Are you on mobile?
There have been optimization improvements a bit ago which should have in theory fixed most of that.
Though there might be other factors too.
I would really like to add that at some point.
I would also like to give her a fight at some point, but I do not know if it would be under the terms you would want?
MGD bypasses a lot of Renpy's functionality for making the game mod compatible.
Ye I do, and I would say that would definitely depend on what you define as 'nothing' added to the game given the changelogs and cont.
It's on the todo list for the near future.
It only does that on the first encounter because story things.
W-Would you prefer if it did still bad end?
It is a mystery. <3
Smol update this month due to 2 weeks of fam things, but next month it is the intention for a content focused update.
You must not have been here the entire time then. Given the assorted issues that did lead into the eventual slow downs.
Well my prior thoughts for when I'd be done were very far off the mark apparently, so I haven't really tried to figure out how long the overall project will take given how dang big this thing is.
I know exactly the end goal of the main story and side content, and there is foreshadowing in the game for a number of things that have been there for a long time.
If you forgot where things are going though that's not exactly my fault?
The last 3 months have each had an update with a myriad of different things, and while QoL focused they are still important updates, there was also both the Beris CG and Imp CGs showing I needed new infrastructure for them to even work correctly, that I then added for their respective updates, and will have far less related issues moving forward.
I have 0 intention of quitting, I have the fullest of intentions to finish this project.
Hello, I am floating by. : D
But ye as mentioned in other reply, many QoL things kind of needed to happen last three months, but there have been consistent updates, and while this upcoming update will also be fairly small, I had family stuff to attend to for a while, next month will be content focused.