Collection Video Maximus Jandari Collection [2025-02-07] [MaximusJandari]

5.00 star(s) 6 Votes
Sep 4, 2017
Switched browsers and ANON worked. Dunno why chrome had a problem it doesnt do it for other collections.

I'm not sure but I can give a couple possible theories. you'll probably have to dive into your browser settings and/or extensions and/or 3rd party download managers as all 3 have common conflicts that can pop up in obscure circumstances.

An anecdote from my own experiences/fantasizing setting my computer on fire may help with ideas of where to look.

I use:

Windows 11​
Brave Browser​
(with a couple extra 3rd party ad blocking extensions a couple link unshorteners and various other extensions which intercept URLs and data)​
Internet Download Manager​
Windows Defender​

So I had 3 issues that seemed to be somewhat random where files would disappear after I was sure I downloaded them (or so I thought... 2 issues files never DL'd and the 3rd issue they were DL to my OS drive root folder C:\)

  • Issue 1 turned out to be sporadic cases where I attempted to download vids by right click "Save as" in browser context but my Internet download manager is set up as intercept downloads. It was throwing an error because the context option acted like an override and both commands tried to take control
  • Issue 2 was similar sporadically it seemed until I realized that each problem only occurred when the download button was a redirect and the download manager got confused and the browser basically didn't DL because I had configured it to defer all DL to the IDM to fix issue 1
  • Issue 3 was really frustrating because I could actually see the file completed downloaded in the IDM but when I went to my designated Storage drive and folder about 1 in 20 videos just were not there. Eventually I was navigating to my user folder and just happened to scroll down a little too far in c:\ and saw about 50 Mp4 videos that I thought were lost since they never moved to my chosen storage destination in IDM. I proceeded to try to move the files to my video storage drive when I got an error which finally made me realize the cause:
    I had set up IDM to name videos the same as the window title so I would not have videos just named 12digit numbers. on some websites the window title isn't the video name either but is vaguely descriptive b y just listing every TAG the vid is listed under so the name goes over the 255 character limit and window errors out when trying to move or copy the filer. I had to shorten the names using 7zip file manager running in admin mode (this error fix also applies to files/folders that error with "this file/folder in not found in current location because it has an illegal character in the name or it ends with space like [MY_VID .mp4] ) IDM set up to use c:\temp while downloading for faster performance and move to I:\vids after completion but it failed to move
hopefully seeing these problems and how I diagnosed and eventually fixed might give you a starting point ore even just some ideas to look at.

Sometimes this crap just doesn't play well with others. if you need ideas just ask and many here would help I'm sure


I rape lolis with my tentacles
Trial Moderator
Aug 11, 2017

Hey Guys,
So, bad news I'm afraid, I'm not going to make the end of the month for this animation.
Originally I'd planned to be handing some timing accurate previs to the sound engineer by yesterday/tomorrow at the latest, giving him a week to do his work whilst the frames render and I can do some post, enabling me to hit the deadline of the end of the month.
But I misjudged the amount of good ideas that didn't seem to take... that much time to put in at the time.. but it all kind of mounted up and... well... here we are.
This animation has birthed so many good ideas, I'd have no idea it would be this big when the idea was concepted.
However, there's a few sneak peaks of what to expect below some of this is clips directly from the animation itself, one of them is rendered just for you guys, so there's something to whet the appetite.
I've decided to just give myself another week to polish and ensure everything goes together, I may not need that long but, first couple of weeks in August I'm sure this will be ready.
The juicy part
Please forgive the dodgy colour banding, it's because they're gifs, but I can't embed the MP4's, However they are all attached to this post if you'd like copies.
Bear in mind this is a sneak peak and is considered subject to change.

AIMEE stroking action

A lot of you wondered how the milker worked, well:

And Some of the milking process.

It's all WIP, you may (or may not) have noticed the nipple thing isn't tracking the boob properly, but hey, this is why I need more time!

I'll talk more about all of this in my monthly update, which may or may not be on the first, it depends when this is all done and quite simply put, if I have the time.

Bye for now!



New Member
Feb 18, 2018
Update 26: My best work
Hey all!
Really text heavy - talky update for you all this month, it's going to be a long one, there's a lot to update you all on:

Chun Li Piece
OK so this is sitting at... something like 80% completion right now, I need to do her facial animation, fix some outlier issues, then sim the cumshot (minor spoilers I guess) and it's ready to render.

There two things that cropped up during the last couple of weeks that changed things:
1: I got laser eye surgery
2: I met someone with seriously advanced technical skills who's willing to help me make my productions way better.
So the first, it's not like I didn't know about in advance, but I wasn't really expecting it to be this bad for this long, I'd explained it to them what I do for a living and they advised to take a couple days off work.
I think that advice stands for most, but not someone who has to rely on colour critical work and accurate bloom levels (basically my life looks like someone turned up the bloom really high) it's not ideal.

