VN - Ren'Py - Milfylicious [Ch.II v0.29] [Maximus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all I will remain very vague on the names and actions! and I'm not an English speaker so I imagine the actions (English school 30 years ago already)
    the game starts with text with images you tell the story with a very nice little jazzy music and already a choice! but already the images are very nice and we discover a brunette with big breasts, followed by a series of blonde images, which makes you want to know her, or to hug her and do lots of nonsense and always the little one jazzy music, strangely your characters feel at ease, me personally I would have already jumped on the young lady thinking she was causing a mosquito to attack her just to caress her!
    Well I won't say anything other than pff There is a very exciting and enticing young lady who devours you with her eyes! Sometimes you can choose the outfits they wear, it's fresh and it changes the atmosphere of the game, it can make the sequel interesting to see. On the other hand at the end there is this image with a young lady which is in color if you click on it

    there is an interaction that I will not reveal so it is up to you to test
    The game is running smoothly so far, the actions with the opposite sex are very entertaining, the different actions are varied
    The son ! the music is very jazzy and nice, the sound of the actions is correct and the voices set the tone

    there is an interaction that I will not reveal so it is up to you to test
    The game is running smoothly so far, the actions with the opposite sex are very entertaining, the different actions are varied
    The son ! the music is very jazzy and nice, the sound of the actions is correct and the voices set the tone

    Hoping that you like this test if you wish I could try to redo another later
    I'll do a test again when the game evolves
    have fun and see you soon
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What a breath of fresh air. Great game, full on harem, fantastic models, voice acting is there, animations are pretty good, renders are top notch, no puzzles no time wasting no nonsense, just good story and plenty of H scenes. I'm impressed!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game. It is a nice break from all the grindy games, and you can just poke the ladys you like without the need of going through 1000 of quests. And the renders are really nice to. And all the ladys are hot to the boot. It is really nice to see some thing new game wise, for ones you are not 5 min in game before the first bj nice. I really hope to see this game to the end. Keep up the great work Dev :love:
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Milfylicous, is a game what holds what it promises
    (Milf content, and sexy girls)
    It has an Intersting story, with quite good english and logical turns of plot,
    It is a fantasy game and it serves to all those right whose fantasy is to be the Owner of a Harem of sexy inteligent and character strong women.
    It has exelent renders, and all characters display a personality, what gives the game certain deepness (it is an erotic fantasy)
    It has good amount of sex scenes all of which are very apealing and executed with love of detail and ambience.
    the Developer is invested in his project and open to constructive critic and has a great comitment to improve the game and expirence of the fanbase, plus he is present in the Fan thread, which is a major factor for me.
    All in all "Milfylicious" is a entertaining game, with exelent visuals , erotic story and full of Sexy girls It is one of the better "harem games" of this site
    Edit: reviewd ver. 0.19and last but not least, I would absolutly recomend to play and support this game
    Kudos Maximus14
    edited wrong version number
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Not the best one but the game name justifies the content in it. Lots of sex, beautiful women with beautiful animations, average storyline but the sex in the game literally carries it, lol. Also you are the king here and all your queens think highly of you, if you know what I mean.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So, the last time you read an AVN that could actually happen IRL? That's right. Never. This is fantasy. It is a fantasy about you (the MC); a college aged generational genius who inherits an ancient title and wealth greater than half the nations on earth. Oh, and a staff of beyond gorgeous, high class, sultry MILFs. Their mission... You. Ensure that all your needs are met. Shield you from distraction, other than themselves, so you can pursue your new lifework.

    The writing and music are film noir styled excellence. The models and rendering are top tier. The animations and eroticism are hot, hot, hot. Sexy scenes, sexy voices, sexy situations. If you like your entertainment with a shot of titillation, you're in the right place.

