Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Splendid game with a soothing setting
    Art and animation are great , music is better than great
    not everything is perfect but this is a lot above the average so it definitely deserves a 5/5
    Keep up the good work you lovely Dev!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    DISCLAIMER: Review written for game version 0.6a - I am NOT a supporter of the project at the time of writing.

    TL;DR upfront: While the game only received an "Average" rating from me, don't let that stop you from at the very least checking it out. Even though the game has its problems in places, it feels like a breath of fresh air and that alone is a good enough reason to check it out. Despite that the grind can be abhorrent in places, the characters are pretty well done and even though the graphics take some getting used to, it all in all is quite endearing. The progression through the story is surprisingly well-paced, even with the grind you will inevitably encounter and a whole lot of effort went into the presentation, but I feel that this did not translate as well in how it all pans out when it comes to the moment-to-moment gameplay, which is why for me the game sits at an uncomfortable "could be better, could be worse" spot.

    But regardless, we should take it from the top shall we?

    The story - at the time of writing - has a pretty simplistic setup from the outset, with your main goal being survival after the titular mist strikes and causes some cataclysmic event that conveniently didn't reach you where you decided to be when it struck, while the plot tries to build intruige by gradually widening the scope from our main characters struggle over to the state of the world as you uncover more of your surroundings, all the while meeting more allies and enemies alike, with you trying to puzzle together what happened. It all works nicely together to keep you interested in pushing forward onto to see what comes next. However, the presentation of the story falls flat in places, to which we might as well come now...

    The overall Looks and Presentation takes a somewhat unique aproach to say the least. The characters all have a unique look to them from both a graphics and stylistic direction. If you can't get much enjoyment from how the characters look in the thumbnails, this might just be a dealbreaker for you. Gladly it wasn't for me and their personalities won me over - though more on that later. All of that is coated in a UI that is both easily readable and easy to navigate through, that also gives you all the necessary information without requiring a ton of digging through submenus which is a great help. What did however not help me was how it was all presented from a cinematic standpoint when playing out: having animated cutscenes played at you in certain moments of the game can either be extremely impressive or extremely annoying. That one depends on you. Sadly, even the buttery smooth framerate of said animations doesn't hide how stiff and wooden some of these feel to watch and I get the creeping suspicion that it's trying to draw attention to distract from some of the issues that the gameplay provide.

    But, with all the uninteresting nerdshit out of the way, let's have a look at how the game actually plays, or moreso the mechanics: Well, you are supposed to survive first and foremost, all the while exploring your surroundings and broadening the areas you can explore to uncover more of the story by finding upgrades along the way. So far so sandbox, but like I mentioned just prior, there's some cracks showing: The mechanics surrounding exploration and combat are extremely simplistic with barely any depth, meaning there is generally only one real way of approaching any given situation. Even the upgrades you are aquiring along the way do actually nothing to feel like you are improving. The enemies progress by basically the same rate as you aquire more upgrades, meaning they just send bigger meanies that you needed the just gained upgrade to even remotely beat them. So while one can easily advance, you never actually get a leg up on those enemies and you can easily feel like being stuck running on a treadmill. This isn't being helped by the resources and stats one is expected to collect and inevitably grind for, meaning the game stretches out its runtime horribly in places. So if you want a laidback experience with very little grind, you might wish to proceed with caution here...

    ...On the other hand, the characters are so far pretty solid in their writing. While they do feel clichee at moments, they nevertheless pull their weight and have enough layering and nuance to them so that you always feel compelled to see where they will go next, helped along by pretty well-written dialogue that manages to be at times funny, intruiging or just coming of naturally. For the sake of spoilerness I will not go into too much detail here, but the characters all do feel pretty human, which is not always easily done. Tieing into the characters are all the lewd things that you will do with them along the way: The scenes themselves are nice and smooth in their execution, with enough variety in the smut-department along the way to keep you playing, though given that the progress with girls is tied to the main story, it will all be sprinkled throughout the game, which as we established already can feel dragged out.

    So with that, I will close this review by saying that the game has not just some solid groundwork to work with, but is definitely showing the potential to be a great hit, but feels awfully padded at times. The style and story themselves are what kept me playing through the (at times) unnecessarily grindy mechanics. To me it feels like the game skimped on gameplay and depth of the core mechanics to impress the player with visuals and the story, which is definitely one approach to take, but not one I personally enjoy. Yet I tried giving this a fair review regardless. This game seems to have a problem of not finding a middle ground: What positives there are stand out do so in a shining light, but whatever sticks out negatively marred the experience for me when compared to those positives.
    Likes: BakaG
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Definetely one of the best eroge games I've ever played! Easily placed in my top 3 because of its brilliant graphics, story and not least sweet and fantastic characters <3

    The characters are well developed, have great models and are all in all loveable. I catched myself in wanting to actually check up on the characters, when there was bumps in the relationships.

    Story-wise the game is well paced and actually exciting. As a player you want to know what happens, want to know the secret of the ongoing mystery.

