Updated my Gofile. (Took a while thanks to Gofile going into maintenance at 96% -.-)
Included in this Update:
01a. Cowgirl - 4K - 2022-05-09
((""Ahri"" - I forgot to include that in the name))
01b. Cowgirl - FullHD - 2022-05-09
((""Ahri"" - I forgot to include that in the name))
02a. Dva Missionary - 4K - 2022-05-19
02b. Dva Missionary - FullHD - 2022-05-19
03a. Evelynn Missionary On Car - 4K - 2022-05-27
03b. Evelynn Missionary On Car - FullHD - 2022-05-27
01. All Versions/Outfits are included in each pack but ONLY 60FPS (if available).
02. You can find the new stuff in "2022 - May-Animations" Folder.
03. The "Cowgirl"(Ahri) and "Dva Missionary" Animations are in 52FPS, only "Evelynn Missionary On Car" is in 60FPS.
04. The "2022 - May-Animations" Folder is now complete.
Starting for now, i will delete all FullHD and 4K normal versions from my Drive (Only keeping 4K Sharp),
they will still be on Gofile and i will still upload them in the future, im just telling you, once uploaded, i will not be able to reupload them in case something happens for now. Mostly because Megaera´s files are so large and i want to save some Space on my Drive until i get 2 new 2TB SSD´s end of the month probably. Usually i would use another Drive for it until i get a new one but all my 6 - 2TB SSD´s are almost Full and there are other Artists i gather stuff for too, also as some know its bad for SSD´s if you go beyond 80%. Once i have the new SSD´s i will get the Files back if still available, so in case something happens i will be able to reupload. (No i dont want any HDD, spare me with that)
Here the Link:
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rf96 Feel free to Update OP