    Oh, almost forgot... It seems there is a plot afoot... to seduce your mother and auntie...
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    English: 9/10
    User Interface: 3/10
    User Experience: 5/10
    Art: 6/10
    Dialogue: 5/10
    Story: 2/10
    Opinion: 3/10
    Avg: 4.71/10 [2/5]

    It shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone, but this is pretty much just another generic asset flip. The "story" is as basic as they come, "MC that is super smart, is given the key to unlimited resources to try to invent free unlimited energy. And, so he's not distracted, horny women are thrown at him for sexual release." It feels and looks uninspired, and provides links to male focused erotica novels? I can only imagine how lowest common denominator the writing in those might be, but still, this does the same. I also don't think this has any illusion of what it is, a quick fap and not a lot more. Sure, it opens to a verbose description of everything, and throws in a bunch of Harvard "Words of the day," but it's still a bunch of flipped DAZ assets of women all with the same body types, and personalities seldom beyond "I'm experienced and horny." It's also a little funny, it's titled "Milfylicious" a word I never wanted to type myself, mind you, but here we are, then immediately tosses away the only females that look even close to cougars? Which is a little disappointing, not because I have some affinity for older women, but because Lisa and Linda(until she took her clothes off to reveal her sewn on nipples) are noticeably more visually appealing than most other models in this. Let's not forget the fact Megan says "My mother and Lisa" then you have to define their relationship? Why? Who cares? One you already did, writer. And two, you already have the default titles break those patreon TOS you clearly don't care about avoiding. Anyway, even the story seems to make you want to become numb to sex. And once Lisa said she was proud of MC for the sex he had, I mentally checked out. "Thumbs up, you did the sex good" is how that reads. I already didn't buy the confidence building when MC had an 8-pack, cocky face, and 2ft long penis. Now they have to coddle him and be proud of him for existing in the sex bubble he volunteered for? Jeez.

    Usually I'd get into the story right here, you know being a visual NOVEL and all. But that's it. Every day is "You wake up next to your woefully unearned sexual conquest from the night before. Roll out of bed as a maid offers her mouth for your morning wood. You get a lot of work done that isn't more than half assed buzz words, and through MC's thoughts learn about the women he has sex with. Then have dinner and/or sex with another woman that was somehow made aware of the top secret research years ago and has been awaiting MC's penis to solve her problems, generally being none. Then repeat." I won't pretend I'm evolved past all this, but this always feels low brow. And this even still somehow turns into another useless idiot having sex with his family for the umpteenmillionth time. This is"Walk from room A to B, have sex with girl C, go to room D, have more sex with girl E." I could just watch porn instead. I also find it funny that Lisa, Megan's mother, supposedly around 40, has a daughter that looks the same age. God forbid someone that doesn't look like a plastic surgery addict exists. Then it devolves further to a useless linear sandbox that just ends and you can't do anything but look at 4 options that you can't click. Fun.

    Not for me. I generally find this over-the-top male fantasy, along with the incorrect use of the "alpha-male" descriptor boring and a little comical. But if you need that to feel something in your loins, have at it. The English is all there, it reads well, and, outside of some spelling mistakes, you won't find it a chore to read. The UI isn't touched one bit. Stock EVERYTHING, outside of the sandbox that soft locks the game at the end. The UX is untouched so its fine. The art... The usual flipped DAZ assets, all featuring models that look like they're full of silicone and cartilage transplants for "enhanced" cheekbones and fake boobs and butts, complete with drawn on nipples in some cases. The dialogue tries to be smart, but at the end of the day it's just another rich kid sleeping with his mom and aunt and anyone that walks by, really. So, all in all, it's boring. But what do you expect with the title?
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The summary of this AVN is incredibly misleading. You get the feeling that you'll play as someone powerful and that the game is about whatever he wants to do, but it's basically the opposite. The MC is quickly washed away with a current of strong women that all dominate him and dictate the pace. They'll force themselves on the MC and you're there left feeling powerless with no choice but to do whatever these women want. I expected something a lot different considering the summary and the high rating of this game.

    Even the few choices that you get leave you feeling powerless yet again with that useless game over scene. Apparently, this will be changed, but it's just one more way to show how incredibly misleading the presentation of this game is.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Already has a good amount of content. Great models and animations. Good amount of PoV animations too. Story is fine, not all that realistic or believable, but that doesn't bother me. I'm here for the character models and animations, which this game delivers on.
  10. 2.00 star(s)



    and it was doing so well....

    you are lord of a manor and have an empire of women ready to follow your every whim, as you progressively continue to create mankind's greatest work.
    and yet, for all the build up and writing, the art and coding, this whole thing just became a complete farce.

    you go to spend the weekend with two women who are not part of your current empire, and a third who is a part of it, turns up and if you choose to have sex, will lead to a game over......correct. your brain cells just imploded.

