VN - Others - Abandoned - Milftoon Drama [v0.35] [Milftoon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty good. Although I expected it to be much better as milftoon creators created it. Part one is pretty great but part 2 is a little confusing. And we really need more animated scenes and still scenes. and they should be more accessible.

    But I enjoyed mini-games overall gameplay so I will give it five stars. I recommend everyone to try it the game may not be near perfect but it's enjoyable.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't know why this game is so highly regarded especially at this time. I mean I can get it that for a cartoonish style of drawing it has a helluva look to it. I will give it that. But at this point there are other games with similar that look just as good if not better.

    I'll also be the first to admit I'm a story first kinda guy. Sure I know that a lot of people like for these games to be sex filled romps, but I like a good story with sex scenes sprinkled throughout it. Even so, this one doesn't deliver on that one either. Characters are just plain dumb in this one and their reasons for having sex with the MC are usually illogical or REALLY outside the realm of realism.

    Last but not least it's labeled as a VN and it's not much of a VN at all. The way the game is, is frustrating with no rollback, no skip, you can't pause or hold things up during conversations and it auto advances. If you look away or get busy you'll miss something and if you wanna go back and see what it is you might have missed, you have no choice but to reload your save and get back to that point, and there's no fast forward or skip option.

    Last but not least most of this game is about the grind. Most of the content is filled with grinding. Not good characters or development, not plot, not story telling, hell it's not even filled with sex scenes, just grinding your ass off to get a mediocre sex scene every now and again, and ohh you'll have to keep a walkthrough handy, because without it, you have little to no hope of ever getting anywhere in this game.

    Me personally, I'd stay away from this one as the negatives far outweigh the positives in every aspect in my opinion. Unless you're a super huge fan of the art or the author, you really like or don't mind pointless grinds that you have to step by step follow a walkthrough for, you make little to no choices, and the ones you do make are usually either meaningless, or they just send you to redo something over again. Little to no story and not great sex scenes. If that's up your alley and the kinda game you like, more power to you, but if not, I recommend finding another game to occupy your time.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I really love the unique graphics/drawings of the game. One of the best out there in my opinion. The animated sex scenes are also nice.

    Story is alright, I think. There is a lot to discover, especially the relations of the characters to each other and a family secret.

    I don’t like the grind of the game at early stage. In the later updates the devs reduced this.

    The monthly updates are very small and sex scenes are rare

    The quests are not intuitive. Often you don’t really know, what to do and how to accomplish your goal. You’ll have to use a walkthrough, because with all the small steps towards a greater goal it’s way too illogical and absolutely not intuitive.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Basically it is a good game,need some approvement about art, updates should be more contently fixed, more stuff to play around in the game, not just following the story.

    Story is good and it is entertaining as well, continue like that, just take your time with updates.
  5. R
    3.00 star(s)


    The game is both Amazing and reaaaally weird! The gameplay is not bad but it just feels off or not intuitive. The Art are just amazing, especially if you like the old disney animation Era ( Sleeping beauty, The black cauldron, Merlin, etc ) because it's almost the same style. At the moment, it's more a visual novel with some point &click features than a real game, but the content and story is great enough to bypass all of this for now. I just hope that someday the game will be remade with Renpy and be updated to be more permissive and with more interactions and possibilities, freely!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    characters are great and the story is pretty fun. while pics in game are made very well, instead scenes in motion don't always reach the same quality.
    plus, dialogues are unskippable and contiunig the story isn't very simple
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Art style and animation is awesome, but the gameplay and can be difficult and repetitive. The money cheat helps somewhat. In order to get some event it requires out of the box thinking that doesn't always seem obvious. The game is very difficult without the walkthrough.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really loving the game & the beautiful Disney Artstyle. The game is refreshing and satisfying enough (provided you follow the walkthough; otherwise you'll get bored to death trying to figure out what to do next & where).
    However, this "having a thing for own mom" stuff is a bit too much to digest. Not that I complain. People do have fetchishes I get it. Just, expressing opinions. I simply ignore this part btw.. :sneaky:

    Pros (y): Artwork

    Cons (n): Progressing through story is very difficult without walkthough.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Absolutely gorgeous art. The 'story' as it is is anything but compelling but that's alright as you're motivated enough to go through the subpar gameplay (mostly money management by doing repetitive things, no real 'game aspect' here) and porn-level story anyway.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The developer here is known to try and bribe people for 5 star ratings, which I find unacceptable. This may work on that chinese knockoff you got from Amazon in exchange for more shit, but this is not the case here. (And there's nothing on offer anyway) Honestly I think the site administration should send warnings to developers who do this. If your game is good, you won't need to beg for ratings.

