The two girls who do NTR stuff are
there is a little bit of NTR content for them, but not too much yet. I won't try to spoil where it shows up, but I don't want to waste your time either if you're seeking a cg scene or something more than what is in the game right now for them, so below is a spoiler to let you know what there is for them as a checklist. (I'll do it from earliest content to latest, for where they show up on the days.)
Hope that clears things up. ^^
Right now the focus is to only have Bridget and Lola be related to NTR content and keep it away from other girls. There is some light moments where for example Nathan shows an interest in Nova, but nothing happening. There is some of this seen in days 18 & 19, showing that Nathan and Joey have some interest in some girls. But there isn't anything planned for NTR with that, just more simply a world/character building to show they still have their own goals at the academy much like Brandon does.