The "Vanessa Conent" in this case is a short dream, I've never had any problem getting it so I have no idea what your problem might be.... did you sleep in your bed the same night you met her? have you tried going to bed early? (I don't remember if that one had any early prompt or not)
what minigame? what scene? (I never do the minigames so I have no idea if this is a common bug)
And yeah I forgot about the night thunder scene with Ann... but I'm guessing you mean another scene since there isn't a minigame there if I recall correctly.
Vanessa's stuff doesn't happen on the porch you only see her there once when she is introduced (though iirc sometimes there is a bug were the introduction scene with her repeats). She has a bakery in town, talk to Ann in the kitchen after you repair the bike to get her location unlocked (IIRC this is when you get the dream, after repairing the bike, before getting the location from Ann)
PS I never try to avoid any of the scenes so forgive me if there are more that are unavoidable

I tried to remember.