4.00 star(s) 3 Votes


Dec 20, 2021
Alright, so I finished playing the latest version of the game on patreon. I've gotta say the game is pretty decent and competently made, now I know the game is early in development but it is lacking in content and several areas could use improvement.

To start off, I highly recommend on implementing a save function as soon as possible as a lot of players don't enjoy having to start over every single time. The juicy content can always wait till later in development and updates.

Scene transitions such as going into character dialogue or sex scene are a little abrupt but its a minor issue.

Key bindings only work one way, when i switched cap locks to tab to open inventory, it will open the inventory but wont close the menu when pressed again.

A pop up notification to tell me what item(s) i picked up.

An indication of registering a hit against an enemy like a floating damage number would be helpful in combat.

An alternative way to pick up items instead of picking them up individually. Either by walking over them or having a larger hit-box to press collect since its a really small prompt for pickup.

Not everything in the game has hovering text over NPCs and doors or intractable objects to know what I can or can't interact with.

Bow and arrow aim reticle isn't accurate and shoots to the far right of the reticle.

Player Stats and weapon stats.

Ammo counter for how many arrows you have left when using the bow.

Possibly a harvesting ability with things to collect in the open world so the world doesn't feel barren or desolate.

This isn't necessary since I'm not sure if the mazes are procedurally generated, but one thing that would make things a lot more player friendly is having a consumable item like a blank paper/papyrus that can be used once during a maze run to help map out a maze, however once a maze is completed or abandoned it is discarded and the player will be forced to buy another blank paper/papyrus map.

Other than that, there's not much else I can complain about since it's still early on in development. I'm interested in seeing where the game goes and hope to see more content in the future.


Game Developer
May 16, 2020
Alright, so I finished playing the latest version of the game on patreon. I've gotta say the game is pretty decent and competently made, now I know the game is early in development but it is lacking in content and several areas could use improvement.

To start off, I highly recommend on implementing a save function as soon as possible as a lot of players don't enjoy having to start over every single time. The juicy content can always wait till later in development and updates.

Scene transitions such as going into character dialogue or sex scene are a little abrupt but its a minor issue.

Key bindings only work one way, when i switched cap locks to tab to open inventory, it will open the inventory but wont close the menu when pressed again.

A pop up notification to tell me what item(s) i picked up.

An indication of registering a hit against an enemy like a floating damage number would be helpful in combat.

An alternative way to pick up items instead of picking them up individually. Either by walking over them or having a larger hit-box to press collect since its a really small prompt for pickup.

Not everything in the game has hovering text over NPCs and doors or intractable objects to know what I can or can't interact with.

Bow and arrow aim reticle isn't accurate and shoots to the far right of the reticle.

Player Stats and weapon stats.

Ammo counter for how many arrows you have left when using the bow.

Possibly a harvesting ability with things to collect in the open world so the world doesn't feel barren or desolate.

This isn't necessary since I'm not sure if the mazes are procedurally generated, but one thing that would make things a lot more player friendly is having a consumable item like a blank paper/papyrus that can be used once during a maze run to help map out a maze, however once a maze is completed or abandoned it is discarded and the player will be forced to buy another blank paper/papyrus map.

Other than that, there's not much else I can complain about since it's still early on in development. I'm interested in seeing where the game goes and hope to see more content in the future.
Wow, thats a good stuff!
Thank you for taking the time to play my game and providing feedback.
Maybe not in the next update but some of the suggestions i will surely implement.

Key bindings, A pop up notification, floating damage, hovering text bug.
Yup, it will be definitely implement.

Fix bow and add arrow counter probably too.

Save system partially works, should work in village and openworld part but its disabled in mazes.
Has a few bugs that need to be fixed.

For the rest of the suggestions I need to think about.
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Reactions: jampfl


Game Developer
Dec 20, 2020
I've just tried this and found multiple bugs making it somewhat unplayable when they trigger.

First attempt, I jumped the logged at the beginning, this then left SP stuck mostly empty, couldn't sprint, i could draw/hide sword, but unable to attack, resulting in starting over.

Second attempt, I spoke to the craft person in the village, pressed esc to close, when meant to click the X, this left it on the screen, but back in the game and can no longer do anything with it, could talk to the person again, however when using option 1 again, it just kicks it out back into normal game and closes that UI window.


