Problem is that it seems to be a trend with the devs lately to go longer and longer between updates. All while getting paid while stalling.
Trend is a strong word, I think there are definately "Devs" that are running scams, but the biggest trend I see right now is people being too impatient about updates, many Devs will be taking longer and longer because their games are increasing in complexity as they grow, and it gets harder and harder to think of ways to develop the story, harder to bug test, and lets not forget covid and the various ways that is putting stress on us.
Right now I think
DigiBang has done a great job with Milfcreek and tarring them with the same brush as the various scammers that infest patreon is unfounded at the moment, the quality aready evident in the game sets them apart from that crowd IMO.
Personally I'm more than willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that the current delay is justified, most likely because they want to mantain the standard thay have set so far.
Ultimately time will tell. No need to Doomsay, have a little patience and let them succeed or fail on their own merits.