MMD discussion/sharing

Sting (Ñ)GH

Nov 17, 2019
Called it. Thanks for the update though.

Awhile back on another board I had a back & forth with some fef that got butthurt because I was surprised that there is apparently a market for Japanese NTR content in Socialist China. I was under the impression that such things, especially Japanese in origin, were illegal and doubly so now that the CCP is trying to raise the fertility rate. The guy 'REEEE''d and more or less spazzed out without making cogent points. He was wrong but now he's extra-wrong considering the CCP is cracking down even harder on anything they believe might hurt their fertility rate.

  • FUN FACT: Banning anime, porn & video games (The cuck 'wet dream' trifecta) will not raise a nation's fertility rate in a meaningful way. Why? easy. One guy can impregnate hundreds of women. Thus, the bottle-neck is not men. The problem is the women. Obviously. The socialists are wrong, as always.
This looks like some kind of red pill made up; from here I send a greeting to the entire red/black pill community XDDDDD
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