Comics Collection Melissa N. Collection [2024-10-23] [Melissa N.]


Dec 5, 2023
The weight gain BBW concept is turning out really well with this comic. It's great because she's chubby enough but not overly obese. Melissa should do more of these. I'm lovin' it.
i really like the artwork but the underlying story is a bit dead. I think the artwork carries it because the MC is a bit spineless.
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Dec 1, 2023
i really like the artwork but the underlying story is a bit dead. I think the artwork carries it because the MC is a bit spineless.
I haven't bothered reading this one. It was clear from the first few pages that this is basically the same white background story she's done dozens of times, just with a different sub-fetish that I have no interest in.

In other news, Melissa says that next part of AM is coming "soon":

Looks like Elena and Marina, I think? Possible real conversation incoming, finally? They haven't had a real conversation since before Elena was discharged from the hospital (not counting when they spoke at the pool and Marina refused to listen to anything Elena had to say beyond admitting she slept with Nikos). Although the man kinda looks like Nikos, and he tends to put a damper on reality.
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Jul 25, 2021
I haven't bothered reading this one. It was clear from the first few pages that this is basically the same white background story she's done dozens of times, just with a different sub-fetish that I have no interest in.
I would actually be all for the short white background stories if they deliver on the sub-fetish. But Sweet Change doesn't work for me because

1) Generally, weight gain isn't my fetish. Or rather, if the focus was on the degradation/humiliation, I could be on board. But "chubby chasing" isn't something that generally works for me. But more importantly:

2) Part 4 has a corseting scene, which seems like it's contradicting the whole point of being a WG story.

To be honest, Sweet Change would have worked a lot more for me if the weight gain wasn't explicit, but rather the story was meant to be a more realistic seeming transformation. So rather than a normal sized guy somehow have their waist and shoulders magically reduce to supermodel proportions, if it was a normal sized guy that is dressed up as a stockier but still cute woman, and the transformations are enhancing that femininity without over the top body modifications, that could have done it for me.

Although, maybe I'm just bitter about how hard it is to lose belly fat :mad:

Looks like Elena and Marina, I think? Possible real conversation incoming, finally? They haven't had a real conversation since before Elena was discharged from the hospital (not counting when they spoke at the pool and Marina refused to listen to anything Elena had to say beyond admitting she slept with Nikos). Although the man kinda looks like Nikos, and he tends to put a damper on reality.
My gut is Marina and Nikos are talking (arguing?) and we're gonna get a minor reckoning. I'm thinking (hoping) that Marina is finally confronting Nikos, but Elena is going to confront Marina with what she thinks she knows. While I usually hate this kind of misunderstanding induced plot, my guess is Elena is going to accuse Marina of plotting against her and "side" with Nikos. Then Marina is going to storm off.

As with the last few parts, I think a lot of suspicion is going to be thrown Marina's way before the next twist reveals how it's a misunderstanding.


Dec 1, 2023
I would actually be all for the short white background stories if they deliver on the sub-fetish.
It's the same story every time. You get two or three characters. 1) The most gullible, meekest guy in the world, who believes 99% of the things he's told and for the 1% he doesn't he only puts up the feeblest protest. 2) An unseen female villain who has no personality and no motivation, and basically just wants to feminize the dude for the lulz. 3) Sometimes there's a tough manly man who thinks that "no" means "yes" as long as she's not clawing his eyes out, brought in at the end to plow the first dude post-feminization. The plot always proceeds in the same fashion:

MC: Hello Villainess, I'm Main Character!
V: Nice to meet you MC! I think we should turn you into a girl!
MC: I dunno... that kinda sounds like it might turn me into a girl...
V: Nah, you worry too much.
MC: Okay then.
BD: Hi, I'm Big Dick. I'm here for the sex scene.
MC: Huh? But I can't have sex with you, I'm a man... aren't I?
BD: Doesn't seem so. Besides, the readers need something to jerk off to. Now bend over.

