Can somebody tell me how to defeat wind and the other guy.I'm not able to defeat them.
IMO, the absolute best way is to have a dark dragon, then you just have to have saved your TP for that fight, and do the AOE Blind that the MC can use, then have the dark dragon spam dark miasma. Also once you have your dragon armor the dragon gets *alot* tougher to the point that yes, he does stay alive and can res you if needed.
But as
-L-L-MJ- said earlier the dark dragon is the best dragon atm.
Also I spent alot of soul essence buffing the dragon's and MC's agility so they could go first. Well the dragon can anyway, Lugo kinda sucks hind tit on the fights with Freedom and Wind and the fight right after that, but since the dark dragon has 3 AOE attacks I spend the rest of my soul essence buffing his MAT as well.
****** Edt, one question though, do you all need to open the large or small bags of gold individually as well? meaning one by one cause it exits the menu/items screen everytime? and when I spam this action too fast, escape, space, space, escape, space, space repeat. the game crashes..
Yeah, I save the game before opening bags, the only good thing is once you select that bag to open it goes back to that position, but it's basically escape, select the back space bar, then after that you just hit esc, space, space, repeat. And just keep the button action to a moderate speed.
Edit: If I haven't saved for a while, I'll also save before changing screens, It's only happened to me when I use shift to sprint so far, but sometimes I'll hit the edge of the map and at the transition point to the next map the game will lock, it's only happened 3 times, but one time was after I went through a farming session with the paladins, fortunately I had my save from when I was opening 30x small bags of gold.