
Jun 9, 2022
The Ortega Family seems to be the favorite of many Patrons on but what do you think here on Twitter? Should they star in the first episode of Black Takeover Chronicles?
Go to Moiarte's twitter and ask what you want to see! :cool:
About the Black Takeover Chronicles comics: Read the image below.
This is the Ortega family! :love: Enjoy them! And if you have your favorite family, go to Moiarte's twitter and comment on it! ;)

La Familia Ortega parece ser la favorita de muchos Patreons en pero ¿qué opinan aquí en Twitter? ¿Deberían protagonizar el primer episodio de Black Takeover Chronicles?
¡Vayan al twitter de Moiarte y pidan que es lo que quieren ver! :cool:
Sobre los comics de Black Takeover Chronicles: Este fin de mes terminará la trama principal de Black Takeover con el comic "BTO: BNWO Resort" que estará disponible para los VIP y después estará disponible para los HOT a mediados del próximo mes. Pero el universo de los cómics de Black Takeover no terminará aquí. En la historia principal hay muchas cosas que no se vieron y que se mostrarán en una nueva serie llamada "Black Takeover Chronicles" donde cada familia protagonizará su propio comic y esta vez con mucho más detalle.

¡Esta es la familia Ortega! :love: ¡Disfrútenlas! ¡Y si tienen su familia favorita vayan al twitter de Moiarte y coméntenlo! ;) B6120F15-D410-471A-B9C3-EF9ED4044116.jpeg


Jun 9, 2022
I can't wait for Sunday to arrive to deliver this jewel to you guys at only for VIP patrons, and coming soon for HOT patrons. ;)
As you can see, these beautiful twin whores don't care how ugly or old the African studs are who are going to get knocked them up, wherever they are, they will always be ready to make huge and ugly black babies with any African male who wants to mount them. :devilish:
How to forget when Kira and Karla were still innocent little angels receiving their very first huge loads of powerful black seed straight into their unprotected white bellies, and how to know the countless black babies that their African males will pump deep inside their little white pussies? The twins already have a task for the rest of their lives... to interbreed like street female dogs with any African male they meet and to give birth only to huge, hideous black babies. :devilish:

No veo la hora de que llegue el domingo para entregarles esta joya en solo para los patreons VIP, y próximamente para los patreons HOT. ;)
Como ven, a estas hermosas putas gemelas no les importa lo feos o viejos que son los sementales africanos quienes las van a preñar, donde quiera que estén, siempre estarán listas para hacer enormes y feos bebés negros con cualquier macho africano que quiera montarlas. :devilish:
¿Cómo olvidar cuando Kira and Karla aún eran unas inocentes angelitas recibiendo sus primeras y enormes cargas de poderosa semilla negra directo en sus desprotegidos vientres blancos, y cómo saber los incontables bebés negros que sus machos africanos bombearán muy profundo dentro de sus coñitos blancos? Las gemelas ya tienen una tarea para el resto de sus vidas... cruzarse como perras callejeras con cualquier macho africano que se encuentren y parir solo enormes y horribles bebes negros. :devilish:



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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
i will suscribe a 10$ in moiarte patreon, it give new stuiff or it's the content already leaked on internet?
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Jun 9, 2022
i will suscribe a 10$ in moiarte patreon, it give new stuiff or it's the content already leaked on internet?
I've already seen its contents... Those not yet leaked are: Black Takeover (BNWO Resort and the final chapter), Dark Ones (last chapters), Cuckold in Africa (10, half of the comic, only 17 pages at least), Lonely Swedish Wife (last chapter). That's the $10 ones. The $45 ones: Spell 2 and 3, Alpha Male of the House (last chapters), Black Takeover: Asia, Prison Ladies: The Judge, Extra Charity (last chapter), After Earth (last chapter)... and I don't remember more, I think it's all the comics not leaked yet.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
I've already seen its contents... Those not yet leaked are: Black Takeover (BNWO Resort and the final chapter), Dark Ones (last chapters), Cuckold in Africa (10, half of the comic, only 17 pages at least), Lonely Swedish Wife (last chapter). That's the $10 ones. The $45 ones: Spell 2 and 3, Alpha Male of the House (last chapters), Black Takeover: Asia, Prison Ladies: The Judge, Extra Charity (last chapter), After Earth (last chapter)... and I don't remember more, I think it's all the comics not leaked yet.
ty bro, i decided to support him, due to see his content free for years XD
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May 16, 2019
If someone wants to share the content for those who cannot subscribe to patreon due to the dollar issue, such as in countries where the dollar is not the official currency. It would be interesting to share by email or telegram, so you don't run the risk of being blocked, because then Moiarte would not be seeing your work online for free.


Jun 9, 2022
I talked to some people on this website to create a very private little group where they can share the comics with me, not for free, I was going to take care of translating them into Spanish, but none of them were kind enough to answer, now that I have a VIP subscription they want me to share... Go to hell! And stop writing me privately.

Yo hablé con algunas personas de esta web para crear un pequeño grupo muy privado donde puedan compartir los cómics conmigo, no de forma gratuita, yo me iba a encargar de traducirlos al español, pero ninguno tuvo siquiera la amabilidad de contestar, ahora que tengo una suscripción VIP quieren que yo comparta... ¡Váyanse a la mierda! Y dejen de escribirme por privado.
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