New Member
Nov 16, 2018
Seems like a good start for a fun game, if a bit lacking in the h-scene department (I saw 3 scenes, 2 with Ateniada and 1 with the warrior woman enemy). Enemy attacks are readable, but I'd like the option to either block or dodge. I noticed that if you opened and closed the menu (pressed Esc) while in your inventory or the crafting menu, the cursor would disappear until you open the menu again. A few combat gripes are that if you spam left click, the game will use stamina for 3 attacks, but you'll only swing your sword twice, and that arrows would land to the right of the cursor in close quarters.


Dec 20, 2021
Mazex v0.50a

Patch Notes:
Mazex 0.50a Patchnote
Hello everyone, the new version is almost ready for release.
After ~1-2 weeks will be also avaliable for Tier 1
Changes for version 0.50a:
- New character Maya.
- New side quest for Maya.
- New hscene with Maya.
- New character - Cow girl.
- Added armor system.
- Added a new tab in the inventory menu.
- Added new items:
- leather
- Rag
- Rag hat
- Rag tunic
- Rag pants
- Leather hat
- Leather tunic
- Leather pants
- Thread Grass
- Added crafting recipes for new items.
- Added ability to upgrade newly added items to lvl 4 after learning recipes.
- Rag and leather can now drop from crates.
- Added item "Plants and Threads Recipe".
- Added item "Basic sewing Recipe".
- Added item "Intermediate sewing Book".
- Added item "Advanced sewing Book".
- Added crafting recipe - Thread.
- Added crafting recipe - rag.
- Improved animation smoothness for zombies.
- Improved stone throwing animations for zombies.
- Added 2 new attack animations for zombies.
- Zombie now turns toward player when attacking.
- Zombies now have a chance to drop rag 15%.
- Changed sounds for zombies, in the old ones there was too much noise.
- Added mini h scene.
- Respawned zombie should no longer hold stone.
- Active waypoint now heals up to 50% hp (e.g. the one in the village)
- Elpidia's wing displacement bug has been fixed.
- Elpidia moves her head a bit more smoothly now.
- Added mini quest for Laryssa, She is no longer available from the beginning.
- Laryssa is now looking at the player.
- Textures in the forge no longer flicker.
- Reworked stamina system.
- Stamina is now displayed more smoothly.
- Changed design of stamina bar.
- Fixed bug causing stamina not to regenerate after exhaustion after a jump.
- Added anemic jump while exhausting stamina.
- Map area expanded: abandoned house under the forest.
- Meadows expanded.
- Added spot with mobs and key.
- Changed terrain a bit in the village.
- The arrangement of Elpidia's garden has been slightly changed.
- Changed spot near village, removed ruins and skeletons.
- Minor changes in the area past the lake.
- Added Maya's house.
- Fixed a bug causing multiple playbacks of the dying sound after death.
- Bow now has its own progress bar when pulling the string.
- Fixed bug of firing an arrow without pulling after changing weapons.
- Added ability to crouch (ctrl) because why not.
- Fixed Maze warrior left shoe.
- Different boob size for Maze warrior (B-E) E cup is the largest that can be drawn and has a lower chance of being drawn,
larger ones do not fit the character.
- Levelup now gives +5hp.
- The amount of hp for mobs depends on the difficulty level set in the options in order easy x0.8 base hp, normal x1 base hp,
hard x1.2 base hp.
- Mobs (zombies, small goblin) have a small chance to respawn with higher level, 6% level 2, 1% level 3, higher level mobs have almost 2 times more hp and hit about half as hard
drop more loot and exp.
- Added random quantity to dropped loot.
- Rebalancing mobs.
- Added compliantly new bugs!
- The hoe is now a bit bigger.
- Fixed bug causing arrows to stop on dropped items.
- River now is slowing the player down and has a sound of stepping on water.
- Fixed a bug that prevented a player from dying after eating poisoned food.
- Rhea no longer activates conversation automatically, you have to use interaction.
- Added ability to remove nearby grass in h scene.
- Fixed a bug that caused attacking with open inventory.
- Attack with insufficient stamina no longer drain stamina.
- Celshading intensity has been slightly changed.
- Added tooltip "disabled in maze" for save game button.
- Added floating damage for enemies and player.
- Bug with esc fixed, you can now close inventory with it.
- Added notification of picked up item.
- No longer need to drag arrows on the hotslot to see the amount, added a counter of arrows in the upper left corner.
- Cheatmenu can now be closed using 'o' or 'esc' keys.
- Added puzzles in the open world.
- Water in the lake has been changed.
- Added lake sound.
- Changed ocean water.
- New mechanics: added notes, can be read, can not be picked up, added some to the game.
- Girls only look at player now when he approaches max 5m.
- Recipes and notes shine for moments when you approach.
- The sound of picking up items has been changed.
- Added sound of crate hitting the ground.
- Added footsteps sounds for skeletons, treeman, small goblin, zombies, Mazewarrior.
- Added sound of sword hitting the ground.
- Added sound when hitting zombies, skeletons, treeman, small goblin, zombies, Mazewarrior.
- Player footsteps sounds changed.
- Added the sound of an arrow being knocked in.
- Added sparks after hitting the shields.
- Added wall of fame.
- Rebalance of mob spawn in maze, less chance of maze warrior, now small goblin and skeleton can spawn.
- Hotslots are saved between levels.
- If there is a difference in save versions there will now be an alert.
- Fixed a bug of lifting objects after a dialogue.
- Added tooltips for items in crafting.
- Added text color of recipes that can be crafted.
- Autosave fixed, now there is a pop up message.
- A bug causing the attack to stutter has been fixed.
- Fixed bug causing zombie stone to stop on sword.
- Fixed a bug causing music to stutter during combat.
- Some minor changes mostly visual.
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Reactions: Davis333 and Neild1


