I'm aware that this is a problem. I realise that anything that I feel the need to create a dev-mode shortcut to is something that probably annoys the player as well. I'm looking into ways that I can fix it without causing any continuity problems. I'm also looking at possibly having the door out of the West Corridor (to the yard) teleport you directly to the school gates at the end of the day. Currently, the only event that would need to be taken into consideration is the ambush in Down with the Bad Girls. I may even be able to do this in time for the 0.9 public release next week.
This is great, the main thing is that this does not cause problems with the quests and their sequence.
For example, you can make an alley next to Missy's house (a shortcut to the school yard) and on the day of the quest there will be repair work there.
Or if you choose a door in Missy's room that will go out to the school yard, you can write 9 and 0.75 on the door, and on the day of the quest there will be a brick wall with a note behind the door - today I myself need this portal, so just use the usual road. Writing - your favorite house elf Dappy.
Well, or Dappy will decide that Missy's butt has started to grow and it's time for her to stretch her buns a little instead of being lazy and using a shortcut.
To be honest, I don't like some illogicality with some of the art. For example, when I refuse to spank my tied-up school bully (her name was Jessie, I don't remember exactly, sorry) I am very surprised when in the next art her bottom is all red and streaked from the whip.
I understand that you simply did not show me the episode with Jessie's spanking, but I hope that you can make a couple of arts with unspanked Jessie for those who chose not to spank her. Well, please. What's so hard for you or something....
In any case, thank you for developing an interesting game. I look forward to the update.