    it did NOT lead to that woman, who stands and watches until you finish, along with her grinning sister to be ejected from content for at least awhile, no, you lose everything. it is game over. the story no longer exists. the empire falls with no leader. the women prune and all because of one woman, regardless of all the others.

    yeah i agree, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. in fact, it sticks two fingers up at itself. none of those choices should lead to a game over, less women yes, at least for a time as the sister seemed amiable and is written AND portrayed as so, but game over no.

    why did she watch and then flip? why did she not intervene straight away if she is so repulsed? the build up does not match to the outcome at all.
    this plot hole is gaping with stupidity. why even bother introducing them?

    until this point, the art was above average and the writing, though not a great story, was at least readable and was entertaining as a juvenile fantasy.
    now it is more forgettable than a DK project.

    V0.19 review to changes

    well the game no longer has the game overs that made no sense, true to the developers words, which lets face it, were all about that patreon site.
    even though they were taken out, the flow is still off.
    what started as a male protag VN about one thing has now turned into a multi protag purely sex game. calling it a VN is to also say that the Novel part is not even remotely a prerequisite. it was a plot about a guy given a harem in exchange for his changing the world, but is now all about getting a harem including family, the world changing plot an after thought. why that start to build up a plot you are going to ignore is beyond me.
    why even introduce all those girls and then ignore them this early on when your MC has barely gotten a foothold?

    no longer an issue as this is my last visit to this nonsense.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    0.18 How can you ruin a game with one update. Easy you don't need any weird fetishes, but you just bring Game Over choices to it.

    I was already in 0.17 now there is a good game on the fire, but this latest update is like a completely different game, so why do you need to completely change the direction of what you have used in the beginning of the game. Now with these Game Over choices the dev also made MC a complete ballsless that everyone walks over. The fact that it has a dominant side is now completely ridiculous and a joke when it is nullified in this 0.18 update. If MC was dominant, it wouldn't have listened to any muttering or complaining from those bitches and the game wouldn't have been GAME OVER.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I have qualms about leaving this negative review. If we leave negative reviews for things that don't match our kinks, then we're not actually reviewing the content, just saying "not my speed."

    But the thing here is, I think, the game developers have misrepresented their speed, or they have weird internal conflicts over it.

    They present this as a game where you're The Boss. It even uses the cliched language of Alpha Male, comparing the MC to Alexander the Great. You are likened to a conqueror, a leader, a powerful man. And yes, that hits my warm spots.

    But the game is very nearly the opposite of that. From start to finish, you are dominated. You're pushed down and told what to do. You never, ever get to make the decisions. You don't ever take the lead. The voice actresses tell you to shut up, don't move, they're going to do whatever they want to you and you're just going to take it, etc., etc., etc.

    In the latest update, a woman gives you an order. You have three ways to respond: one, you can reject her authority and behave dominantly; two, you can respond neutrally, and try to hide your rule-breaking from her; or three, you can submissively obey her like a good little slaveboy.

    If you choose to act dominant, you lose. Game over.

    If you choose to act neutral, you lose. Game over.

    The only way to not get a Bad End is to do as you're told. Alexander the Great would not approve.

    This is a femdom game through and through. It's not a maledom game, not a switchy game, not a polymorphously perverse game. It's just femdom.

    And if the devs were clear about that with themselves, and with their representation of the game, and with the kinks they try to appeal to, that would be fine. I would NEVER leave a bad review for a femdom game just for being femdom, as I would NEVER leave a bad review for a gay male game just for being gay male. You do your thing, I'll do mine.

    But that's not the case here. This is like being invited to an orgy where the invitation has pics of all the hot chicks who are planning to attend, only to arrive and find it's an all-male gay orgy.

    They can do their thing with my encouragement, but if they mislead me to get me there, screw them. And I don't mean that literally.

    This game is for men who like being dominated, but it tells you that you're the man who conquered the world.

