I like to add: As an artist, I think -8 is a cool guy. He has his mental issues though. Anxiety, depression etc. Before he started streaming his works, he would post them in his tumbler or something like that, and whenever someone critizes him he'd delete everything. That's how unstable he is. But he hasn't stopped drawing/animating.
And before I say anything else, he has admitted that he is/was a pedophile but hates that he is. Which is why right now most of his current works are now just older/bigger women, compared to his older works which usually contains loli stuff. He is in a gay relationship now last i heard so I would think he's doing alright at least.
If you want to support him in anyway, I don't think you can. He just streams his works (Forgot where) and that's where his fans get them from. He gives them the finished project and they upload it themselves.