Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Doesn't seem like the game needs any help, as hundreds of positive reviews pretty much say it all, but I enjoyed it a lot, so thought I'd add mine.
    Very solid writing and characters, get you invested and immersed in the story right away.
    Very nice music, sounds, and animations, make the lewds very enjoyable.
    Looking forward to more from this very talented Dev.
    Just a few personal quibbles, as I'm not a fan of the faceless MC, and would have liked to see his face. Also, a few more anal scenes would have been perfect. Also, where the fuck is the bathroom in the cabin? ;)
    Not enough to really detract from what is truly a top tier adult game.
    Play this. (y)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    the animation is one of the best ones i have seen on h-games.

    the story is also interesting with a good amount of mystery where you really want to figure out what is going on with the world. the characters also have distinct enough personalities which is a important point in harem type games.

    haven't finished it yet but so far it has been surprisingly engaging.
    A+ ser.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Controls: Dialogue can be progressed via keyboard, but everything else is clicking.
    Interface: Ren’py interface for dialogue, with occasional choices. A turn based combat section, and a map.
    Plot: Seriously phenomenal. A unique story that was written well.
    Characters: Not only are the characters different from each other, but there is noticeable growth during the story.
    Typos: A little bit.
    Models: Above average.
    Animations: All scenes animated well. Very smooth.
    Semen Effects: Very watery, but great color and quantity.
    Music: Very atmospheric and thematic.
    Effects: Constant and well placed.
    Voices: N/A.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A very decent attempt at a classic style point & click adventure with survival elements with huge focus one story. There's a lot to like about this even considering some of its flaws like the last man alive cliche harem script plus the dialogue and the length of the game.
    For starters there's no grind in this game for the most part, the gameplay elements are there to only further the story rather than to be its own thing and that sort of works in the game's favor. The presentation and the atmosphere is also pretty good with decent ambient music choices. The whole overgrown apocalypse setting is very well done and at times can feel like the classic Resident Evil 1 and the MYST games with it's animated interactions and item discovery scenes, the somber ambient music tho can be a bit overbearing at times. The story is at its highest during the first part and 2nd part when everything is shrouded in mystery but takes a toll as it progresses and overstays its welcome and the linear-samey nature of the progression and character development only exacerbates it. The writer also attempts their hands at the subject of mental illness but ends up not saying much about it but I won't fault it for that since the story can still be creepy and kinky when it wants to be.
    The h scenes are pretty well done as well and gets props from me for having its own artstyle/character design with nice facial animations which can't be said about most games with 3DCG with animations (i.e. games with Daz assets). One minor complaint about the models and animations is they lack misc details. Certain scenes have a close up of a vagina and there is no clit, everyone has that same blender 3d porn puffy vagina, sometimes when the male model's ass comes into the camera during a scene it's hard not to notice what a jumbled polygonal mess that is with no anus and a buttcrack that looks like sewn tight shut. Also the animations are kinda tame at times due to movement animation, I wish there were more hard violent fucking since the scenarios already provides the situations quite a few times. They overall remind me of the early blender animations when sfm artists were first transitioning to that and were making boring slow moving overwatch porn since those also had these exact same issues that I brought up.

    All and all it's a neat little game that also works as a kinetic ADVN with quite a decent horror/mystery atmosphere, not a very common genre to be found in this scene. I wish all the best to the author and to any future project he might be working on, hope the writing is spiced up in those to have different scenarios and opposing character archetypes so they don't feel all samey.
    This is more of a 3.5/5 or a 7/10 for me. Not amazing like the ratings would lead you to believe but definitely above average and is a good base that can be improved upon.