    Added one star for the renders.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really puts the adult in adult visual novel. It has all the scenes and more--especially early on--and the quality is as high as it gets. If you're into curvy milfs and like games that are basically a big sexual fantasy, then this is a game to try.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack Nippleson

    The soundtrack alone has exceeded my expectations. I am thoroughly enjoying the renders as well as the direction of the story. I always appreciate when all the background sounds and noises are part of the ambience leaving us as the reader to have a full immersive experience. I look forward to further updates.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    [Old review for 0.12 version:2.5 stars] Just the lack of stakes or any sort of seduction kills this one for me despite the quality renders and hot chicks(though the lack iof variety in their body type is jarring). Every chick is ready to be your partner in bed from the get go which I get is the entire premise but it doesn't make for an engrossing experience. As a player, you don't have any control over the kind of sex you wish to have and the girls dictate the tempo. This might not be a big deal for others but is a major turnoff for me. Choices are for only determining if you wish to see the sex scene or not. There's no change in how the girls will behave towards you whatever you may choose.
    The writing is clearly competent and there's no typos. Characterization and dialogues are all porn parody lite so it gets old fast.
    Overall, a wasted opportunity despite the dev's talent. 2.5 stars
    [Edit after playing the 0.22 update] Dev listened to a lot of feedback and made some subtle but great changes in the characterization that increases the fun factor. You now feel more like a red blooded young guy who just hit the lottery. Didn't really expect this. Also, they seem to update really frequently. There's still lack of interesting moving parts but if you play it just as a porn game, hard to complain. The models remain samey(Gwen and the mom are identical) but gorgeous.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really loved the game. The females are top-notch and the scenes are also good. Can't wait to play newer versions of the game. A bit of male domination and slave stuff would be goodwith some characters.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Milfylicious (v 0.18) is a hard game for me to comment because I find it deeply contradictory. On one hand, the story is very bad, makes little sense as far as logic and real world works, and has no buildup with any of the girls since all are convinced since the beginning. And still, it is actually well written and manages to make things interesting to a certain degree if you can manage to turn off your brain. And as far as decisions go, they apparently matter nothing, so it could have easily been turned into a kinetic novel instead of leaving choices with no consequences (some pretty weird as well).

    Render quality is very high but character models are very similair in some cases; sure, mother/daughter makes sense, but also Nicole and one of the maids are too similair for no apparent reason. Animations are pretty decent. Sound... is another strange thing. For sex scenes it includes plenty of voicelines of girls saying sexy things, which is good, but those things have little or nothing to do with what is really happening, turning it into more of a distraction. At least, I found no bugs in my playthrough.

    So, all in all, seeing how it's evolving I'm staying on the middle range, we'll see if the development focuses on solving the issues or it doesn't. I'm a bit skeptic about it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Just wow! this game is just awsome and this should get much more attention than this. I found the game by accident and this should be trending! The renders and animations are on par with BDIK imo (maybe even better) and BDIK is kinda like the bar. Loved the character models. They all looks sooo good. Music is beautiful overall this is great. I've played my fair share of VN's and this is deffa one of the best out there. Hoping the dev won't give up on this cause it's a gem. i also liked the plot... and i WANT more. I've never supported a dev before but i would happily donate for this project if i wasn't broke :cry: but kudos to the dev and PLEASE keep this going!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it so much. its funny I'm only writing this review because I was reading the last reviewer's review and agree with every single point. Except the last. The "porn sounds," are probably one of my favorite parts about the game. I wish more games did that. If people didn't like that perhaps having a toggle on/off would be fine but again, I think its one of the best parts of the game. I love games with voice acting/sounds.

    Otherwise I agree with everything the last reviewer said lol. Fantastic game all around.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Whoever did this game: you just are just doing an amazing job.

    It has everything one would like to find in a porn game.

    No grinding bullshit. You don't have to do tasks to unlock scenes, you also don't have to "progress" through scenes to get better sex positions. Nothing about that annoying thing such as having to get a blowjob scene first to unlock vaginal sex.

    The game doesn't require walktrough.

    The girls? Well, they are so perfect that if anything changed i would complain. No ugly girls under the pretense of being "realistic". Who need "realistic" in a porn game? They need to be hot, just that.

    No kid protagonist with long dick, no cliche incest in his family, which is a plus.

    Game is in early development and it already has some threesomes. Boi, this shows future.

    The amount of content is already very good with a lot of different positions and scenes. What's best? You don't need to take paths that only halves the content and you also don't need to hurt any girl's feelings. It is straight to sex.

    If there is something to complain is the porn sound in the background, and that's it.

    Overall: this is one of the best games i've played on this site. It is perfect, IMO. I wish more devs could produce games like this, with no drama or grinding bullshit.

    If you want "feelings", "love" or "drama" go find a novel, not a porn game.