Language: English, Optionally Auto-translated to the 15 most common languages
I wonder how someone can define a "common" language. I love to get triggered/trigger others
2-3(4). spanish, chinese (simplified, traditional)
5. french
6-8. russian, arabic, portugese
9. dutch
10. german
11. japanese (only because of video games, mangas and some high tech products)
12. turkish
and thats it
Ok, i add italian as 13th language, since italy belongs to the G7 and italians are notorius for not speaking english.
what are the other 2 languages . . . i need to DOWNLAD THIS GAME NOW
EDIT: first online search result says most spoken languages are (in order)
chinese, english, spanish, hindi, arabic,
malay/indonesian, french, portugUese, bengali, russian,
german, japanese, korean, javanese,lahnda/punjabi