Actually, it's really weird that what is effectively an endgame boss is the first one you encounter while bosses like the Oni Twins are more like mid-game bosses.
idk, im not sure if we should sell the adventureres short, while the entire process of getting a badge is practically comical, meaning that actual challenges they meet isn't something they'd be ready for, doesn't really mean they'll meet that many, kotone is much less of a challenge as its not even guranteed that she'll give you trouble, i'd find the oni twins who can completely overpower the average adventurer or the stupid bratty kunoichi who hide from every crevice ready to rape you (or be raped).
How many badges are left again? 2 or 3? so there's still plenty of areas to get more flavour text, i'd imagine that the capital is like the starting point between seasoned and expert adventurer, as the capital is far enough from the city where most monster girls would get little interaction with humans and are likely to be more violent and demanding, thus more powerful and dangerous, not like a 1 or 0,1% but maybe a top 10% of adventurers make it there. I find it a much better narrative metric, altough i'd say we still need more details, not really a strong suit of thresh.
And sofia's existence there is just an accident, by all means if she really was as lazy as she claimed, she could fuck off somewhere in a cave with ancilla where no one could find her. Which kinda makes me question her motives, her needed semen intake could be supplemented with just semen, im sure there's a milking farm somewhere in the north. Her presence in the dungeon isnt necessary. So why would someone so powerful sit around in a monster girl society eqvuialent to the countryside and just sleep, is she waiting for someone to gather all the real sigils so that she could destory them and become the ruler of humanity?

I jest, this game offers no foreshadowing or build up for such speculation.
What, you didn't like your anal vore/forced tf/unbirth scenes? What are you, vanilla?
I don't think it requires maliciousness, but a willingness to give players a chance to enjoy their cake after putting it in front of them. I'm basically an outlier when I say if the teleport stone can be taken off your person by a monster and a lot of the mobs are intelligent enough to know what's up, then those mobs who want to keep the PC should be getting a bad end. I'd argue that mobs like the harpies probably want a long-term partner, and it seems obvious that they're willing to do anything to get one.
If you don't mind spoilers,
I mean fair, but i still think that you need some level of maliciousness to kidnap a guy and permamently keep him there until he gets gaslit into marrying you and giving you babies, for monsters near the town who practically live with humans already, they're unlikely to do that i think.
And yes, i have played paradox and am aware, which still, makes me question how luka is sane in either game (or maybe he isnt) and wish that aspect as explored more.
Also, Vivian is such an entire season of whiplash. Legitimate why energy. I get her whole schtick is being the obligatory dommy-mommy courtesan, but her entire attitude is "I'll fuck with you at every turn because it's fun" and it's almost as jarring as encountering Beris on a good day. Fuck both of em.
That's not really why i hate her, i hate it when someone quite literally attempts to kill me, she sent you to the succubi trio intentionally with no energy potion, she was aware that cathrine, a human turned succubuss is bad at controlling her SOUL SUCKING POWERS, this is even proven further narratively as the monster authorities themselves have jennifer and cathrine as straight up service dogs like for the blind. She knew that jennifer and cathrine would fuck up because of course they would, failing to properly watch her, and as a result, you almost die, vivian is literally dead to me, if i could kill her i 100% without hesitation would, she tried it first
I'm pretty sure the barrier was the Goddess's doing because wholesale slaughter is kinda cringe iirc. The DQ is probably on-par with Sofia, who we've seen use maybe 50% of her power if you've managed to get her to transform. It stands to reason if she was giving an ounce of effort before, the PC might be among maybe a very small group of people who made it to the will temple, let alone the capital.
Funny you mention that, rant time.
I've had a similar theory for a while, one that led me on many psychoting rants. The entire premise is just... weird.
We supposed to beat someone who allegedly can do that (or a line of leaders who are comparable to such a being), and no, it being sex combat doesn't make it better, beating a bonafide god using your fists is one thing, beating said god, who is the literaly god of sex IN sex is just wild, and the so called goddess send you to do that... to fight against an entire species of genetically predipositioned beings who literally evolved to milk human men and women alike. Someone tells me to go kill god? Sure, give me some time, someone tells me to go beat a a sex monster god at sex? Mods excuse my language but i'd tell said person to go fucking kill themselves, im leaving this pla- oh wait, im in fucking crippling debt
Speaking of, arent the high adventuring authroities fucking assholes? They give you so many so called benefits which you are never notified are something that costs, i think the legal term would be entrapment? You go to the island, ready with your skills and sword to slaughter the dirty monster girls in Venereae's name! But no, you are now in debt, you can't leave until its paid back, and the entire island is apperently under a sex battle system, making everything but your physical condition useless, forcing you to interact with these vile creatures and make friends with them, fuck and impregnatne them and settle down with your cute monster girl wife as you completely... forget your hatered, huh, how convinient.
Not to mention, the entire quest is just a complete joke, the so called generals of the DQ literally hand you fake sigils, which are supposed to be used to beat her, literal chocolate gold, putting aside that fact, why would they.... assist you in beating the dq? I mean sure, you can't kill her, but like, you got no pride and honor to defend your liege?
Then finally, venerae's quest to the Hero (PC) is nonsensical, beat the dq... why? if she "made" that barrier, she clearly isn't a threat as if she had that kind of power and had malicious intentioned she could've wiped every human resident on that island in one swoop, but she still sends you on that fake quest... where you get fake sigils (the pc gets the real ones, but i think most heroes got the fake ones too) so i think the conclusion is kinda obvious.
Lillian displays ignorance of what her goddess is actually about, she's not as racist as the main continent likely is, but she was clearly trained somewhere, a place where they teach acolytes that a literal god of fertility is somehow against the island's degeneracy.
Anyways, Lucian (or whatever she's called) never discourages us against fucking mg, there is not way venerae is ignorant of what the island is really like.
We can also infer from classid fantasy tropes that the church is always racist and also very loved, so whatever they say goes, so in this scneario where they clearly misinterpted their own diety, they also didnt help with the numerous wars they likely caused, leading to pointless deaths.
So venerae hatches a plan, give a prophetic dream to the right people make the adventurer society take her side, scam people who were lead to believe that mg are evil, put them in debt, send them on the island and prevent them from leaving, next put up a barrier that makes homocide or harmful intent completely pointless, add a few ???? in the middle and somehow you got a sex battle island, where people marry and get closer to mg, slowly rooting out the hatered, its unlikely they ever pay their debts, or even have to, their new family is on the island.
This is quite literally the cohabitation plan from mgq, but like, actually done well (fuck you luka), even if its some healthy speculation, the facts themselves are true, you are being kept their intentionally, you were scammed just so you could be kept there, the hero game is an entire sham, and the church misinterpets their own diety, i see this as the only conclusion.
Phew, feels good to let it out every few months, anyways, that's it from me