
May 3, 2018
welcome to 2d and 3d porn games. sad reality of the type of game.

shit takes a LONG fucking time to get anywhere. writing and codes hard enough by itself but having to do the art as well? twice if not 10 times as hard based off the skill level of the artist or how detailed it is. if their solo or dont have a big team with them expect atleast a couple of years to get even half way thru the game. not their fault its just how it gos
Woah, buddy. Did you just blow in from stupid town? Threshold pays artists for the art, which means they all work on relatively the same timeline. Couple that with the fact that this is a VN with combat mechanics (both features that Threshold is familiar with at this point) and that the game has been in development for over 6 years, and it's understandable that some people are annoyed with how long development is taking.

For reference, a much larger game with much more content and more art/monsters, Monster Girl Quest: Paradox-Part 2 released in 2017. The third (and likely final) part is releasing in November of this year. Keep in mind, ToroToro Resistance is just one dude working with multiple artists, too.

I'm not saying harassing or nagging Threshold is justified. I'm just saying if you're going to try and dismiss complaints others are having, it's best that you don't talk out of your ass.


Jun 3, 2017
Woah, buddy. Did you just blow in from stupid town? Threshold pays artists for the art, which means they all work on relatively the same timeline. Couple that with the fact that this is a VN with combat mechanics (both features that Threshold is familiar with at this point) and that the game has been in development for over 6 years, and it's understandable that some people are annoyed with how long development is taking.

For reference, a much larger game with much more content and more art/monsters, Monster Girl Quest: Paradox-Part 2 released in 2017. The third (and likely final) part is releasing in November of this year. Keep in mind, ToroToro Resistance is just one dude working with multiple artists, too.

I'm not saying harassing or nagging Threshold is justified. I'm just saying if you're going to try and dismiss complaints others are having, it's best that you don't talk out of your ass.
ow no that is exactly what i was saying you just went more technical

2d and 3d games take a long time. art, coding etc they have to do it all and more at the same time. just one of them is time consuming in and of itself.

ive literly been playing porn games since the 90s this is just from personal experience. they take a long time in general what type of game or content it has in it dosnt really matter as the expectation is the same. long wait periods


May 3, 2018
ow no that is exactly what i was saying you just went more technical

2d and 3d games take a long time. art, coding etc they have to do it all and more at the same time. just one of them is time consuming in and of itself.

ive literly been playing porn games since the 90s this is just from personal experience. they take a long time in general what type of game or content it has in it dosnt really matter as the expectation is the same. long wait periods
We weren't saying the same thing, though. Game development does take time, but it's also not as time-consuming as you claim. Someone familiar with the inner workings of an engine like RPGMaker can produce a game in about 4-6 years, art or no. It's a matter of how much time the artist is putting aside to work on the commissions versus how much time the dev is putting into development each day. If I'm being fair, bare minimum 8 hours per day, 5 days a week with breaks in-between. It's not improbable to have a game 80% complete in that time. Where is MGD at currently? About 55%-60% currently.

You haven't "literally" been playing porn games since the 90's unless you were importing them from Japan, which sure, but also I'm pressing x to doubt. You wouldn't be downloading them either, since internet piracy was not as common as it is nowadays. I get a "my dad works at Nintendo" vibe from you.
Sep 5, 2022
If I'm being fair, bare minimum 8 hours per day, 5 days a week with breaks in-between. It's not improbable to have a game 80% complete in that time. Where is MGD at currently? About 55%-60% currently.
People got stuff in their lives, nobody's making a hentai game for 40 hrs/week unless it's making bank, it's far, FAR from the bare minimum. If anything it's a maximum. Most devs working on such games do so during weekends or other free time away from prying eyes that would judge them.

Idgaf that this game takes so long, it's the only hentai battle rpg that actually makes me want to read the dialogue, the combat system and navigation aren't a fucking headache, the characters aren't ass, the atmosphere's lighthearted instead of some succubus cursing the MC to be horny magnet for the bajillionth time, and there's some damn good mods.


May 3, 2018
People got stuff in their lives, nobody's making a hentai game for 40 hrs/week unless it's making bank, it's far, FAR from the bare minimum. If anything it's a maximum. Most devs working on such games do so during weekends or other free time away from prying eyes that would judge them.
Threshold makes about $3,500/month on this game alone, for which Patreon takes around 5% from what I gathered via a cursory google search. Once all fees and taxes are taken off, I suspect he's walking with about $3,000-$3,200 on payday. He doesn't need to work, and I don't see any reasonable reason why he would. Also, as far as he's stated, he lives alone or, at the very least, away from family.
Idgaf that this game takes so long, it's the only hentai battle rpg that actually makes me want to read the dialogue, the combat system and navigation aren't a fucking headache, the characters aren't ass, the atmosphere's lighthearted instead of some succubus cursing the MC to be horny magnet for the bajillionth time, and there's some damn good mods.
Most of the mods are abandoned last I checked, and outdated to boot. The ones that do work, very few of them add a ton beyond some dialogue or specific content that doesn't appeal broadly, which is fair. The writing is by no means as good as you are implying. It's fine for what it is, but the game loop isn't exactly innovative or amazing. It's just a good battlefuck VN in a genre that's pretty over-saturated as of late.

