from the 0.21 begining
-Go see laura in the aferternoon, until she ask you to buy a buttplug, after use the plug on her until you sodomize her.
-The saturday or sunday evening go to mom room, the three girls should be here, mom and Rita ask for a buttplug.
-the next day go see Aunt on the evening, she's with her daughter on the living room, follow the scene.the next day check your inventory, you have the glass buttplug.
-Go see sophia and Alvin, talk to them, go to sex shop, talk to the vendor, go to see Mei, talk to her.
-The next day, return to Mei, talk to her, return to Sophia and Alvin, talk to them.they give you the third buttplug.
-Wait until Saturday/sunday evening go to mom room, trigger the event.
-Wait a few day, sleep on mom room, that should trigger the X-mas event.