Having different opinions is fine, and I respect that. Even though some people don't. That's what makes a forum active in a healthy manner. Being nosy in one's private financial life is not wise since you are being ignorant from the very start. I don't blame you for your ignorance since I would love to fund
@Lewdlab and donate to F95 Zone aswell, still I'm bothering myself to express my private life to a mere stranger I never spoke to since I arrived in F95 Zone, still in my opinion I have two solutions to your affirmation:
1 - You can help me find a job so I can have a proper monthly income, that way I can fund
@Lewdlab project and donate to F95 Zone.
2 - You can give me the money yourself via paypal, and you have my assurance I will fund
@Lewdlab and donate to F95 Zone.
Or you can worry about your own life, and be a little less ignorant towards other people, since you never know what is on the other side of the wall, you can just guess it. And in my opinion that's not wise, it's just playing the fool. Oh and before I stop replying to these kind of posts, I thought being part of a community like F95 Zone, was to one express his opinion and review any game or content in a personal and respectful way without minding into one's personal life, Am I wrong?
I will end my off-topic here, see you DOD fans if another project arrives! Cheers!