So mainly I've been resting and taking it a little bit at a time, As of writing this now my vision getting really good so I'm fairly confident about returning to the final polishing stages, and I'm confident we can have this out before the end of the month.
Even before the technical lead steps in It is still is my best looking production so far, through working with some other animators and people of considerable technical skill we've been able to utilise mocap data to add some extra realism and spice to the animation.
Which brings be nicely to talking about:
My motivation and content delivery.
When I set out to make productions I've always had a high goal, I wanted to really push the boundary of what animated porn could be, I wanted to inject story, and I wanted it to look good.
But, 3D is -dense- work, you're always learning new things, and to be quite honest, I'd reached a saturation point to my technical skills, and it was really starting to sap my motivation to do... well anything really.
It's not like I hadn't learned enough to get by, but to say that final simulation stage of FX for me is a nightmare is something of an understatement.
Through therapy I've found that I'm very likely to have some variety of ADD/ADHD which makes focusing on these more mundane duties next to impossible at times, it was all fine and well doing it for the first time, because you have the excitement of learning something new driving you, but when you're running the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th person through mostly the same circumstance, the motivation starts to wane, that is effectively what 'the box' had become for me.
It's been largely responsible for the stagnation of work that's been creeping in over the last few months, after I had what was my breakout 'hit' of sorts (the box) the goal shifted to being trying to identify the constituent parts of what made that work so well, and figure out how to keep that going.
I was making work that people were consistently happy with, and I'm very pleased with that, but I didn't really feel like I was making the kinds of strides I wanted to, and I was definitely working too hard.
And that's why the Edging lab pieces were broken up, amongst all of those there's a lot of very repetitive 'grunt work' that I was really struggling to bring myself to completing, despite the obvious (monetary) rewards presented, I needed to find the drive that was making me produce these ideas again.
The chun-li piece was the first project for a while that really captured my attention and brought back those creative ideas again, hence why I was holding onto it so firmly, to make it the best it could be.
And you (my supporters) have been -so good- with sticking around so I don't have to worry about keeping the roof over my head whilst I work through this and find my passion, I really can't thank you all enough!
And all of this has worked out fine for a while, since I had the passion to draw me through, but as time has gone on, It's become clear I need help with that element, and need to be accepting of where my limitations lie, and work to improve the bits I'm good at.
Which brings me to talking about:
New Staff
So, I made a new friend, who's willing to have a more active role in improving not just the FX and simulation side of things, but also help me with much more advanced rigs, and just generally smooth over my experience so I can create better looking art, faster.
It's like finding the missing connection between what I can see and want to see in my head, and having the technical ability to bring that to fruition.
It's someone that's very difficult to acquire in this world because, when you work to a certain standard, you kind of expect that from others, and that standard doesn't come cheap, so to find someone who not only has the skills, but is excited about my project and where we can take it together, and is willing to work for reasonable rates... it's extremely exciting to me.
On top of this I've managed to resolve a long standing schism between myself and my writing team, which is going to open up many more possibilities in the future for us to explore. (mainly about how to smoothly integrate my mainline story series to the ever expanding list of BCD content)
On top of this the new contractor has the ability to start smoothly integrating not only the mo-cap data we're getting, but also improve other aspects with exciting:
New Technology
As briefly mentioned before, this project has been my first exposure to mo-cap data, and integrating it into my productions, that had a bit of a learning curve, in it's first iteration it required a lot of cleanup, but the potential it's showing for the future cannot be understated, It was very very exciting for me to work with, as it stands at the moment it reduced about a weeks work of work for me to an afternoon of hooking up some constraints and cleanup.
It also created a really exciting base to work with, and surged my motivation again to really perfect it.
It's also going to be paying a pivotal role when I return to A414's story, because it's going to be the difference between having to cut a particularly impactful moment because it's simply too difficult or time consuming to animate, to returning to my original objective: No compromises.
The previously mentioned new addition to the team also has the exposure to the exact suit we're going to be using, and can work and create model bases for us to cover -all kinds- of eventualities.
So male, female, futa and everything in between, all mo-cap driven, with intuitive controls on top for me, I can really focus on getting the details and standard right, and I can do it all better..... once we get it all up and running of course!
It's allowing me to step more into the role I'm most comfortable with, which is more along the lines of a creative director of sorts, as I build into more of a production house rather then a sole creator.
Which leads me nicely into talking about:
Studio, not Singular
The fact is that I've not been working as a sole creator for a while now. You've probably noticed the growing list of credits and people involved with these projects with most productions (besides the small ones)
Sound was the -first- thing I delegated out, and I'm extremely privileged to have amongst my list of contacts two very talented sound designers.
Kass has been taking a much more active role with the writing of scripts for productions and there's a couple of other people involved in the process that would prefer to be unnamed at this point.
But the fact is that it's growing to be bigger then just me, so in the coming months there will be some re-branding coming about, once we've decided on a name for it and secured the domains and such, I'm searching currently for a PHP developer that can help design a website for me to relocate these kinds of updates onto.
That's also going to be an opportunity for me to start getting into the lore a bit more, and really just bring the face of the studio together, as I believe it's important to recognise that the works that come out from me really represent more of a collective vision then that of just me now.
I will continue to go by MJ of course, but don't be surprised if things start to look a bit different in the coming months.
About Sombra
A lot of people are asking about Sombra, I just wanted to offer some reassurance that it is still planned to take place after Chun-Li.
My hesitation to engage with it earlier was largely down to me working out how I wanted to do with it, I needed to find a balance between re-treading new ground, and finding content that was interesting for me to produce.

