Some details in this game just piss me off so much...
1. The save naming: I don't like it, but I guess a lot of games have it... but then, even those who have it, make it in a way that clicking any place on screen results in saving. This game requires that you click again specifically in the little "save" box.
2. Why the hell Dev thought it was a good idea to make the button that hides the text also be the same that you use to save the game? It doubles the clicks I have to make to save. Sum it with the save naming bs and it's even more. And I tend save a lot.
3. Happened 4 times and I'm just in my first playthrough: sometimes I just roll up the scroll wheel to go back... and for some reason it redirects me to the main menu and I lose all my unsaved progress. If only they made it faster to save... but they didn't, as I wrote right above.
So, they basically have a huge bug that the only way you can secure yourself from it is saving as much as you can. But then, they also have the slowest saving method of all.
I don't think i'll stop playing only because of this. But it makes the gameplay 10 times worse than it could have been.