ho crap, I wanted to update the I patch but while it seems it's pretty easy for just characters names (single variable)
the in dialogues names seems hard coded in the script so they are not affected by the change of the previous variable
so sadly their is 2 reasons I can't do it, 1st one I don't quite have the time to search in the whole script for strings like sophie or olivia (to replace them by mom, sis etc.) I could still try to create a function that would replace all "sophie" by "mom" but then some other characters are going to call sophie mom too and it'll be weird so it must be done manually. And 2nd reason is I'm a player too so I don't want to spoil myself by reading the whole script. So if someone who has already played the update want to do that, you'll be a savior.
And if you want to do that here is a last piece of information : in the game dialogue seems to be coded in a vector like that
"name of the vector is the russian sentence" : ["character saying the sentence","russian sentence","english sentence",...,"ukrainian sentence"]
exemple :
"Да, Софи.":["bardi","Да, Софи.","Yes, Sophie.","Ja, Sophie.","Sí, Sophie.","是的,很喜欢。","Oui, Sophie.","Evet, Sophie.","","Так, Софі.","",""] (bardi here is the player's variable's name).