    A quick note for any new players: Get the cheat mod and use it to reset health and or stamina at times when you have multiple objectives at the same locations (mostly the tunnel and hospital). It saves you from having to come back the next day and lessens play time which may not totally mitigate the length and pacing issues but it does save some headache.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well done story. It has a slow start, but overall I'd say it's one of the best H-games I've played. Keep in mind it's also a decently long game, (by H-game standards). I'm not sure how many hours exactly but to finish it probably took at least 10+ total.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, but slightly grindy

    Gameplay: 4/5 – Decent gameplay but does get a bit grindy. Had to cheat a bit to get through the freeroam sections faster.
    Story: 5/5 – Good story, fun characters. Very enjoyable
    Graphics: 5/5 – Great graphics, good variation between locals, character models look good, with a different style than most games on this site.
    Music: 4/5 – OK music, but jives well with the atmosphere and the setting.
    Animation: 5/5 – Great animations, and lot's of it. Setting a high bar here.
    Fappability: 5/5 – Helped by the very good graphics and animations. The only slight complaint is that because of the grind, the scenes take a bit longer to arrive.

    Overall a great game, well worth your time.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]
    I recommend the game!

    The graphics of the characters are particular, it's not bad but I can't even say that I appreciated it, the models didn't drive me crazy.

    The strong point of the game is the story, beautiful and interesting, even if the most beautiful part of the game is the beginning where there are no answers and there is no magic, it seemed like an excellent survivor game, but the story was still able to interest until in the end.

    I liked the characters except Noreia, who as mentioned, in my opinion spoils the atmosphere.

    I didn't like the structure of the game at all. The game is very very linear, the gameplay can give you the feeling of choices, exploration and freedom, but it's not like that, you have no choices, you just have to do that thing.
    This is a structure that is fine when a story is good (as in this case) but in visual novels without gameplay. Either you make a superlinear game where the highlight is the story but no gameplay or a game with gameplay where you can actually play. This game is a bad middle ground, where the gameplay is not only boring, but ruins the whole atmosphere (in the long run, the first "explorations" are interesting).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Mist [v1.0.3] - Easily top3 Renpy game/VN on this site. Play it, there's an easy mode if clicking is 2hard4u.

    ~ Pls consider buying the game on even if you already played it - Support the dev ~

    Bikini Armors/69
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Initially, I wasn't too sure I'd like the game since the art is different than what I'm used to. I'm glad I was wrong ! The story is pretty good and the music provides a deep immersion in the game during stressful moments. Hats off to 395games !
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    "English is not native language for reviewer"


    this game was a good surprise for me by searching something interesting in the bushes. It has a lot to offer and I spent around 4 evenings to finish it.

    Pros (+):
    + Animations. They are smooth. Nothing is twitching and loops are always around 6-10 second for one view. There are not only in sex scenes, but also during normal exploring. Impressive work (y)

    + Characters in Harem. Here is a good balance. I didn't have a feeling: "ahhh another of 20 girls". They get good involved in the story and variosity of archetype is pleasant.

    +Story/ Setting. A little untypical, we got a villain. Bad situation in that we starting and step to step getting involved, what is happening and how our heroes going through. No cringe and facepalms. Sorry, but for me with that amount of games that are published, this is good sign of quality.

    + Difficulty/Walkthrough. I like games in that i will not miss any content, because i chosed a wrong button. There was paar moments, when you need to think, but i liked how at one's ease you played in this mini-games. Grind is "fine", not on that lvl, when you get tired of farming.

    + Game is finished. :)

    Neutrals (+-):

    - Graphic. This is really subjective aspect. I wished sometimes it might be cooler, BUT it's still very beautiful. Please don't be put off the game, only because you didn't liked the screenshots on first sight.

    Contra (-):

    - I don't have any... really. Maybe i wished a little be more scenes with some characters combination. But that's all.

    After playing this game, i will support author. Because this product made for people. Diligence!!! In every important aspect in the game for me.