    That PSA aside, on to the game. I'll be blunt. It's shit. Absolute garbage that has no substance, no charm, nothing. All the magic of the Disney-like artstyle is sucked out in the mindless dialogue and story (if you can call it a story) that is laughably poor quality. None of the story makes any sense, and none of the scenarios involved are within the realm of possibility. It's all a shit show where the very few sexy scenes you get just kind of happen for either no reason, or the dumbest reasons. It's a grind game that is 100% unplayable without a walkthrough, as the developer is bent on making it as convoluted and confusing as possible using specific hours of the day for specific things you want to do that do not follow any logical reasoning behind them. There is also 0 sense of choice. It's a linear game. The sex scenes are few and far between, with a LOT of grind to get to one. The scenes themselves are mediocre and really not very sexy or creative. There's not much content either. It's been a full year since this has come out and there's not much at all to show for it. I give games a bit of time to get rolling, and I've patiently waited for this one to improve. Nothing has improved. Nothing has changed. There is only one positive aspect of this game, and that's the art. And even then, the animations aren't the best either. It's such a shame that a game that chose to have that Disney artstyle charm that no other game has, had to be this garbage. Absolute wasted potential.

    • Art
      (Yes, that's it. Salt aside, I can't really think of anything else.)

    • Greedy developer.
    • Extremely grindy for little, if any reward.
    • Forgettable, shallow characters without any personality whatsoever.
    • Terrible writing. Story doesn't exist. It's just a string of random occurrences.
    • Terrible UI.
    • Terrible progression system.
    • Buggy, broken code. Gallery doesn't even work.
    • Saves are still not compatible. Likely intentional to make the game seem longer per update.
    • Updates are tiny little trickles of content and are months apart.

    Honestly I could go on, but I won't. I'm done with this game and probably won't look forward to any subsequent releases. It's a shame, but the developer has had so much feedback, and so much time to make it right. And they chose not to, instead opting to milk what they can, for as long as they can, while asking for more donations to fuel the lack of effort being paid to the game.

    In its current state, the game is a very hard "Nope." from me. Art deserves 4 stars, but the game deserves 0. If the developer is not looking to improve, or listen to feedback regarding the game, they should just stick to comics, as their artist is fairly talented. However, their developer is anything but. I'll update things if somehow, the developer gets a wakeup call by the lack of supporters and starts making effort in the game, but until then, I really do not recommend this title in its current state.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, Dear Mr?. Milftoon-Drama I hope you can see this, it's not just a review it has contains some of my suggestions as well.

    hello guys before the review I'd like to say something first this gonna be my first post on F95 and you are about watching this review from an ESL student who fails the tests all the time due to the suck writing skill. Seriously I hate writing. But I Like developer's games from a long time ago, and I really admire his games, so I need to do it. I just wish I can at least clear my point to you.

    Objectively speaking this game's score is probably about 3.5, but I give 5 because just like others said a lot the "art style" For me it worth to give 5.

    gameplay(C) it's true this game its quite grindy, you do a lot get only a little for reward beside environmental interactions less than developer's similar last game that makes this game even grindy. I mean in his last game you can "grab" "use" "see" Many things you saw mostly just give some dialogue it's quite fun doing it and it does give you more info about the story。And I don't know its the game engine or what, The event conversation the game is automatic means you don't need to click to advance dialogue, just like you turned on "auto button " in the other VN game. to me, I get the most the main idea but some dialogue I need reload to replay to understand all, I guess it's just not so handy no matter your MasterEng or not.

    story&characters(B)ordinary story no much to say just give you some reasons and some hard time to play so you can get what you want. I know its just adult game we watch the scenes then release the"Kraken", But you already have the good vision materials why don't make some good story make the player feel like he is the protagonist. player feel more feelings if you can bring in the protagonist. That needs a decent story for it.

    draws&scenes(S) Honestly, its soul and saver of this game, very unique and I feel is like top level works exquisite and delicate also super "doable".<BUT I ULTRA MEGA WISH HAVE MORE SEX SCENES WITH STOCKING ON IT PLZ>

    Conclusion: This game needs nothing but the gameplay, so please improve it, with this amazing art style you came you saw you just need to be conquered the gameplay problem.