Might as well drop the pretense and make this a wordless transformation sequence. No reason to waste time rendering hundreds of pages. And as Elaine. said, at that point the enjoyability comes down to the artwork, aka the fap material, which only really works if you're into the fetish being presented. I'm not into weight gain, so A Sweet Change really has nothing for me. I'm not into age progression either, but I find AM's story fascinating so I'm still hooked (and there are still scenes that I can find sexy despite the AP).

My gut is Marina and Nikos are talking (arguing?) and we're gonna get a minor reckoning. I'm thinking (hoping) that Marina is finally confronting Nikos, but Elena is going to confront Marina with what she thinks she knows. While I usually hate this kind of misunderstanding induced plot, my guess is Elena is going to accuse Marina of plotting against her and "side" with Nikos. Then Marina is going to storm off.

As with the last few parts, I think a lot of suspicion is going to be thrown Marina's way before the next twist reveals how it's a misunderstanding.
Yeah I think it's too much to hope for that we're going to get an actual conversation without a misunderstanding/storm-off. And/Or Nikos is just going to stonewall Marina and refuse to admit that he hasn't actually been married to Elena for 30 years.
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Dec 4, 2023
I haven't bothered reading this one. It was clear from the first few pages that this is basically the same white background story she's done dozens of times, just with a different sub-fetish that I have no interest in.

In other news, Melissa says that next part of AM is coming "soon":
View attachment 4155141

Looks like Elena and Marina, I think? Possible real conversation incoming, finally? They haven't had a real conversation since before Elena was discharged from the hospital (not counting when they spoke at the pool and Marina refused to listen to anything Elena had to say beyond admitting she slept with Nikos). Although the man kinda looks like Nikos, and he tends to put a damper on reality.
My impression is that it is James, not Nikos, but it's pretty fuzzy. The clothes look more young guy to me. This is Andrew and Marina's secret meeting spot, so that would also seem to argue against Nikos.
If it is James, it will also be difficult but them to say much as supposedly James has not been told who Elena really is.


Dec 1, 2023
My impression is that it is James, not Nikos, but it's pretty fuzzy. The clothes look more young guy to me. This is Andrew and Marina's secret meeting spot, so that would also seem to argue against Nikos.
If it is James, it will also be difficult but them to say much as supposedly James has not been told who Elena really is.
Oh, yeah, could be. It did occur to me that the clothing seemed uncharacteristic of Nikos, who we've only seen in suits and swimwear so far (plus, you know, naked...), but I thought the hair was too light to be a younger guy. But looking back, James' hair is on the lighter side and almost looks gray in certain light. I think it's actually supposed to be dirty blond, but it could be him in the preview.


Jul 25, 2021
thanks she has quite a collection of heels now it seems. i liked the 5" pumps best
Admittedly, that's one of the first things I bought a ton of on my own crossdressing/feminization journey. Can't really get enough of cute/sexy heels. Only thing that kinda sucks (or maybe it's a hidden bonus) is that even though I have small feet for a man, they're large feet for a woman. So getting that sexy "arch" look is really hard. 4-inch heels and lower practically look like flats on my feet. Need to go minimum 5 inch to have that curve.

As a rant, I get that it's for stability reasons, but it's so annoying that most 6-7inch heels are really just 4-5-inch heels just with a 1-2 inch platform. Can't really get that "pointed toe look" like that :cry:


Jul 5, 2017
Aside from the ID we see that I've been assuming was doctored, there is no evidence in the comic that there ever was a real woman named Elena. At the beginning of the story, Nikos describes himself as a "bachelor":
View attachment 4150750

So that means he was never married. He's not divorced nor is he a widower. And that makes it all the more likely that Elena's ID was doctored, since the ID has her last name as "Samaras", as if she's already married.
Seferi says (p382) that there is no official information he can find on Elena. If Andrew is modelled to look like a replacement Elena of the past surely there would have to be something to be found on someone with that name.

Also, Sofia says that she and Eva are "looking forward to finally having a mom":
View attachment 4150761

So that implies that their mom died or abandoned them when they were very young (or that they are actually former men whose identities were erased to create new people known as Eva and Sofia and they never had a mom to begin with... DUN DUN DUN!). If they were turning Andrew into a copy of an existing woman, you'd think she would have worded that a bit differently. Something like "it will be nice to have Mom back, even if just for a few days."
The only hint of a woman in Nikos past is the one time his friend dressed as a woman. Given the man's ties to mobsters, who's to say the twins truly are his? You're saying the twins are feminised men, but what if they're someone else's daughters he's raising as his own?

