I think the problem is more to find somebody, who has enough interest in bigger woman to do the work. Even if I knew how to do that, I would most problably not do it, because I am not into that. And that might be the case here too.
There is no special shortage of artists who are both skilled and able in rendering chubs and some of them might enjoy the idea of creating some layer of fat around those relatively skinny models we find here in this remarkable game.
Fatness is important not only for those sick, sick people (like me, for instance) who fancy it but also for the grand sensible majority that tends to avoid it and it's less favorable side-effects.
I have let myself be told that among our current cultures here on Earth young girls would rather have cancer than get themselves fat in case they could choose. Unfortunately my crystal ball has run out of batteries times ago, so I can't thoroughly understand what exactly the maidens and masters of postcalyptic Raana
really think about fat and the different stages of fatness. Thus I have taken a glimpse at how the slave market treats the slaves. Too thin ones are fed to gain a little in order to keep them alive and kicking. Horribly fat ones are either slimmed down or eaten during famines. There
are no truly fat ones to be seen OR they are kept tight home and fed lavishly instead of parading them proudly around. A post apocalyptic world, I am told. Yet I am left wondering a bit at that. The Emerald City and Ikaanos have existed already such a long time that even a new religion has developed and taken it's place. Fashion changes in a heart beat, I imagine - and there are filthy rich folks who could fancy plump slaves as much or perhaps even more than slim ones.
The girls on Raana themselves jokingly tease me in case I treat them at restaurant or feed them with morsels. "You fatten me up so I can't escape!" or something along those lines.
Oh the horror if they knew how close to the point they have come there - and yet no slim girls have run from my house either. Bad for them and their waistlines, I must say, but how could they know before it is too late.

Taking a look at an overweight slave I am told that the girl is seen as one belonging into a wealthy family that can pamper her outrageously and feed her with extra portions. So I have some reason to believe there is a bit jealousy around when I take some buxom beauty out to wine and dine.
Until things change pretty thoroughly with the new battle engine, fat slaves remain as deadly (or poor) shots as their slimmer sisters. Fatties have some disadvantage at melee, not with their shooting - and though they might show themselves like easier targets for fiends they seem still to be missed on average as easily as the more emaciated girls.
But back to basics. How about buying relatively cheap fat girls (that some idiots have fattened due their nasty fetishes, for example) from the slave auction and training them until they are in their peak both physically and mentally? I have no doubt they could be sold with some profit afterwards even while I am well aware that they still consume a good deal of time, money and effort also when they are kept on slimming types of diet.