The game is a good one. No doubt about that. We can all agree on that. But it's really obtuse and hard to follow. It's early parts are not intuitive at all so you kinda need a walkthrough. The characters jump in and out of the story at random parts and don't get enough attention or too much depending. The game is very experimental. No doubt about that. Sometimes it works, others it doesn't. But you have to give the creators praise for trying.
It's not bad, but really if the game was set up more like summertime saga, with individual separate story lines and character arcs, that don't overlap, the game would most likey be much better off. Alot of the games problems come simply from being rail roaded down a single main storyline. Sure they are introducing choices, but they most likey won't do much in the long run. Cause they can't with a main story being followed.
The game has a ton of potential even now. But I feel like it needs along side others i'm sure to be allowed to be open and allow people to choose who to pursue and when even if it runs into the problem of some routes not being done and others being very far along.
Sure it's not perfect. But this game with it's many milfs and characters, kinda needs to be more open like this for it to truly shine I feel.
Things can't progress too fast or too smootlhy with anyone. Mainly due to it being rail roaded down a main plot. The dialouge is good, but some of it can be outright exposition dumps due to needing to push the narrative forward. It's not bad, but could be better. That's all I am thinking.
Let the game breath and have a more open feel to it with disconnected story's for the various girls and Milfs. I mean what if someone doesn't want to even do anything with Gloria or her niece?If they just want the house milf, they are forced to play through scenes and story with them to get anywhere and hope for more. Rather than just being allowed to choose and foucus on that.