Nikos had an obsession with Giuseppe years ago. He brings Giuseppe up when talking about past relationships, ignores Sofia bringing up women (p15) to continue talking about Giuseppe. So it's my headcanon they were lovers until Giuseppe grew over it and got married. Nikos never grew over his interest in men, which is why he experimented a lot with women.

And then there's Seferi, who's had an extramerital affair with a man before he was locked up. Seferi was convicted to 20 years in prison, which happened 22 years ago. How old do you guys think the twins are? What are the odds Seferi and his wife had a set of twins that Nikos adopted when they went to prison as a favour for his fuckbuddy?

For a closeted gay man having a secret transgendered wife may be the best of both worlds. For optics, he can be a regular straight man to aid him in his business deals. Andrew can slowly find how he wants to live his life as a woman given his body dysmorphia coming with a forced feminisation.


Dec 1, 2023
Seferi was convicted to 20 years in prison, which happened 22 years ago. How old do you guys think the twins are? What are the odds Seferi and his wife had a set of twins that Nikos adopted when they went to prison as a favour for his fuckbuddy?
I don't think any exact ages are given for anyone except for Elena. Nikos is in his 50s, Andrew is (was) in his 20s, and Elena is supposed to be 55. My best guess is that Marina, Eva, and Sofia are also all in their early to mid-20s, so I suppose that timeline could line up with your theory.

But my question would be if Nikos and Seferi are friends and Nikos is looking after Seferi's daughters, you'd think Nikos would have made an effort to be sure they knew both of their parents via prison visitation at the very least. So that would mean they have a real mother, and should have some sort of relationship with her and Seferi, but for some reason they're still posing as Nikos' daughters? Are they just lying to Andrew? Has this entire extended family just been conning him from the beginning? To what end? Seferi also mentions a brother who was imprisoned at the same time as himself and his wife. That seems like it could be an important detail too.


Jul 25, 2021
Seferi says (p382) that there is no official information he can find on Elena.
To be clear, what Seferi says is that:

"In fact, it is quite challenging to find any official information about you, Mrs. Samars."

This might be splitting hairs, but that's not necessarily saying no info exists. Challenging isn't the same as impossible. That said, if it turns out some of AndrewElena identity was preplanned, then it's possible that the only info that is out there might be part of this conspiracy. For example, let's say that driver's license is fake but it's in official systems. Then Seferi's word choice here could be consistent with him searching and only finding records that Elena "exists", but nothing else.

Nikos had an obsession with Giuseppe years ago. He brings Giuseppe up when talking about past relationships, ignores Sofia bringing up women (p15) to continue talking about Giuseppe. So it's my headcanon they were lovers until Giuseppe grew over it and got married. Nikos never grew over his interest in men, which is why he experimented a lot with women.

And then there's Seferi, who's had an extramerital affair with a man before he was locked up. Seferi was convicted to 20 years in prison, which happened 22 years ago. How old do you guys think the twins are? What are the odds Seferi and his wife had a set of twins that Nikos adopted when they went to prison as a favour for his fuckbuddy?

For a closeted gay man having a secret transgendered wife may be the best of both worlds. For optics, he can be a regular straight man to aid him in his business deals. Andrew can slowly find how he wants to live his life as a woman given his body dysmorphia coming with a forced feminisation.
I'm not entirely following: Are you assuming the man Seferi had sex with was Nikos?

I remember that at one point I was thinking that the sisters were twins and then discarded the idea and started thinking Sofia was the older one for some reason.

In any case, Nikos seems far too attracted to Elena's current body to be gay to me. Could obviously be bisexual (I do think the Giuseppe story is a hint towards what Nikos is into). And of course maybe (probably) has a feminization kink. But if it were really about optics, and he was strictly only into men, the "best of both worlds" would be in my mind Elena being able to convincingly present as a woman outwardly, while being able to shed the disguise when intimate. If anything, Elena's transformation has only pushed her farther from being a man and the intimacy has only increased.