Don't get me wrong, I like what Threshold has done so far. But, the past 4 updates (at the very least) have had so many minor things "fixed" that they could have easily been put in a much larger content update. It's not unreasonable for some people to say "what the fuck, man," especially if they're financially supporting the dev (of which I am one). I'm in neither the "defend the dev" camp nor "whine about lack of content" camp. I just see the defenders spouting off like idiots far more often than the people who are expressing legitimate grievances.
Oh, are we due for another "this game takes too long to develop" chain again? It's been far too long.
Coupled with the surplus of sycophantic retards, it appears so.


Jun 3, 2017
People got stuff in their lives, nobody's making a hentai game for 40 hrs/week unless it's making bank, it's far, FAR from the bare minimum. If anything it's a maximum. Most devs working on such games do so during weekends or other free time away from prying eyes that would judge them.

Idgaf that this game takes so long, it's the only hentai battle rpg that actually makes me want to read the dialogue, the combat system and navigation aren't a fucking headache, the characters aren't ass, the atmosphere's lighthearted instead of some succubus cursing the MC to be horny magnet for the bajillionth time, and there's some damn good mods.
Only dev i know that dos do 40+ a week is chyos and kinda boobsgames. boobs game dos not do 40 (probably 20 or 30) but he never stops drawing as that is just what he dos when not working (his free time is work).
But for chyos even for a porn dev the dudes a crazy workaholic with no life. He literly quit being an actual dev to put everything he had into making his game and still barely stays afloat. He works so much it’s to the point that his own base begs him to stop working and take breaks.

this devs good but he ant no monster of a dev or artist nor is he making enough bank for it to be his true one and only job/life. He’s a normal man with a normal life who needs to do normal things to stay afloat. Their ant no market for porn games, hell we dont even have a marketplace yet (steam doesn’t count. Its not ment for porn. I’m talking something like braziers, nutaku etc. Not our current market place of f95 wich is a forum) so people stop treating this like its a 9 to 5 for most devs because its not. Vary few of them are truly full time and those that are now also have to worry about being independent or running an independent buisness and thats its own bucket of worms.


Jul 29, 2017
i dont care about how long it take game or do they make this 7h/day but sadly this like many others similiar games there coming too much content around it and main game and story (yes this has story new places etc..) be forgotten, and all time goes to do little things like scenes etc. *Trisha has the following new conversation options*.. this kinda thing.. I dont say its bad thing add more stuff in game itself... but.. camoon, :) where is new enemies, places, etc.
Sep 5, 2022
Threshold makes about $3,500/month on this game alone, for which Patreon takes around 5% from what I gathered via a cursory google search. Once all fees and taxes are taken off, I suspect he's walking with about $3,000-$3,200 on payday. He doesn't need to work, and I don't see any reasonable reason why he would. Also, as far as he's stated, he lives alone or, at the very least, away from family.

Most of the mods are abandoned last I checked, and outdated to boot. The ones that do work, very few of them add a ton beyond some dialogue or specific content that doesn't appeal broadly, which is fair. The writing is by no means as good as you are implying. It's fine for what it is, but the game loop isn't exactly innovative or amazing. It's just a good battlefuck VN in a genre that's pretty over-saturated as of late.

Don't get me wrong, I like what Threshold has done so far. But, the past 4 updates (at the very least) have had so many minor things "fixed" that they could have easily been put in a much larger content update. It's not unreasonable for some people to say "what the fuck, man," especially if they're financially supporting the dev (of which I am one). I'm in neither the "defend the dev" camp nor "whine about lack of content" camp. I just see the defenders spouting off like idiots far more often than the people who are expressing legitimate grievances.

Coupled with the surplus of sycophantic retards, it appears so.
You make some good points, and I agree with them. I too think the "wtf man finish your shit already" response was valid. The battlefuck genre is oversaturated with the same "demon queen curses hero" shit and this game strikes a good balance between "lose=die" and "lose=nothing", which is why I liked it in the first place. Expecting devs to work full time for a game is a bit too much, hence my initial response, but I can understand the frustration when the updates to the story are largely dialogue changes/additions.

