A couple things I noticed while playing; sometimes german words are bleeding through in the english version. For example; If some unknown person screams or something, instead of being called "unknown person" its called "unbekannte person", or if you exchange numbers with officer jenny... eh... I mean rocky, you see in the pokedex screen some german words. As my knowledge of the german language is so basic, I don't know what it said. Though "unbekannte" looks very similar to "onbekend" which means unknown in dutch.
I totally overlooked that. Thank you for reporting. I have corrected it for the next version.
Also there is a typo / wrong word used in a dialog; when the mc brought nina back home, the mc is asked to stay there. The mc asks growlithe what she "thinks" but the dialog said: "What do you mean growlithe? Should we stay here?" -> "What do you think growlithe? (...)" And after that, the scene in the bath, the word mean is used instead of think.
Feedback like this is incredibly important to me. Since I don't know much about the English language, I have to translate everything sentence by sentence with a translation program like DeepL. Of course this is not error free. My biggest worry is that I messed up the translation so badly that the reader doesn't understand the story.
So if you or others notice anything else that sounds weird or doesn't make sense, it would be great if you could let me know.
From what I've seen so far, this vn looks pretty good and the story is some-what nostalgic as it reminds me of me playing pokemon blue when I was young, except I had a squirtle instead of a growlithe
My first Pokemon version was also blue and I also took squirtle as a starter.
I played through that version at least a dozen times in my youth because I just loved it so much.
I always wanted to draw something like a manga about an MC that goes the same way as the MC in Pokemon blue/Red.
But since I'm a total loser when it comes to drawing, I'll try it this way.
A small additional remark at the end.
I never intended to translate the VN into English, let alone put it on F95. But since a F95 user wrote me once and asked if the game on my banner is in English too, I just started translating it and then put it on F95. And as long as at least 1 person is interested in an English translation, I will keep translating it.
Edit 2: In one of the trainer fights, where the opponent uses weedle, the pokemon call also sounds like weedle, but it is called hornliu? Is hornliu a nickname the trainer gave to weedle or is this another typo?
Hornliu is the German name for weedle. I overlooked that when translating. I have corrected it now.
Thanks again for pointing it out to me.