Fan Art Milfy City: Fan-Art & Assets Thread

5.00 star(s) 5 Votes


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018

Excellent work, also the attention to all the original detail of render, clothing, classroom items, etc.

Celia seems to be teetering in a sort of unstable balance, perched on about a millimeter's width against the desk's edge, but that may reflect her extremely disturbed emotional state.

Or maybe it's those gigantic "knockers" keeping her from toppling back over the desk! Wow! (Anyway, her backside and breasts, if anything, outdo even what most of the game offers!) I love the way you've got her legs and face exactly right, both the near-photographic level of convincingly lifelike and the accuracy to the game.

I thought for a moment her bookmark had the shape of a penis, but I guess that's "going it strong" even for our closet sex maniac Celia! She has more public sense than to flaunt such a drastic symbol in public - even if privately she's burning up.
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Reactions: Sam Baln and cubero


Active Member
Nov 30, 2019
You got the look of her face, her expression very well. Perhaps - unusually - after a good night's sleep, so less darkness about the eyes and expression than usual - less haunted by what she has seen, what she experiences every day, than usual. But that's good, too. "Violet on Holiday", perhaps!

Perhaps her boobs droop a bit too far ("spaniel's ears", as the unkind phrase is), esp for one so young, compared with the game, where her mammries are very "prosperous", large and impressively firm. And I think you give Vi slightly less of a waist (meaning she has a broader midriff) than she has in the game.

So overall, maybe that looks like a portrait of "Violet - after escaping the clutches of the criminal gang that enslaved her, 15 defiantly braless years later, but looking years younger and happier than before, because she's free of the many daily horrors she lived through in the past"!

Good effort, great face. It's definitely her!

More Violet, please! She's one of the three most interesting, dangerously sexy, "electric" females in the game!
Thanks for the feedback. However I did not save the subset. So not so sure if it can be done as such again.
5.00 star(s) 5 Votes