Perhaps i say something stupid, but i really like you art style. I mean i play chapter 1 and a few minutes ago i play chapter 2
And i really like... how i already say you style. I think that the style you use till now is really awesome. I mean i really like the game with anime 3D like style. Is ok that some time you find a game more 3D real style, but some time they become bored. The autors trie to give them to much realism that they in some way lose something exciting.
Look on this site, there are plenty of game base on 3D real style, so play you game is like a fresh air on the face.
And now you also add voice! I think you do a real improvement! Sorry if i write something bad, i am italian and i do not write very well in english.
But trust me, do not change you style, this game is awesome.
Perhaps when you start a new game, you can try with this new engine?
Or perhaps when you finally finish this game, you can try to remake the game like that.
But i think that till now you really do a awesome work.
And i really like this new chapter 2. I just now see the shower scene with Rita and oh man so excited! So beautiful.
Anyway thank you to let us play you game! If only i had a credit card i surelly support you, but for now i cant

Continues to grow like this, and you game become really awesome!
Edit 1
There is only one thing that I would have changed, Max is too tall! It looks almost 2 meters XD
In chapter one he was not so tall. I can understand that now is muscular, but so high, I think a little too much.