Really, I'm going back to the feminization kink. He got a taste of it with Giuseppe. He's physically attracted to women, but he can't shake this obsession with the idea of the woman he's fucking having once been a man. Maybe it's a power thing. Maybe it's the taboo aspect. Whatever it is, Nikos has been trying to fuck Elena in the pussy as soon as the she recovered from the surgery, and it was only her saying no that stopped him.

Actually, the discussion about heels just hit me: Elena sure seems to have an awfully large wardrobe for this not to have been preplanned. I can sort of excuse the makeup, as the sisters probably contributed. But given her body type, it's not like Elena is borrowing the sisters clothes.

And this doesn't strike anyone as odd. I remember that way back when the story first started, I assumed Elena existed and died recently and that's why Nikos had so many of Elena's things that Andrew has been wearing. Based on more recent info, that's clearly not the case. I guess the easy answer is that Nikos let the sisters go on a shopping spree and they bought Elena a lifetime's worth of stuff, but still... Might not be a plot hole or a clue but it does strike me as a bit odd.


Jul 5, 2017
I don't think any exact ages are given for anyone except for Elena. Nikos is in his 50s, Andrew is (was) in his 20s, and Elena is supposed to be 55. My best guess is that Marina, Eva, and Sofia are also all in their early to mid-20s, so I suppose that timeline could line up with your theory.

But my question would be if Nikos and Seferi are friends and Nikos is looking after Seferi's daughters, you'd think Nikos would have made an effort to be sure they knew both of their parents via prison visitation at the very least. So that would mean they have a real mother, and should have some sort of relationship with her and Seferi, but for some reason they're still posing as Nikos' daughters? Are they just lying to Andrew? Has this entire extended family just been conning him from the beginning? To what end? Seferi also mentions a brother who was imprisoned at the same time as himself and his wife. That seems like it could be an important detail too.
Nikos raised the girls as his own. Take the first Antonio Banderas Zorro film, The Mask of Zorro. In it, the film's bad guy Don Rafael Montero steals Don Diego de la Vegas daughter and raises her as his own, who then grows up to be Catherine Zeta-Jones' character Elena, who isn't aware of her parentage. But she does grow up to be, well, Catherine Zeta-Jones, even without a female role model.
Sofia and Eva may not know who their true father is. Or at least not until recently. He may have approached both/ one of them, told them the story and that's why they're working together. Personally, my money would be on Eva working with Seferi. Eva is the person in contact with Marina (p. 250), being informed about her decision to go to Crete which kicks off some trouble. Sofia is checking in on Elena the day after she meets with Seferi and at the same time Seferi gets a phone call. It's at the same time ("meanwhile, not far from there", p. 415) as Sofia meets with Elena, so she wouldn't fit. Of all the people who had Elenas phone number to share it with Seferi, Eva would fit with this theory.

P. 419 reveals Seferi considers Elena to be "the most important piece on the board". So to answer why either or both daughters still play into the ruse could simply be answered by: because she's the most important piece on the board. They're working on a spiel.

To be clear, what Seferi says is that:

"In fact, it is quite challenging to find any official information about you, Mrs. Samars."

This might be splitting hairs, but that's not necessarily saying no info exists. Challenging isn't the same as impossible. That said, if it turns out some of AndrewElena identity was preplanned, then it's possible that the only info that is out there might be part of this conspiracy. For example, let's say that driver's license is fake but it's in official systems. Then Seferi's word choice here could be consistent with him searching and only finding records that Elena "exists", but nothing else.
The ID card Elena receives on p. 562 happens chronologically after the conversation with Seferi. The picture on the ID card is also of her look after the surgery, as indicated by the hair length.

So I guess you could argue whoever pre-planned Andrew to be turned into a pre-existing Elena whose identity was kept well-hidden in case someone could be found to replace and perfectly imitate her, only to activate that shadow to make a paper trail for her after a surgery. But I guess occam's razor dictates it's more likely she didn't exist before.