    So Dear Mr?. Milftoon-Drama if by any chance you seeing this and agree with some of my suggestions or points , please leave me a "like", hope one day we can talk on the patreon.

    PS thx wrarar downstairs I copied your format and tnx Grammarly make this so-called review less awkward
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Really good aninations, pictures.
    There is too much grinding, earn money is linear and boring af.

    Also you steal all the money from your mom, how does she not realize it? (But lets just dont care about that)

    Wihout walktrough impossible to play trough.
    Main Character simply does not have personality.
    The Game has good jokes in it.
    Likes: Jubz
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all i do understand that this is a porn game , everything on this forum is to some point a porn game. That being said some offer decent or good story and try to be more of erotica then hardcore porn. This for me is second with traces of first.

    Models for girls are good , i like the art maybe not too much of a fan of mc looking youngish but oh well. All in all art is strong point of this game/novel.

    Characters them self from what we could see so far seam decent enough , they do their purpose and they do make novel seam alive, there isn't much of depth per say but there is more then in average hardcore game.

    This is also more of a game then a novel , its built like that i don't necessarily dislike that but i do prefer novels over games, for me this is down to immersion. Novel offers better immersion then a game does. Now as a game its decent , i can't say that i felt lost in what to do next is it grindy ? Maybe in some moments more then in others thats for sure. Now does that affect the overall enjoyment of the game ? For me not so much.

    I am giving it 4 instead of 5 stars because of the direction where this is going at least in my opinion , i do not like when game go towards everyone fucking everyone or one big giant orgy fest where four or five characters fuck. This is personally my own taste based on me liking immersion , i can believe that mother and daughter (not necessarily related to mc but to each other) can be seduced separately and fucked but i do not find it believable that they would suck cock together being every day next door girls. This at least to my knowledge is not yet in the game , and very well it might not end up in it and if that is the case i will change my ratting to 5 stars. MC looking to young isn't my thing but knowing their other work this isn't as bad. The one other thing i wanna add is too slow progress with updates , a lot of other games are done by one person and many of them progress faster then this. Idk whole structure behind them but i assume its bigger then one person. This isn't affecting my ratting of it its more of a side thing. There are many games already out and new ones keep coming in it doesn't help in today's world there are too many things to grab attention and once you lose attention and forget about something its not good for that thing.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has little to offer: endless grinding, miserly drips of content in dull, unsexy scenes and an art style that's deep inside the uncanny valley (and seems to be the result of tracing over Disney cels). One to avoid.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    My review will be quite short because i haven't played much of the game.

    For me the game is unplayable because the text in game is on auto forward and since english is NOT my native langage i don't have time to read everything.
    Because of that i miss some parts of the story and a lot of information about what to do in the game.

    If the dev changes the game so that the text only goes forward when using LMB or spacebar (and maybe a third key to fast skip) then i'll take another look at this game and edit this review
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    First I want to point out that the dev begging for 5 star reviews compromise the game rating system and shouldn't be allowed, no matter what.

    About the game...
    The art is the only good thing about this game tho. The extremely grindy gameplay, the bad UI and how the days are divided by hours (instead of morning/afternon/night), just ruin the whole experiencie and make this game not fun that all.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The developer is begging for 5 star reviews while not changing the garbage, grindy gameplay. They seem adamant on keeping it like that as well. The art is really well done but if they keep at it with the shit gameplay then they should just stick to making comics, instead.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's really good I am hoping to see more from this developer and his work. The plot is very interesting. I want see what's going happen next with to joey and how the story will develop. The art is also very refreshing because of what it's based oh and let's not forget the figures of the females in this game >_>
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    gameplay: bad

    story: meh-1

    draws: very good

    scenes: hot

    characters: bad

    conclussion: this game is not fun to play, the interface is slow, and the characters are anoying.
    at least you got a guide adn LOTS of patience, this game is gonna be a tedious moment od your life.
    the only pro i can see beside the draws, is the jokes in the script, the story is bad but the jokes and ridiculus talks may worth the time.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Some nice looking cartoon'ish styled game, rare thing these days. Very good story and dialogues, animated scenes (actually alot of animated content). Progression takes time, a bit grindy sometimes, but its totally worth it in the end.

    Big tits that actually looks good, not liek some oversized baloons.
    No instant sex content (like getting lewd conent in first 5min of gameplay), take your time, learn the game, earn your reward!