threshold-senpai is ignoring me

just want to know how much i'd have to pay to add space ship or other scenario/maps....
allso nude pics for villi
I don't think Threshold is ignoring you intentionally, so much as just there are a lot of people posting things and asking questions here and other places at any given moment, and you are essentially just one among many who have questions and suggestions, and therefore it's likely were merely overlooked as opposed to intentionally ignored. Or also possible, it's only been like a day since you asked your question, Threshold may just not have checked the forum in that timeframe and hasn't seen your question yet.
That said, I personally would guess it's probably unrealistic to expect a space ship or some other scenario or map in the foreseeable future regardless of your financial contributions. Such a thing would require some changes in the focus and setting of the existing game, and I think Threshold is pretty happy with the state of such things as they are and already has a pretty clear idea of where the game is going to go. As well there's so much stuff that is on the to-do list already that I don't think there's room for an entire new zone like that, cool as it could be, at least not for a long time. Perhaps you could create a mod for it though, or try to convince someone else to do it.