    Thank you for reading this review.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique setting/story, refreshing gameplay and unexpected twists. After so many boring incest games, found a gem. there's so much content to play and models are also unique and hot. Each Scenes are uniqueand sexy.
    In short I loved it
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Much great than I had hoped. The graphic style took some getting used to, but I enjoy the game overall. Excellent atmosphere and personalities. Helped me feel the tension and stakes, which got me surprisingly immersed in the characters and tale.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game went in blind not really knowing anything about the game and ended up loving it the story is great the characters are good and not annoying like some ero games and the animated scenes are great definitely recommend.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Lets start by stating how awesome the animations and models in this game, for me it was even better because I really like the stylized type of characters. This was the strong anchor for me throughout the game and what made me finish this lengthy piece.

    The story started pretty strong with the mystery, drawing you in and makes you intrigued to find what is going on. On the other hand, sadly, I would say that the writing was mediocre plus.
    The characters were introduced one by one, so you had what to wait for which is nice and keeps your retention, but I never saw the character development in the game. As they were introduced, such they were left throughout the game, no new motivations or growth (yea, they took task on themselves etc. but no inner grows or struggles or nothing). The only character I could say went through something was Mia.
    There were many cringe moments starting in the last third of the game. I think this is because the game was a success and the developer wanted to keep going so the game was prolonged and needed to be filled with a lot of additional dialogue somehow.

    This is another point which I think hurt the game. Its length. At some point, there is no mystery anymore. It is all out there and you are just doing task after task after task to get to some finish line. No new story threads.
    In my opinion, 30% of the game could be cut.
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    Overall the game is pretty good with even somewhat game-play elements to it that contribute to it being more than a bland VN.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game. The models took a little getting used to, but were still very sexy. Throughout the early-mid game, the storyline is engaging and the cheat mod removes the grind. I confess to losing interest in the later part of the game when it started to really heavily into the fantasy stuff, but considering I normally hate any fantasy/sci-fi in these games it's a testament to how well done this one was that had multiple hours of playtime before I hit that wall.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Completely linear game, there is no choice to make, all the girls and all the kinks are forced on you.
    The gameplay is poor and repetitive, boring.
    The story isn't bad, but the writing make it tedious.
    The girls are beautiful (except the monster girl), with an original cartoonish style and that's the only good point of this game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I wasn't exactly sure if I wanted to play this game because of the art. After finishing it I am extremely glad I did. It grew on me and now I am genuinely impressed and also sad because there were a few things I really missed in the game...first thing would be an actual Milf character with huge tits and a truly mature body and face...with this art it would've been very nice. And another thing...well bunch of them and that feels like a huge missed opportunity were more scenes of sex with the enlarged dick. Fucking Mia's asshole with that would've been...godtier.

    Otherwise I really enjoyed the game. Just the right ammount of work I had to do before getting to the scenes the scenes were insanely hot characters were interesting and truly diverse...the story was actually worth reading which is at least for me rather rare in porn games. The graphics as I said surprised me and surpassed my expectations. Few grammatical errors but nothing too bad.

    All in all absolutely top tier game very few that come at least close to this one and even fewer that are on par on this site. If you can please support the author and definitely check the new project. Thanks for a great game! And I really hope the next one will be as good or even better.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written story. Excellent animations. Compelling characters. The only thing that irked me was the amount of time I spent fishing. But the story was so well done I couldn't take off a star for that.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an amazing level of animation, the models are well made with really varied body shapes and each character managed to feel distinct in some way or another. The writing is also good the premise and the way the story advances managed to keep me interested in seeing how it actually resolved and at no point did it felt like a chore to read what the characters where saying.
    As for criticism I have to say the game gets grindy at times even when food it's not a problem and combat gets repetitive after a while. At times searching for the right thing to click reminds me of pixel hunting in adventure games. That being said moments like the final battle as well as the base attacks where pretty fun particularly towards the end where you really feel the tension of the situation
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is solid good game for me. Nothing to say anymore just hands down. Since I need to type 200 characters I just write anything to rate this game deserving 5/5 stars.
    Characters 5/5
    Story 5/5
    Models 5/5
    Good Game Overall 5/5