Take a Bite

Nov 5, 2024
Bom, vou comentar seu comentário. É caro! Já mencionei o percentual do salário mínimo brasileiro para sustentar uma família de quatro pessoas. É ingênuo achar que alguém com salário pode pagar esse valor por pornografia e deixar a família passar fome. Achando que ele faz um quadrinho hoje e só daqui a um ano poderemos ver o quadrinho inteiro na internet, temos que reconhecer que é um prazo razoável para alguém que tem pressa de ver pagar. Até patentes expiram com o tempo. Antigamente, uma revista de papel custava três dólares e não valia a pena pagar. Isso mudou. Hoje, no meu país, muitas garotas famosas do YouTube estão no Only Fans, cobrando por isso e se expondo absurdamente para todo mundo. Elas ganham o delas entre o vazamento e a divulgação do vídeo. Antigamente, um cara lançava um vinil e ele era copiado em fitas cassete. Ele lançava um CD original e havia moedas de prata vendidas nas ruas. Sempre houve um público disposto a pagar pelo original e outro que o copiará. A arte sempre foi falsificada e copiada. Se não fosse a falsificação, não teríamos a Última Ceia de Da Vinci em praticamente todas as casas do interior do meu país.

Lobão, cantor famoso por aqui, viu que não adiantava tentar combater a cópia e lançou seus discos na internet de graça há quase duas décadas. Hoje, essa é uma prática comum para quem quer ganhar dinheiro com publicidade em suas páginas e em shows.

O que eu quero dizer é que ninguém acha que o Moiarte não merece ganhar dinheiro pelo seu trabalho. Mas se ele realmente quer ganhar dinheiro, ele deveria entender que existem outras formas de ganhar dinheiro com publicidade na internet. Se ele fosse postar todas as imagens semanais que ele posta aqui sem legenda na página dele com legenda, eu te garanto que todo mundo iria lá para pegar a notícia. Ele poderia postar na página dele e ganhar dinheiro com publicidade com a quantidade de pessoas acessando e vendo o anúncio dois ou três meses depois que ele fosse lançado para o público que tem dinheiro e paga parcelado. Mas é como eles disseram. Há uma questão de ganância nisso e infelizmente, vai acontecer cópia. E pior, eu acho que com A eles vão ter a tecnologia para pegar uma história erótica inteira e transformá-la em uma história em quadrinhos em poucos anos. Alguns anos atrás no meu país, eles te pagariam para traduzir histórias em quadrinhos eróticas. Hoje, o Google traduz com melhor qualidade em dois minutos o que antes você levava uma hora para digitar e traduzir. A arte está viva à medida que circula e se adapta ao momento, e isso é importante que o artista entenda.
speak english. Non-english against the rules of this site. Dont make me report you.
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Sep 29, 2020
Well, I'll comment on your comment. It's expensive! I've already mentioned the percentage of the Brazilian minimum wage to support a family of four. It's naive to think that someone with a salary can afford to pay that amount for pornography and let their family go hungry. Thinking that he makes a comic today and only a year from now will we be able to see the entire comic on the Internet, we have to recognize that it's a reasonable amount of time for someone who's in a hurry to see it pay. Even patents expire over time. In the past, a paper magazine cost three dollars and it wasn't worth paying for. That's changed. Today, in my country, many famous girls on YouTube are on Only Fans, charging for it and exposing themselves absurdly to everyone. They earn theirs between the leak and the release of the video. In the past, a guy would release a vinyl and it would be copied on cassette tapes. He would release an original CD and there would be silver coins sold on the streets. There has always been an audience that is willing to pay for the original and one that will copy it. Art has always been counterfeited and copied. If it weren't for counterfeiting, we wouldn't have Da Vinci's Last Supper in practically every home in the interior of my country.

Lobão, a famous singer in these parts, saw that there was no point in trying to fight copying and released his albums on the internet for free almost two decades ago. Today, this is common practice for those who want to make money from advertising on their pages and at shows.

What I want to say is that no one thinks that Moiarte doesn't deserve to earn money for his work. But if he really wants to earn money, he should understand that there are other ways to make money from advertising on the internet. If he were to post every weekly image he posts here without a caption on his page with a caption, I guarantee you that everyone would go there to get the news. He could post it on his page and earn money from advertising with the number of people accessing and seeing the ad two or three months after it was released to the public who have money and pay in installments. But it's like they said. There's a question of greed in this and unfortunately, copying will happen. And worse, I think that with A they will have the technology to take an entire erotic story and turn it into a comic in a few years. A few years ago in my country, they would pay you to translate erotic comics. Today, Google translates with better quality in two minutes what used to take you an hour to type and translate. Art is alive as it circulates and adapts to the moment, and this is important for the artist to understand.

I hope he understands that it is necessary to adapt to what is old and that it is reflected in the new. He is not the first artist to be copied and he will not be the last. In any case, he is to be congratulated for his art, which if it were not good, no one would try to copy.