But at this point that piece is, honestly more of a love letter to the fans than anything else, I think that may still employ the same production methods as I use currently, as getting everything up and running with mo-cap data and new, better and more dynamically simulated models is going to take a bit of time.
But my motivation to produce things is back in spades, It has been written already and voice work has been requested so it's all ready for me to set to work on once Chun-Li is done.
In conclusion
All going well we should see significant improvements in the quality and quantity of productions as we move forward.
You (my supporters) have all been so patient with me whilst I work through this, I'm really grateful for it, with a tiiiny bit more of it, we should start to see the first fruit bourne from this somewhat tedious wait.
I know it's no fun having to wait for the content, but I hope I've shed some light on the inner workings and developments that have lead us here, and hope you can see the potential that lies before us!

Bye for now!


I rape lolis with my tentacles
Trial Moderator
Aug 11, 2017

Hey everyone.
Had a few questions and comments on here, I'm not going to reply to people directly asking for status updates, especially in DM's.
The Anim is very very close to being done. I'm knocking out all the final issues and provided there are no further egregious errors, I should be able to start rendering tonight.
Which with a few days for rendering itself, we're aiming to have this out by the 31st.
Thank you all again for your patience, please find a few test frames as I'm putting final touches on. These are sans final post work SFX and everything and there's a couple errors in them being resolved, but pretty indicative of where it's going to be:

The decals went missing for this one (on the buckles) and the straps had to be totally re-done (notice the slight height they have over the surface of chun's skin, particularly on the chest)
I was able to get the visor displaying things as originally intended so there's some light hypno fun there.
When doing these ones I thought the facial animation during this segment could be improved, so that's on my list of tweaks to get done today.

I re-did a lot of the skin materials and generally improved the look of the textures, paying particular attention to the important parts.

I also did some tweaks to the body and added some sweat build-up effect to show the intensity of the session.
I've been receiving updates from the sound designer and it's sounding incredible, I outsourced the entire project to him, this being a 'money no object' kind of project, I wanted the best.
This project, whilst extremely fun to work on, has just been a bit of a pill, the model I'm working with has been throwing issues at us left right and centre, nearly everything I do in blender endures a 3-5 second wait for the changes to take effect, it's been challenging to get through, but we are almost there!
A question

I've attached a poll to this post, Some have expressed desire for a POV version of this scene.
At the moment the camera switches between several static shots showing the action from various angles, the audio and positioning of the characters is accounted for that.
However it is not entirely beyond the realms of possibility that the entire thing can be re-rendered from the POV view:

This was before the materials adjustment but after some SFX passing, notice the difference in the shading on the cock, the belts floating and the less 'wet' look to the cock and her.
So, I'm curious how many people would be interested to see this, I had the audio guy play with some binaural audio mixing, and with the presence of headphones I think there's a possibility for a fun self insert version.
It would take some time out of production schedules but obviously the work is basically done at this point, so it would represent only a minor delay to further productions, please let me know what you think about it!
Tiers Adjustment

This release will result in an adjustment to tier prices for new patrons.
As before, if you are currently subscribed you will retain all benefits of that tier, so provided you do not change your sub level or leave, you will be entitled to the same benefits as before.
It's as fair as I can be about it whilst still accounting for the fact that, I've got staff to pay now and with the extra I can only make things improve faster!

Along with the tiers update, I was playing with preview renders in this and it's a case where I think a higher resolution output might have some real benefits, it helps a lot of the materials pop more and we see more glisten on the skin.
I've historically steered away from 4K because it does literally double the render time, but this is again, something I'd like to hear from you all about. Is this something that matters to you? Would you be willing to pay more to enjoy the productions in a higher quality ?
It's out of scope to have this production ready in 4K with the current deadlines, but this could be the first (and unfortunately only, at least for now) version in 4K available on a new tier after the re-structure.
There's options in the poll about this too, I've allowed multiple choice so please don't just click them all, as ever any direct comments are welcome!


Jan 3, 2019
Assuming theres no unannounced bollockery going about, the new anim should be out sometime later, right? Wonder how this one would turn out, its been a hot minute. And he got him/herself a crew or someone to work with along the way?


Nov 8, 2017
Now I wonder where he's living to know what he means by 7pm :D

edit : For those who asking, it seems it's united kingdom
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5.00 star(s) 6 Votes