Ren'Py - Completed - Monkey Business [v1.0] [Lazy Monkey]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The story in this VN doesn't even begin to make sense, everyone is super horny all the time.
    But it is also insanely hot with some surprisingly touching moments.

    And sometimes that's all you need.
    5* for the fappability and the fact that the game doesn't lose time in poorly written filler and goes straight to the important scenes.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, obligatory notice that this is the 'family harem' specialized genre.

    The game is actually very fun, the pacing is alright despite the atrocious machine translation from Russian.

    The characters of the sister and mother, the two main LIs, are believable, if somewhat overly horny by necessity. You can marry either, though the sister path is actually really cute when you consider the prerequisite flag being set some 10 minutes into the game.

    The plot is something that would get 6 seasons and edge out your favorite Netflix show after its first season, veering into the comically bizzare in some paths.

    Finally, and most disappointingly, an entire side story is locked behind choosing a submissive path, which is kinda lame because I actually very much liked the cousin character as well, as she has an all-too-realistic character premise.

    Still, the game is solid, the renders and scenes are hot, it's classic incest with an inexplicably competent yet clueless protag. Maybe one day someone makes an actually decent translation mod and we all win.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This story had it's moments but ultimately fell short... This was clearly cobbled together from what looks like an abandoned attempt at a sandbox. Glad that element was dropped but when turning it back into a regular story, corners were lazily cut. The pacing and storytelling suffer from this with some scenes dropping you right into other with zero transition or explanation. That is when there is any storytelling at all. A lot of it does not make a lot of sense on top of having poor translation and grammar in more than a few areas. The only redeeming quality I can think of is the models and a few comedic beats here and there.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This one has its ups and downs.

    The humor is pleasant, and I didn't find it difficult to follow the story despite being a russian translation.

    I'd say the dynamics with the fam have a slow burn... but then you're also offered your sister's feet the first day. So sometimes it wants to be a little serious, and sometimes it goes a little apeshit.

    Somewhere along the middle the story takes a bit of a dive with ol' daddy-o getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. Luckily the mom and sister stole most of my attention.

    Technically the renders are okay, and I'd say the animations are pretty good. But the transitions between scenes were often sudden and didn't do the flow of the story and immersion any favors.

    I appreciate the obvious effort that went into this.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I quite enjoyed this one. Dev wasn't trying to delay the game by needless story or some other stuff. It serves it purpose well. The characters are nicely done too. So yeah, five stars Mr. Monkey. I spasibo ;).
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    It is exceedingly obvious that this game is a russian translation. The "story", if you can call it that, is very hard to follow due to insanely poor storytelling and VERY bad grammar. The story hops from event to event like someone with dementia is telling it, there's little to no connections for the events. There's also bugs that were never fixed even though it's a "completed" game. The animations are poor, and the MC models' hair looks like it doesn't fit his body. I honestly have a hard time finding good things about this game, other than the female character models looking decent.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Thi is a good game. Your sister's dialogs and narrative is very well written. She is very funny. In a game you can explore relathionship with your mom or aunt which is great. For me game is too long but i really enjoy it. Wish we can see more of Kira's story.
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5355687

    An enjoyable mess of a game. I'd recommend just skipping unseen text/using gallery unlocker after the first Mom/Sis sex scenes as the story just becomes a rushed mess afterwards.

    Pros - The models are great, the sister is very unique and a very fun character, perfect for anyone who doesn't enjoy buildup and wants to get straight to plow-town.

    Honestly the Sister and her perfect ass are what kept this from being a 2-star review.

    Cons - The story is nonsensical most the time, while early on the relationships feel realistic with the Mom/Sister after that every girl you meet jumps straight into sex with no motivation (the cousin was the worst, really hoped to get interesting build up with her)

    Renders are single position, sometimes just zoomed in on MCs ass while he completely hides the girl or she is mostly clothed. Also Anal tag is for one short missible scene.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    PR Mitter

    The models are gorgeous. I don't understand why the dev has decided to render 70% sex scene with clothes on. Hard downvote from me because of it. Also the white text background makes it impossible to enjoy dark scene. The story is all over the places but that's understandable for porn VN.
    There were lot of good effort but final choices made me feel like the dev lacks refinement. Could be a 4.5stars VN.
    Now only 3 stars.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is so close to greatness. The renders are good, the animations are fine. The scenarios are hot.