I'm not entirely following: Are you assuming the man Seferi had sex with was Nikos?
Yes. That's what I'm assuming. It's Chekhov's gun. Why do you think the news report on Seferis past (p. 393) explicitly mentions a gay affair? Take away the gay affair and the scene would have provided the same information to Elena. So it's got to be there for a reason. If it wasn't an affair with a character in the story, what would it be? Would it not make sense for it to be Nikos?

I remember that at one point I was thinking that the sisters were twins and then discarded the idea and started thinking Sofia was the older one for some reason.
You're right, it's not specified they're twins. One being older than the other could make for an interesting dynamic. They are very different people, Eva clearly has the hots for Stefanos and Sophia doesn't appear to have such a person in her life. They're two different people and in theorycrafting we shouldn't always equate the two of them as some homogeneous being.

In any case, Nikos seems far too attracted to Elena's current body to be gay to me. Could obviously be bisexual (I do think the Giuseppe story is a hint towards what Nikos is into). And of course maybe (probably) has a feminization kink. But if it were really about optics, and he was strictly only into men, the "best of both worlds" would be in my mind Elena being able to convincingly present as a woman outwardly, while being able to shed the disguise when intimate. If anything, Elena's transformation has only pushed her farther from being a man and the intimacy has only increased.

Really, I'm going back to the feminization kink. He got a taste of it with Giuseppe. He's physically attracted to women, but he can't shake this obsession with the idea of the woman he's fucking having once been a man. Maybe it's a power thing. Maybe it's the taboo aspect. Whatever it is, Nikos has been trying to fuck Elena in the pussy as soon as the she recovered from the surgery, and it was only her saying no that stopped him.
Maybe he's trying to replicate his most cherished memory, only without the significant other leaving him for a woman. This time he wants to stay in control of the situation and it's a way of abandonment issues at play.

Actually, the discussion about heels just hit me: Elena sure seems to have an awfully large wardrobe for this not to have been preplanned. I can sort of excuse the makeup, as the sisters probably contributed. But given her body type, it's not like Elena is borrowing the sisters clothes.

And this doesn't strike anyone as odd. I remember that way back when the story first started, I assumed Elena existed and died recently and that's why Nikos had so many of Elena's things that Andrew has been wearing. Based on more recent info, that's clearly not the case. I guess the easy answer is that Nikos let the sisters go on a shopping spree and they bought Elena a lifetime's worth of stuff, but still... Might not be a plot hole or a clue but it does strike me as a bit odd.
Clothes are also very expensive. That's usually an overlooked aspect of these transformation stories. That would have been a lot of money spent on a ruse that would effectively last just one night for a business deal.
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Dec 1, 2023
Nikos raised the girls as his own. Take the first Antonio Banderas Zorro film, The Mask of Zorro. In it, the film's bad guy Don Rafael Montero steals Don Diego de la Vegas daughter and raises her as his own, who then grows up to be Catherine Zeta-Jones' character Elena, who isn't aware of her parentage. But she does grow up to be, well, Catherine Zeta-Jones, even without a female role model.
Sofia and Eva may not know who their true father is. Or at least not until recently.
But in Zorro, the two men are enemies, right? If Nikos and Seferi are friends/lovers and Nikos is raising the girls as a favor to Seferi, why would he hide their true parentage from them?

Clothes are also very expensive. That's usually an overlooked aspect of these transformation stories. That would have been a lot of money spent on a ruse that would effectively last just one night for a business deal.
I think it's implied that Nikos is pretty wealthy, so I don't think buying an entirely new wardrobe would be much of a burden for him.
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Jul 5, 2017
But in Zorro, the two men are enemies, right? If Nikos and Seferi are friends/lovers and Nikos is raising the girls as a favor to Seferi, why would he hide their true parentage from them?
They weren't. Or at least, Don Moreno didn't think De la Vega was his enemy. Him being Zorro kinda lead to it. Nikos not bringing the girls to see Seferi could have antagonised him to a point he wants a form of revenge.

I think it's implied that Nikos is pretty wealthy, so I don't think buying an entirely new wardrobe would be much of a burden for him.
Do you think he took himself a part of the embezzled 10 million dollars to get a head start building his monetary wealth?
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