The game is not so bad but MC is totally stupid!
He act all the time like a victim not like a guy who have responsability of his house and for the persons they live.
It has no personality, say yes of all the women saying. Even when the MC can cut a tree in one shot, the woodworker are Mia...
The game is full of details like this that make me lose the willing suspension of disbelief.
But the thing that made me give up the game is, when I got to save Lily, the latter comes out with this bullshit of "The world of science can be cruel to... To girls"...
Ok enough of this feminist nonsense. Bye bye the game.
He act all the time like a victim not like a guy who have responsability of his house and for the persons they live.
It has no personality, say yes of all the women saying. Even when the MC can cut a tree in one shot, the woodworker are Mia...
The game is full of details like this that make me lose the willing suspension of disbelief.
But the thing that made me give up the game is, when I got to save Lily, the latter comes out with this bullshit of "The world of science can be cruel to... To girls"...
Ok enough of this feminist nonsense. Bye bye the game.