DarkClone, this needs some serious work.
Start with.. .the second question.
What is your relationshipt to this character?
Is totally unclear what you're asking for. (not to mention misspelling relationship)
I'm assuming the appropriate response is son, i.e. the MC is this character's son, but the way it's phrased I the player have no clue what's the right response for the result I want.
Looking at your code, what you're actually asking is "Who is this person to the MC? (default landlady) " Which for the first woman is Mom, and the second is Aunt which I'm assuming you want to be entered in proper case so the first letter is capitalized, but the player may or may not do that, so use the capitalize function to make whatever they enter consistent.
# Relationship question first MILF.
$ remilf1 = renpy.input("Who is this person to the MC? (landlady, will default to friend) ", length=32)
$ remilf1 = remilf1.strip()
if remilf1 == "":
$ remilf1 = "friend"
$ remilf1 = remilf1.capitalize()
scene introaunt
# Relationship question second MILF.
$ remilf2 = renpy.input("Who is this person to the MC? (landlady's sister, will default to friend)", length=32)
$ remilf2 = remilf2.strip()
if remilf2 == "":
$ remilf2 = "friend"
$ remilf2 = remilf2.capitalize()
The receptionist text makes no sense.
"You have reservations for a single and one twin rooms."
"The air conditioning is not functioning in does rooms."
those rooms??
Now instead of referring to it as twin rooms, ..
"But we have two double rooms."
And what you end up with is both room 23 and 22 have a single queen sized bed each. So... looking at a hotel reservation site....
"You have reservations for one room with 1 king bed, and one with 2 queen beds"
"But we have two rooms with 1 king bed in each."
Then you hard code the relationships to both ladies?
mc "Got distracted staring at the receptionist and didn't notice when my Mom and aunt left."
Then you tell us the inventory can be accessed
na "By the way, the inventory can be accessed by a button on the top right."
jump to navigation so we can explore the hotel but that's all there is, and there's no button in the top right??