you can download the compressed version since it's 3gb lessi hope this game has a patch (dont need to load the whole thing), it goes over 4gb(
Strange cos I follow the walkthrough every time and every time I have no problems at allThe walkthrough is useless, sorry to say :/ and if you dont unlock one scene, then you cant get the next one, gave up on this game some time ago, a real shame tho cause it's really nice except, that stupid system. if you follow the walkthrough you wont get the points needed.
well ive tried starting over 3 times or so, cause some scenes following the walkthrough you wont get and you dont get the poiints needed as it says in the WT and girls are not where they are surpose to be :/Strange cos I follow the walkthrough every time and every time I have no problems at all
same for me... :-("Alisia will get up you" not happening to me at sunday morning.
hmmm.... seems im missing 1 lauracorr...You must have done everything first.
You should have these stats
momcorr >= 87 and momlove >= 19 and lauracorr >= 74 and lauralove >= 16 and ritacorr >= 44 and ritalove >= 16 and auntcorr >= 53 and auntcorr >= 16 and alisiacorr >= 26 and alisialove >= 6
Check your Mom points, maybe you miss something previous versions?i had dinner every morning(when she was there at least) but only said"see you then" "yes.see you later"