I have tried to follow the walkthrough and the hints in-game but both are no help the hints as you all call them they are not hints at all it's only a what I call a journal don't show any hints only shows current and completed objectives and my journal only one part to the main quest is "Try if you can enter nichole's apartment but that wont complete or update I've already entered but only had three options Hide,Exit and Check clicking Check only gives a close up of nicole there is nothing else i can do and the walkthrough showing "Check the milk at Nicole's door (look at the time in the tips, if you need to, you can stay there, and click on the time at the top of the screen). (Milk delivered at the front of Nicole’s room at 16:00 and Nicole comes home and get the milk every 18:00) After that scene, go to RECTO STREET and ask to Tony if he has sleeping pills" I've did all this but tony don't have any options for sleeping pills so no the walkthrough/guide must not be accurate or missing somethings on what to do Please someone help?