Sep 10, 2023
Well, I'll comment on your comment. It's expensive! I've already mentioned the percentage of the Brazilian minimum wage to support a family of four. It's naive to think that someone with a salary can afford to pay that amount for pornography and let their family go hungry. Thinking that he makes a comic today and only a year from now will we be able to see the entire comic on the Internet, we have to recognize that it's a reasonable amount of time for someone who's in a hurry to see it pay. Even patents expire over time. In the past, a paper magazine cost three dollars and it wasn't worth paying for. That's changed. Today, in my country, many famous girls on YouTube are on Only Fans, charging for it and exposing themselves absurdly to everyone. They earn theirs between the leak and the release of the video. In the past, a guy would release a vinyl and it would be copied on cassette tapes. He would release an original CD and there would be silver coins sold on the streets. There has always been an audience that is willing to pay for the original and one that will copy it. Art has always been counterfeited and copied. If it weren't for counterfeiting, we wouldn't have Da Vinci's Last Supper in practically every home in the interior of my country.

Lobão, a famous singer in these parts, saw that there was no point in trying to fight copying and released his albums on the internet for free almost two decades ago. Today, this is common practice for those who want to make money from advertising on their pages and at shows.

What I want to say is that no one thinks that Moiarte doesn't deserve to earn money for his work. But if he really wants to earn money, he should understand that there are other ways to make money from advertising on the internet. If he were to post every weekly image he posts here without a caption on his page with a caption, I guarantee you that everyone would go there to get the news. He could post it on his page and earn money from advertising with the number of people accessing and seeing the ad two or three months after it was released to the public who have money and pay in installments. But it's like they said. There's a question of greed in this and unfortunately, copying will happen. And worse, I think that with A they will have the technology to take an entire erotic story and turn it into a comic in a few years. A few years ago in my country, they would pay you to translate erotic comics. Today, Google translates with better quality in two minutes what used to take you an hour to type and translate. Art is alive as it circulates and adapts to the moment, and this is important for the artist to understand.

I hope he understands that it is necessary to adapt to what is old and that it is reflected in the new. He is not the first artist to be copied and he will not be the last. In any case, he is to be congratulated for his art, which if it were not good, no one would try to copy.
Bro we aint reading all of this. Writing a master thesis about a 3d porn artist seems pretty wild to me. He changed the way he works? Good. Get over it.


New Member
Sep 12, 2021
Exactly greed destroys people. Now nobody will be able to see any of his work at all.
talking about unfair price, he never asked anybody to buy. People can still be happy with a regular honda, but why aspire for rolls royce? Because its quality. Is it overpriced? No. Why? Because it deserves the price.
What happened now? We have stopped moiarte, yay, wow, cheers!
No we have killed one more artist.
Will we see anymore of his work now? No, because soon enough he will end his patreon work and focus only on commission. Making his work even way more costly than ever.
Guess what? We killed one more artist.
What is his commission charge? 4700 dollar for a month.
So what was actually cheaper? 45 dollars for all the comics. That too, sub him when you can. Or 4700 a month?
You can judge me or him however way you want. But when you put your entire life dedicated to work hard for your art, you will know the pain of people stealing your work even when you make it available for them at easily.
One day when your hardwork will be stolen by you, you will remember the day you cheated on him.
If you think making a comic is easy. Then my friend i welcome you to just write a script, so good and long with so many Twist and unique flavour that moiarte has. Its not easy even to just write a script, forget about making an 3d model, and working on the minute details.
And on top of that, he always replies to everyone. Never have an attitude problem. Is selling his content at a price wrong? Do you work for free? Dont you want salary or profits from your work?
Do you not deserve it? Where did he gone wrong?
Lmao F that dude the only reason we know who he is because of leaks its the name of the game! what reward did people get for not leaking except higher prices. hes not going anywhere we are his lifeblood hopefully idiots dont become his teachers pet again and realize we have the power #abolisshthedisord


Mar 24, 2018
He literally agreed to give yall comics for free and that wasn't good enough for yall one person screwed it for everyone else lmao then you got broke mfs complaining about prices as if he's forcing you to subscribe, yall wont be satisfied until you have no choice but to sub just to view the comics


New Member
Feb 12, 2020
If he goes, someone else will take his place. Say what you want, but his subscription prices aren't fair. The attitude towards leaking his content is absolutely childish. It happens to everyone, so why are they doing great, and here you think it's the main problem, why will he retire? You have to be able to adapt. If he does not have this skill, it is not the problem of the audience.

I never understood that Moiarte, being Venezuelan, would be so upset about piracy but not against Maduro, and now it seems that someone angry sent Maduro (I suppose someone from his party) information about Moiarte and his 6k per month, maybe we won't see him again, what a shame for him but in the end the same thing always happens, I hope Maduro hasn't arrested him.


Feb 16, 2018
Moiarte just gained 9 new patreons since the leak, so he is making more income. Good product always makes money even with piracy. Let it be a lesson kids :giggle:
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May 15, 2017
He literally agreed to give yall comics for free and that wasn't good enough for yall one person screwed it for everyone else lmao then you got broke mfs complaining about prices as if he's forcing you to subscribe, yall wont be satisfied until you have no choice but to sub just to view the comics
Moiarte has a very altered perspective on reality, he believed that giving away a comic from a year ago would control piracy, when the main problem with the leaks of his content is not what they are looking for, piracy, because they are not willing to pay those 50 dollars, in the end the leak occurs because he is not able to maintain his patreons, whenever a patreon cancels his sponsorship, he pirates everything.
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