At the pace the game is going, the capital's areas and casino may not be finished in 2 years, and that's a far cry from the desert area and pyramid or the final areas.
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May 3, 2018
Where are these good battlefuck VN you speak of? I only know of a handful I cherish them dearly.
My fellow forum denizen, I have my preferences and you have yours. I like the Lust Grimm stuff and wholly value them for what they are. That may not be your cup of tea.
If someone is making more than enough to live on from the thing they allegedly enjoy doing, it makes no sense to seek employment elsewhere. Threshold is making at least $3,200 a month after taxes and such which, to anyone who does work for a living, is "fuck this job" money. So, yeah, it is reasonable to ask if he's not putting a good chunk of time into this game, then what the fuck is he doing and where is our money going? Again, I'm in neither camp. I've waited 6 years, and the content has been largely good.
That said, I'm not so eager to rim the devs (like you seem to be) that I'm going to tell others who have legitimate complaints to cram it. They do deserve something beyond "shit's in the works. Just be patient." 4 months of what is effectively nothing is a lot of time to ask someone to wait for what might be a single pea.
You make some good points, and I agree with them. I too think the "wtf man finish your shit already" response was valid. The battlefuck genre is oversaturated with the same "demon queen curses hero" shit and this game strikes a good balance between "lose=die" and "lose=nothing", which is why I liked it in the first place. Expecting devs to work full time for a game is a bit too much, hence my initial response, but I can understand the frustration when the updates to the story are largely dialogue changes/additions.
At the pace the game is going, the capital's areas and casino may not be finished in 2 years, and that's a far cry from the desert area and pyramid or the final areas.
I feel if you're making more than enough to live on with your crowdfunding, and you have no existing extra costs beyond what you're putting into the game, it's not unreasonable to ask someone to put "work hours" into a project. I'm not being unreasonable, either. If I could make money writing books and didn't need to work, I'd be the world's thinnest author by now. Someone who has the privilege of being funded with enough that they're running a surplus? You're goddamn right I would be bunkering down in their position.
I hope Threshold has the city and casino at least mostly complete. The perpetua stuff was fine, even the extra Ceris art was... passable. But, a 4-month drought is not something you want people to notice. Threshold isn't developing the next GTA or Elder Scrolls, here, either.
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Aug 3, 2020
It’s incredible that we the players can have this awesome experience without paying for it. Patreon is optional.

And since the link is right there on, we don’t even need to engage in piracy to do so.


Jul 26, 2021
I read all the tips and still couldn't defeat the dark purpeta.. I spent so much time and all in vain, I don't have enough strength, 1200 health and 6 lives and I can't do anything... Can someone give me a save after defeating her? I won't be able to watch new content
Jan 21, 2022
I made a combination between the trampling mod and the mari the butterfly mod by adding trampling skills to Mari. This worked fine until one of the latest v26 versions where somehow the game reads the mods fine except for the skills I tried to add and thus I am very confused.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2024
Threshold is making at least $3,200 a month after taxes and such which, to anyone who does work for a living, is "fuck this job" money.
Patreon actually takes way more than the 5% platform fee they say. After transaction fees and currency conversion charges, an estimated 20% cut is far more reasonable. So take that off and you're at $2,880 pre-tax, or $34,560 annually. Self-employment taxes are about $4,900 annually for that in the US if you use a calculator and assume minimal business expenses (art assets, computer parts, and a few other things could arguably be included though), so his gross is maybe around $29,500 annually, or about $2,470 per month.

The median household income in the US in 2023 was $80,610, so what he's making really is not a lot, especially if he has other dependants. It's also extremely uncertain if AVN work could support anyone long-term, so a reasonable person likely should have alternate plans for the future. And if that future is to go back to a day job, a multi-year gap to make a porn game is going to be hard to explain in many positions.

If I was making an AVN and pulling in $2,470 a month after everything, I personally would not be quitting my day job. I'd only do that if I already had ample retirement savings or the AVN was making so much that I'd likely be able to retire when I finished, if needed.
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Active Member
Sep 7, 2020
Patreon actually takes way more than the 5% they say. After transaction fees and currency conversion charges, an estimated 20% cut is far more reasonable. So take that off and you're at $2,880 pre-tax, or $34,560 annually. Self-employment taxes are about $4,900 annually for that in the US if you use a calculator and assume minimal business expenses (Daz assets, computer parts, and a few other things could arguably be included though), so his gross is maybe around $29,500 annually, or about $2,470 per month.

The median household income in the US in 2023 was $80,610, so what he's making really is not a lot, especially if he has other dependants. It's also extremely uncertain if AVN work could support anyone long-term, so a reasonable person likely should have alternate plans for the future. And if that future is to go back to a day job, a multi-year gap to make a porn game is going to be hard to explain in many positions.

If I was making an AVN and pulling in $2,470 a month after everything, I personally would not be quitting my day job. I'd only do that if I already had ample retirement savings or the AVN was making so much that I'd likely be able to retire when I finished, if needed.
The cost of living also varies a lot from state to state. In Texas you can find a 2 bed one bath apartment for under 1k a month while in Florida the price is almost double.
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