    The gameplay is simple and easy to master, but this is no hindrance to the enjoyment of the overall game, as it is still interactive and is a nice marker for the games progression. I'd call it elegant.

    Lastly the sex scenes ... The art/animations are great! Some of the scenes actually made me remove a hand from the keyboard, which is a rare thing for me, as I personally focus on gameplay value. My only critique is the following:
    • More sex scenes! ^^ - Your game is great and I'd love to see more ^^
    • I'd like to see more fetishes represented in the game, though I love the current content.
    • The animation of the protagonist cumming and his cum could use a little more work as to make it more realistic (e.g. spurting)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is extremely under appreciated for the masterpiece it is.

    Great writing, interesting story,and some of the best animations I've ever seen in VRs.

    This developer deserves a lot of support, a must try if you appreciated the best games this website has to offer (Dont think im allowed to say their names here) but it's def up to par!
    Great harem scenario as well - fits perfectly.

    Story 10/10 - It's extremely immersive, got hooked by t really fast

    Characters 8/10 - Robin is definitely the best one, kind of feel like the others are just pale in comparison though - hope we get more facial expressions from the rest in the next update. They are really well written all around however.

    Gameplay - realistic and logical, it never felt like a burden on NORMAL mode. Def worth playing that way to keep things interesting and feel like priorities matter.

    Protagonist - Finally a main character that can be badass and yet relatable.
    None of his lines are cringy, and some are funny and even charming.

    With so many top rated games having Beta/Virgin/Awkward/Moronic Protagonists these days, respect for these devs for making something truly adult themed.

    Should you play it? You're goddamn right you should!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of those 5/5 games.

    This review is a bit spoily but nevertheless you should read this to understand what problem this game has and why should you play it. Also I know the creator is lurking here ;)

    This game is all about mystery. A mist appears and weird things start to follow.

    The first part of the game is below average, but with the power of mystery it is playable. Game appears like a sandbox but in reality is is linear and grindy. Even worse the user interface is kind of crappy, I had to find basement but failed to see the new arrow on screen and wasted plenty of time trying to figure out what to do. You have food that really is never a problem, you have an inventory you can ignore and you cant die in combat. Basically it is a mess of options and information you will never need.
    Also the first girl is kind of annoying. You want to know more about mystery and not to waste time with this thot. This sound laughable but there is too much sex in the first part. I just want to explore the woods and not her pussy ;(

    Anyway, the second part is much better. Note: there is no official second part but I say it starts when you unlock the second area on map. Finally you get action, answers, sex is less a theme and you have plenty of things to do.
    And it is really good game from there, one of the best I have ever played. Escalation gears up and things finally become more serious and less grindy. Even sex gets better and it not constantly on the menu.

    Just play it, bite your teeth and use log to find out where to go next and what to do there. Rest of the game is masterpiece.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 490189

    The story's amazing. The characters are amazing. The art is amazing. The animations are amazing. Even the music and sound design is amazing. I'd give something more specific, but this has just blown me away.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I was initially put off by how different the art style is, but quickly came to love it, and it's generally unique nature. More than that, each chapter has a lot packed into it, and I am eagerly awaiting the next installment.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of the best games I've played here.

    The story is great, combines supernatural with zombie-like stories, but it keeps it very interesting with the twists etc. The pacing is great too, the constant balancing of getting food, exploring, building relationships, improving stuff, story and character developement, and so on is well done, not too grindy but still fresh.

    Art looked a bit weird at first (the eyes mainly), but after a few minutes I started finding it cool.

    Animations are amazing, like honestly one of the best out there, not much to talk about 10/10.

    Gameplay is what I find the best honestly. The combination of VN style with actual gameplay that feels engaging. Not the typical read all this wall of text. It actually feels like a game (like a telltale game for example). The game keeps bringing up new mechanics at a great pace. Just when you think it starts getting a bit boring, you are greeted with a new mechanic that gives you new interesting stuff to do. Really well done, finally a game that keeps it fresh and gives you the ability to do other things than just the main thing.

    Characters are great and have some depth, though it might not be that deep. Though I sometimes dislike the MC for ocasional Chad Bro-ski moments, but they are a few.

    Overall an amazing game worth the full star review.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I recall playing this game somewhere around version 0.3 and thinking that it as, 'OK'. Now having played version 0.6 I can say that it has come a long way. There are still pro's and con's that can be discussed, like the animations and the lack of alternative choices, respectively. After all is said and done, this is a unique and fun game to play.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite how cartoonie the game appears it dose a hell of a job ramping up the suspense, and tension when exploring new areas. The animations are top tier and I am looking forward to seeing where this story end. keep up the amazing work.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I came to this game, not expecting anything, but what I came across was a gem. I normally I don't get entranced into stories but this game dragged me in and I wanted to know what would happen to all the characters. For me this game became less of a porn game and more of a story, at times I was bothered by the character having sex, because he had more important at hand.
    I enjoy the battle system, but I believe the option to use magic is unreliable, since it does the same damage as the shotgun, but has more drawbacks then it is worth.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The game does get better but I did not care for the writing in the beginning very sophomoric . It does start to get better, and at least there are attempts to add a few interesting mechanics, but the sex scenes are very repetitive and if it wasn't for the forced grind there would maybe be an hour of content here at best.