    The story has no idea what it wants to be, and it just jumps around from scene to scene with no connectivity. The English varies in quality but seems mostly fine, could be better. There are also a few of what I assume are directly translated idioms that make no sense.

    There are a couple scenes where clothes just randomly change too.

    The choices can be confusing too, likely because there isn't any set up.
    I know many don't like sandbox games, but this probably would be better if it stayed as one.

    I really want to like this one but, as is, it feels unfinished.

    It still definitely deserves a try at least.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this is an unexpected really good made VN. i really liked it even if graphics are a bit dated. sister dialogs are just so funny as relationship with both mom and sis. great job. Story and different ending also very good and well made.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Uncle Evolt

    4.5 stars, with the only major complaint being sex scenes are often felt too short to be enjoyable even though the model, animation, and everything else is superb. This game truly is one of the best incest games this site offers.

    The story is nothing phenomenon or brilliant, but it felt enough. Not too engaging to the point where I keep playing to find out what happened next. And not too mediocre to feel like it doesn't even exist. In short, I would say it is a few steps away from being a good story but still enough regardless.

    A must-try for anyone into incest with a decent amount of pregnancy content to enjoy.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's really good and tasty. Yes, the plot is lame at times, and sometimes it seems that the author is looking for the right concept for further development, but these are all rather minor quibbles, the game fully justifies its presence here. It is interesting, full of witty dialogues and quality incest content for its fans. Perhaps some more prolonged dynamics of the sex scenes was not enough, perhaps other angles, poses would be very good. But in general, the game deserves a strong 5 stars from me as one of the best incest games on the forum, great job!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent graphics, but so-so story (poor story continuity and difficult to follow, in part due to poor translations). Multiple paths with multiple outcomes. Story outcomes do not always reflect user's choices (i.e. programming bugs).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is hot!!! Done with consideration and deserves 4.5/5

    The story isn't the most original but it gets the job done and instead allows us to focus on the characters who, let's be clear, are all very attractive and different.

    Thank you for your work, I appreciated every second.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a good game to turn off your brain and fap to. The renders are great, the relationships are hot, and the nookie is plentiful. It is also better written than many on this site, but that's actually to its detriment. You know how really bad movies are fun to watch because you can just shut off your brain and laugh, and really good movies are awesome too but middle-of-the-road movies are just boring? They aren't bad enough to make fun of, but aren't good enough to really get into? That's how I felt about this game. I did enjoy my time with it, but not enough to finish and it was just forgettable enough that I was about an hour in before I realized I had played it before.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game. The story is interesting if that is your thing; but the models and the sex scenes themselves are great; and the best part is that there are a lot of them; practically all of the major characters get a good load.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    That was great! Good story, sexy sex, sometimes cute, sometimes hot, decent renders, good animations, very sexy writing. The pace is fast, sometimes too fast, it's not an award winning novel, but for an H game it's great.

    The poor bits: Spelling, clearly not native English, but whatever, that's not what breaks a story. And the misattributions. There are too many lines from the wrong character. That's sloppy. But again, not breaking.

    All in all, great, definitely recommend. I've even kept the files so I can replay some scenes soon.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    solid 9/10

    plot is good
    writing is good
    pacing is perfect, right amount of tease with no bullshit or grinding
    all girls looks hot
    mc is good (but who cares ?)
    good and multiple endings is always a +
    pregnancy +
    animations are ok
    render are good (some scenes have alot of 3d noise, but again who cares ?)

    only played it once so far and not sure if i missed it yet, but a full harem scene and ending would be nice. Also wish there was more scenes with "Aunt" specially with "Mom"

    not a game u see everyday by actually reaching its ending of development, i did not follow its development or played before it was set as completed, but lurking around could see that it didnt take long before its completion, so i guess dev actually doing its work...

    looking foward to see dev's new project and hopefully a sequel since it has potential to it
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fantastic game. Loved the milfs and the pregnancy stuff. I also really liked the tsundere sis and impregnating her was great.

    The best friend was cute too. Wish there was a full harem with all three and maybe the aunt too

    Also more anal scenes would've been nice. Maybe another update?