Jan 17, 2018
Oh boy I sure do hope this one doesn't turn out like R-Life.

But to be honest, this game looks great and I'll probably keep coming back to check on it every now and then in the next 3 years.
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Reactions: syblix and DADDDAAA


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
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Sep 14, 2020
So how do i trigger Maya's H-Scene. When i interact with her all she does is clap


Apr 30, 2017
so how do i actually get into the maze, it say " cant open the gate yet" all the time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
One thing I'd suggest is not using the same model for interactable items as non interactable items. There are some sticks that you can pick up and some that you can't, but they look the same. Same thing with the mushrooms. You should be able to see an item from a distance and know it's worth running over to to collect it because of previous experiences.

The range of the sword is a bit misleading as well. It seems to be about 2 feet, you should be pretty safe dealing with zombies with the way they attack currently (Stopping a foot away from you and swinging) but the range ends up seeming almost the same with it as the zombie attack. If possible, it might be better if the zombies lunge at you with their attacks and the sword can strike enemies from further away. Right now it seems like your sword doesn't really "exist" or give you any kind of advantage. You can give the player and the zombie their own advantages to balance them out and make them feel unique. The sword range lacking is really painfully apparent against the treants in particular. It feels like it should be hitting from a foot away but it doesn't. You need to get close enough to kiss him to actually strike him, lol.

The skele archers are broken atm, they can no scope you at close range. Kind of the whole playstyle/balance of archers is they should be weaker in close range than at a distance, but you actually have to fight them similar to other enemies. Attack and then back up or they will guaranteed hit you. I was expecting to be able to circle them and strike them repeatedly but their random bullshit targeting with their arrows means they'll still hit you. They need some balancing/maybe ai changes to make them try to stay away from you or something, and maybe a melee attack.

The elf Maya speaking doesn't show her name during dialogue. It makes it seem like the MC is the one talking the whole time.

So we can't activate any of the waypoints outside the town yet? That sucks.

The "Entering water blur" starts when your feet touch the water, it should start when your head is submerged.

Having to press a hotkey and then activate it with E is a rather weird choice, why doesn't the hotkey just automatically use the consumable? I'm already having trouble with F being the collect key instead of E, and it seems like changing that in the controls doesn't work right now. Then I have to worry about deselecting the consumables or using them whenever I try to press those buttons.

Little gripe, but the player "Being hit" sound doesn't feel like it matches the MC, it's too "gruff", dude sounds like an orc. From the dialogue he apparently just finished his warrior training, so he's probably pretty young. Something a bit higher pitch seems like it'd fit better.
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4.00 star(s) 3 Votes