    Still giving it 3 stars the writing does improve and the story becomes more interesting. But I could have easily stopped playing this game and never give it anther thought.

    Probably will check back in after a few more updates. But I could just as easily decide it's not worth the download.

    over all I was surprised by the 4+ star rating. If not for that rating I would have probably quit before the game actually became interesting.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite interresting game with survival progression ganre. Really can grab you into the story and survival. Would be glad to see something like this as online survival game with progression story like that and world of the mist. But that would be another story.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Publius Clodius Pulcher

    ✓ Well-written, original story.
    ✓ Diversity of mechanics, so not your average visual novel.
    ✓ Good-looking models, top-notch sex animations.

    ✗ Scarcity of sex scenes, few and far between. Also, most of the content focuses on two of the four girls atm, so not a lot of diversity.
    ✗ Seems to be no relevant choices, routes or paths to choose from. No evil jerk MC nor goody paragon of virtue to be, you just follow this dude's steps without being able to make any relevant decision. I dislike that I cannot build my character in that way.
    ✗ A constant stream of pointless unskippable animations that feel like the dev is flexing muscle but serve to no real purpose and drag the pace of the game. Some of you will find them immersive, so take this particular negative point with a grain of salt.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Discoered this yesterday, decided to give it a go.
    Played four hours solid utiul early hours of th emorning before deciding I should really go to bed, then completed it before lunch today,.
    Absolutely hooked in and am really looking forward to the next chapters

    Story is very captivating and mysterious, graphics, cut scenes and general feel of the whole game are on point, and whilst I'd prefer the girls to be a little less "cartoony" it was not a deal breaker and they still had the "desired effect".
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    What should I say ... I love it.

    I started with Ver. 0.5, so I could played a good amount of content straight away, and now I´m really hyped how the story goes further.

    Unique Models, nice animations, good Gameplay, good Story.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying this game.
    It has exploration, stats that are not a major grind to upgrade (you will have to fight the shadow creatures anyway - men and beasts - and these upgrade whichever stat you are working on: Stealth, Health and Attack energy consumption reduction) and have instant benefits, also has some investigative type work, mild puzzle solving (these have been simple to achieve so far), plus a mythical vibe going on.
    The mist has turned all the men & the animals into evil looking creatures that you need to fight, or run away from if your health or stam is too low.
    The 2 girls I have discovered and are sharing my mountain retreat are lovely and they both provide a great way to increase your stamina before leaving on an expedition - obvs this is achieved by shooting your load - what better way?? lol
    Well made, well written, absorbing story, highly enjoyable experience - definitely a recommendation if you enjoy any of the aspects I've described here. As other reviewers have stated, it's a damned fine game, not just a good sex game. It would actually be an enjoyable game without the sex! So the sex is the icing on the cake.
    Big thanks and thumbs up to the dev!! (y)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    i'm not a good reviewer and i dont think i can add any sigifcant words to this but to be honest i absolutely love this game. The story, the setting, the dialogs (mostly), the chars everything is really enjoyable. The gameplay is self explantory easy to understand and for me good balanced.

    My stand point is the version 0.5 from 04.10.2020 and these fuckers (<3) have a huge cliffhanger (but not gonna lie it's the perfect point to end this version)
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Almost didn't download because the models looked too simple and amateurish.
    I'm glad I didn't listen to me :D

    Yes, the figure models and renders are very simple but the story makes up for that by far. That's the ONLY reason this isn't a 5 star game. With the models and renders from something like "Leap of Faith" or "Summer's Gone" I'd have to give it at least 5.
    For being simple figure models, the posing, expressions and animations are very well done and more enjoyable than some games I have seen done with "better" models. The fact that it wasn't the same 2-3 Daz3d models you see in most games kind of grew on me and gave it a uniqueness like a 2d drawn game.

    Yeah, there's a few rough spots early on but the story settles down and you really get the MC's sense of protectiveness and caring for the girls. Mia's over -possessive jealousy is a bit wearing but she's "maturing" as the story goes on. The MC isn't a Superman, but he's no angst-ridden soy-boy either; he's pretty average and relatable. Love the "bad guys" and really want to find out what they are.

    Having to level up to get to certain things was a little annoying, but not a deal killer

    I really want to know where the story goes, this is shaping up to be a novel I would read - even without the graphics and animations

    one of my short list of "mandatory check for updates" titles(y)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One word: Awesome! :) Big thanks to all who worked on this project, who sponsored it. I will surely wait for further updates. Good luck with it. (I hope i wrote it right, coz english is not my native language).