Can you please tell me how you broke the encryption previously and what programs you used to do so?
I don't have time myself to edit the game files after each new version, so here's a bit of a tutorial.
First, get the .swf file(s) and a flash decompiler (I use JPEXS). Open the .swf file in the decompiler and search for the Patreon codes. Usually, the codes are encrypted (hashed, actually) so they'll appear as a long text string composed of random letters and numbers. From there, there's two ways you can go about it, since the codes are encrypted (again, usually) in SHA-256:
OPTION 1) Search the internet for sites that offer databases with known SHA-256 hash values. The site will match the encrypted/hashed Patreon code with the original text (if it's in their database). You'll probably not find all of the Patreon codes (since SHA can generate a gazillion different values), but at least this way you won't have to change anything in the game's code.
OPTION 2) Create your own "Patreon codes" by hashing a string of text with SHA-256 (just google SHA-256 encryption site). Then go in the decompiler and replace the existing hash values with your own generated hash values. If you're using JPEXS, it's best to not edit the decompiled code ("ActionScript Source") since decompiling and recompiling doesn't always work, so only edit the 'original' code (right window "P-code Source"). Make sure to properly save after each edit and test your new code (your original text, not the encrypted text

) in a flash player.