5 team .Try Westside quest from cloth store for free guns- sell/ purchase rifles for all of squad. Train ranged skill along with Rebecca for next 10-20 days. Each day upgrade your house,train,fight random raiders,raiders at stokehills( spawn in 2-3 days,u'll get notified after going to bed next day). Purchase skill books like charm, science to get a decent stat respectively. Remember,u can't do physical training if you're tired,so if u missed your training and eventually tied u can still read books( use 1$ coffee for Max gain).
Join professor Wolfe 1500/- cource from academy. learn till u get optimised stamina ability.
You start your day at 8 am, game count another dat @12am. Also u can continue till 6:45 am with the same date. I mean if u sleep before @6:45 am and wake up @8:00 am,it'll be the same day and from sleeping u replenish your max stamina that can achieved during a sleep cycle(1:15 hour sleep with all benefits).
Now with this trick at the end of 2 weeks(14th day) go town hall for 5 tier bounty (extreme). Replace ancel & Loren with Felix and unlockable fellow ( forgot his name,call him x)from tavern. Try to get a plasma weapon in first fight,give it to x,give X's magnetic rifle to Felix. Clear neighborhood,try reaching influence 1500 early as possible, I do it arround day 20 .
Once u get access to crystal island replace bud with Ayden,buy duraplate for u and stealth for Rebecca,upgrade Felix Armor to duraplate ( everything will cost u 50+). Register at arena.
Now u have a team with two plasma rifle,1 magnetic,1 rifle ( Rebecca) , allrounder mc. Daily wakeup,train,fight in arena,hunt down raiders- repeat & grind . You can earn 1 grand+ from arena+ 5 tier bounty+ clearing grouped enemies at stokehills.
Try to maximize charm, dominance when comes to training slaves- breaking their will. Buy aria ( very good combat stat), remind her everyday what she's worth( daily -4 willpower). Replace Felix with her. U'll only spend 700$ for two mercs @ end of 30 days.
Once her willpower broken or your relationship is loving marry her. Everyday train strength and melle with your wife aria& slave Rebecca for 80$ each season.
This is how I generally spend my first 40-50 days speed running things. My goal was to get that costly endgame mansion,invest in all possible businesses,have all slaves from markets n quests, complete all possible quests before 100 days. I achieved that in 98 days with a child( faster pregnancy surgery). I generally ignore crafting,hunting, medicine and solely focus on combat for much better reward.