That wasn't fan art. xD
I commissioned it
Gee, it's almost like I commission artists to do a wide number of things in accordance to my budget and their schedule as well as my existing laid out plans.

and have already done some experimental cg style ones to test out the games current systems and peoples reactions to such things. (Kotone)
But with the way the game is structured I'm not going to rush into ero cg without experimentation and feedback first.
But character cg is definitely my primary focus still, and backgrounds are fairly simple to implement, and require less effort on my part overall I think, but most importantly they really spruce up earlier parts of the game to have the proper feel and tone I want.
Cause if an artist is working on one thing, they generally can't work on another.
That severely ranges between artists and the thing being commissioned. As well as variants.
A lot of artists have commission sheets you can look at, but I'd say the 'average' commission I get is probably 100$-150$?
But depending on multiple factors that can sometimes go 300+$.
But that's more in regards to character cgs.
The short answer is, no.
It would be irrational to let that kind of unrestrained activity be allowed and accepted.
Provided I understand what you mean correctly.
I can definitely extrapolate on why not if you want. : D
I am not gonna add tiers for commissioning art for the game if that's what you mean, it'd be far too 'middle-man' of me? None of the artists are 'hired' they get commissioned for individual pieces. So with how scheduling works that's not at all viable as a consistent thing. Or something I'd want to spend time managing.
And I generally have an idea of what I want to get done next for art, and this would greatly break that flow for things.
There's also the massive cost variability to the actual price of a commission due to variants and expressions.
I'm... already doing that by definition tho???

via itchio and patreon.